Chapter 300: Inner cover and Disobedience

Chapter 300: Inner cover and Disobedience

0The inner cover Qi was no joke though, as soon as it got stimulated it immediately made everyone feel like they were going through hell-fire.     

Their clothes were burning under fire, and their sweat was dried even before it could get out of their pores, even the burning in the Sahara desert couldn't be compared to this.     

It could make one go crazy, they all felt as if they were in the lowest level of hell, and every cell of their body was being washed in hell-fire.     

At most they could hang on in that heat was 2 or 3 seconds, one second more and their bodies would turn into ashes.     

But they didn't have to stand much like that because as soon as that hell-fire attacked them, an ice-cold started to fight the heat.     

At first, it seemed like a useless attempt, and that the fire would certainly burn that coldness too, but slowly the ice coldness started to increase her attempts.     

Slowly it turned from candlelight to a torch, and then to a big fire, until it started to create a balance with the fire, and stay there.     

This time the Qi density in the area was more than 100 times better. If the outer cover Qi was the soup, this was the main meal.     

Everyone was eating it like hungry wolves, it was once in a lifetime chance, after all, they couldn't miss such an occasion.     

When suddenly in all of their heads, a small voice started whispering, as a mother who didn't want to wake up her sleeping son.     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't be greedy, otherwise, you might have to pay it with your life. If you eat more than you can, then your body won't be able to digest the food, and you will die."     

This was like an awakening call to each and every one of the people around the herb, that were eating like hungry wolves.     

While this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, it wouldn't matter much if they lost their life. So just like their Patriarch said they couldn't be greedy.     

So they all relaxed and started eating slower and more responsibly. Tianlong Yun didn't care much about the Qi they ate, and the one going to the environment.     

He just didn't want to lose his talents just because they were too rash and greedy. Of course, this could also serve as a test to find the really greedy ones.     

But until now, everything seemed to be going well. There were still a few that were eating rather rashly, but he would only warn them once.     

In this created balance every one of the people inside the Old Pouch was cultivating without a stop for the next 10 days.     

Fortunately, only 2 of the people in there couldn't control their greed, and ended exploding in a cloud of blood that was soon dried by the heat around.     

While that showed that they were a loss of time and efforts, because they couldn't control their greed, it was better that they died now.     

Otherwise, they would be hidden snakes, and nobody would understand what killed them. But there were about 3 or 4 more that Tianlong Yun had doubts about.     

He was just going to watch them at the moment though, he didn't want to alert them without reason, but if he got one reason then they were goners.     

He didn't want to destroy all the hard work just because of some doubts or anything like that. It was a double-edged sword but he would have the handle of that sword.     

This time the increase in cultivation was even more outrageous, most of the people in his foundation had already entered the Golden Core Realm.     

And the shadows and the important elements of the foundation were even better as they were close to the upper levels of the Golden Core Realms.     

But the truth was that their cultivation was like that because there were a lot of empty air spots in their foundation. They were like a puffed-up balloon that needed to be compressed.     

According to Tianlong Yun's estimation after the compression, only his most trusted circle would be able to remain in the Golden Core Realm.     

While the others wouldn't fall from the Golden Core Realm, their Golden Cores would be full of impurities and take a long time to clean them up.     

In the meantime, they wouldn't be able to show the real strength and power a cultivator of that level had, so they had to be extra careful who they picked a fight with.     

They would be definitely stronger than the Foundation Establishment cultivators for sure, but Tianlong Yun didn't want useless short term power.     

For that reason, he wouldn't allow any of them to make any improvements in their cultivation until they cleared all the impurities in their bodies.     

Of course, there might be people, who didn't like this, but he didn't care, if they didn't obey him, then they could either disappear from his sight or die.     

They were his servants and worked for him according to his wishes. Not the other way around, they should be happy they even got this chance to cultivate.     

That was why as soon as the inner cover Qi finished he sent a message to all the people left around them, who were still in their birthday suits though.     

Tianlong Yun:" Soon you will all be sent to different locations to get dressed and apply the 'Vanishing Powder, and then at the nearest opportunity you will be sent out.     

From then on follow the instructions left for you letter per letter."     

But at the moment, that he was about to send them all to their places, someone said with a loud voice,     

Random:" Master, but there is still the core of the herb left, shouldn't you allow us to be part of that too? After all, it would be better for you if we became stronger!"     

Tianlong Yun wanted to leave it at that earlier, and just keep an eye on them, but apparently, they had decided their way.     

Without opening his eyes, or even losing concentration, Tianlong Yun sent a mental message once again,     

Tianlong Yun:" Are there others who think just like your clan member?"     

His mental communication had no feeling at all, it was like he was talking about something that held no value at all.     

Seeing that his voice held no anger, or any negative emotions even the other greedy idiots decided to take their chance and started getting out one by one.     

Random #2:" Yes Patriarch, I think the same."     

Random #3:" Yes Patriarch, I think the same."     

Random #4:" Yes Patriarch, I think the same."     

Random #5:" Yes Patriarch, I think the same."     

Like this from one, it became 5. These were the 5 people that Tianlong Yun had doubts about after the inner cover Qi phase had finished.     

They could survive the greed until now, but at the end of it, they became slaves to their greed, just like the other 2 that died by exploding.     

With the same monotone and calm tone of earlier, Tianlong Yun asked once again,     

Tianlong Yun:" Are there others who think just like your clan member!?"     

This time there was no one to come forward, the first time people might have the thought of taking chances, but hearing that for the second time meant something was wrong.     

There were even those who thought that these 5 had already crossed the line. From the beginning, they were taught that their life belonged to Tianlong Yun     

They had no right to ask or request anything because, from the moment they chose to be part of the Shadows Clan, they had left everything on his hands.     

But apparently, greed sometimes makes people forget any reasoning and logic. Which was the case with the 5 that were asking now.     

Seeing that no one else seemed to want to join these 5, Tianlong Yun just continued to ask with a monotone mental voice, his voice was sent to all of them though,     

Tianlong Yun:" What if, I don't accept your request!?"     

Hearing that the 5 that came forward were a bit startled, they didn't expect such a question, but then one of them took the front saying,     

Random #3:" Patriarch, don't misunderstand us, but we are thinking for the best of our Clan. The clan gets stronger when the individuals are stronger.     

So this isn't just an issue for us, it's an issue about all the clan members and the clan in totality. So if you don't accept I think the clan should vote on this."     

Hearing those words, Tianlong Yun continued staying in his concentrated state, and just continued sending mental messages,     

Tianlong Yun:" Do the rest of you think the same as your clan member!?"     

The other 4 seemed to think of it for a moment, but then they thought that this guy's words made sense. It was a matter regarding the Clan, not only their Patriarch.     

So thinking that they were asking for a right they all four supported the thought,     

Randoms:" Yes, Patriarch! We think that this is a matter of the Clan and all the clan members should vote with respect to this!"     

Tianlong Yun expected there without saying anything for a minute to see if there was anyone else in their midst thinking like this.     

These kinds of thoughts were normal for someone living a fake life outside in the society, where they thought they had the right to vote for everything.     

But not here, from the beginning the first thing that Tianlong Yun told each and every one of them was the same, 'your life belongs to me'.     

A corpse without life had nothing to ask for from its Master. So this time with a solemn and dominating voice, Tianlong Yun said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Since when, do you guys think you have a right to ask, and vote!?"     

The 5 guys that were waiting for his reaction were immediately dumbfounded, and then outraged…     


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