Chapter 308: Trash & Change in Plans

Chapter 308: Trash & Change in Plans

0With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun and his entourage started walking towards the private box, Tianlong Yun was walking in front with the two girls by his side, the rest was behind him.     

Due to his tall stance, Tianlong Xiangyun and Jake Long weren't seen from his front. With this line-up, Tianlong Yun just totally ignored the noisy fly and made way for the box.     

This clearly startled the Young Master who was having a confrontation with the two servants at the door. Who was this guy, ignoring him, and entering as if it was nothing?     

But he was shocked and angered when he saw that the servants at the door didn't even try to stop him. Who was this guy?     

He hadn't seen him, especially these days that he had been meeting with different figures of the Tianchang city big families, he was in none of them.     

But how could this unknown guy be able to have more importance than him and enter this private box, where the fairies were in abundance.     

Just as Tianlong Yun was about to go past the servants and enter the box, he immediately said in an arrogant way, pumping his chest,     

Wei Po:" Little Brother, I am Wei Po of the Wei family of Shanghai, may I know who your esteemed self is?"     

He naturally flexed his background, Wei family of Shanghai was a big and known family. There was no one who hadn't heard of them.     

Tianlong Yun looked at him with a condescending look from head to toe, and replied in a haughty and arrogant way,     

Tianlong Yun:" Why should I reveal my identity to you? And who the hell is the Wei family? Should I feel honored or scared hearing that crap!?"     

Wei Po's face immediately turned black hearing that, this motherfooker treated his Wei family as crap? Who the fook was this retard country chicken in front of him?     

With that anger clearly shown in his face, he said in a solemn tone,     

Wei Po:" You should feel honored if you want to be our slave, and afraid if you want to be our enemy. But if you become our enemy, then even your ashes won't be left unperturbed."     

Hearing those words, Tianlong Yun didn't get angry, quite, on the contrary, he had a cold smile on his face, while a bit of his killing intent sipped out, and he said with a calm tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" Are you threatening me!?"     

But it seemed like he had overestimated this trash, because only that tiny bit of killing intent that sipped out of his body, made Wei Po fall unconscious.     

The old man behind Wei Po was shocked, just a moment ago that killing intent sent a chill through his back, even though he was a Qi Refining Realm cultivator.     

But he was immediately awakened out of his shock when he heard his Young Master's body fall down on the ground, like a potato bag.     

He immediately jumped forward to check on his Young Master, and was relieved to see that he was just unconscious, then he turned his attention to Tianlong Yun.     

No matter how much he wanted to attack this young man in front of him, his instincts were screaming inside him to run as far away as he could.     

Until now the only people who could make him feel like that were those old fogies from the big families. But right now in front of him was only a young man.     

On the other hand, seeing the Young Master unconscious on the ground, and the old man not daring to make a move, Tianlong Yun just looked at them with disdain, as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Trash!"     

With that said, he just turned towards the box and entered inside, where his beautiful women were waiting for him to have a meal together.     

As soon as he and his entourage entered inside, the doors were once again closed tight shut. While the two servants stayed there as guards at the door.     

Only after all this, was the old man finally able to breathe again. Without him even understanding he had been unable to breathe until now.     

He didn't know how this was possible, but most probably he thought that there was a hidden master protecting the young man.     

Someone even better than him, their Wei family weren't the only ones who were after this new city. But first, he had to take his young master out of this place, and take care of him.     

It was clear that he wouldn't be able to deal with this situation alone, and most probably they needed some back-up from the family.     

With that thought in mind, he took Wei Po on his arms and left the place in a hurry. He had to report this to the head of the family.     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun started to laugh inside the box, and his women too. They were all able to understand what was going on outside, after all this was the reason they were here tonight.     

Firstly announce Tianlong Yun's return from the dead, while at the same time they fanned the flames of Young Master Wei Po.     

While Tianlong Yun could easily destroy the Wei family if he wanted to, he thought it would be too crude and stupid, when he could use them.     

That's why he was thinking of heading to Shanghai and taking control of the Wei family in Shanghai. But if he did something without a reason, there would be too much-unwanted attention.     

His claws had already spread through more than half of China, and they were still going, but now was the time he thought about the Capital and Shanghai.     

While he was able to infiltrate some places with his forces, the roots of the big families were too deep, and he wasn't able to reach them.     

It was time for him to go there personally, and deal with the matter. At the moment Tianlong Yun wasn't only vying about the power balance of the country, but he also wanted its political power.     

Across these three years, Tianlong Yun had given a lot of thought to his return to the Immortal World. It was clear that he wouldn't be able to reach the heavens immediately as he went there.     

He wasn't stupid to think that as soon as he reached there, he would be able to go to the Royal Dragon Clans gate claim his rights, and slaughter his enemies.     

He wasn't that delusional, to even dream it. To be able to reach his goals, he would have to amass a lot of strength and power for a period of time.     

He would have to build his own power that would be able to stand firm against the Royal Dragon Clan and the rest of the big powers.     

The most important part of creating such a powerful force was resources, if he didn't have enough to provide them with, then it would be really difficult.     

As for immediately going to the Immortal World and competing there, it was no more than a fool's dream.     

The Immortal World powers would never give him that right if he didn't have the power to back it up.     

While he might be stronger than those at his level, but a normal ascender in the Immortal World could be no more than a small deacon in one of the small powers.     

A person was able to ascend to the Immortal World when he reached the Great Ascension Boundary Realm, but even the little powers had some Lesser God Realm cultivators in their midst.     

In a few words, it would be extremely impossible for Tianlong Yun to compete for resources with the other powers around him when he ascended.     

But if he kept a foot on this Planet then wouldn't this place become like his backyard? Not to mention that he was still amazed by the treasures he could find around here.     

He would be too stupid if he just let this place be. That was why he had changed his arrangements in these three years, and now he had one more goal on his list.     

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun felt his blood boil, and excitement rush through his body. He had been away for 3 years from the real world and fights. It was time for him to run wild.     

Seeing his expression even the ladies seemed to be in a good mood, no matter what he was the pillar of their family.     

And a lot of them were either orphans or had a really tough life, but he had given them protection, warmth, and safety, and this big family.     

So they were ready to do everything for him, even hand over their lives, and souls. As long as he was happy they were happy too.     

After that, they started to dine and have a nice time with each other. In the meantime, somewhere in the Yao residence in Tianchang city, Second Master Yao Wu Zi was fuming in rage.     

Today he had lost too much face, that young man that claimed to be his illegitimate son, really made him enraged to death.     

As if that wasn't enough, word of this had spread too much, especially with today's technology, and even his big brother had learned about this.     

He had just been in face time call with his brother, and he was completely furious with him, and the fact that he had lost the clan's face.     

At the same time, he was mad at that young man talking like that for his Yao family, they had started to try and control the news, but it was still a big slap to their face.     

His brother had given him an ultimatum, either he made that young man apologize in front of the Yao family's ancestors, or he would fiercely be punished.     

At this moment, Yao Wu Zi was thinking about how he would like to crush his own blood son's bones, that fooker had truly enraged him.     

That b*tch of a mother should have better…     


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