Chapter 267: Bullying and crazy idea

Chapter 267: Bullying and crazy idea

0Tianlong Xia:" I won't have to bully you too, do I little sister Bing'er?"     

Even though she said this still laughing, there was a hint of concern and seriousness in her look. She was used to these things, but her little sisters weren't.     

That was why she had to find a way to take their mind off from Tianlong Yun and his secluded cultivation at the moment.     

Understanding her concern and care, Lu Bing stopped laughing, and looking towards the cave where Tianlong Yun was supposed to be she said,     

Lu Bing:" Honestly I don't know Big Sister Xia. While I am not as bad as Yue'er, I am also concerned about our hubby too."     

Stopping her laugh too, and looking her in the eyes, Tianlong Xia said,     

Tianlong Xia:" I know, we are all. But there is nothing we can do right now, besides hoping that hubby will be fine and reach his goals.     

Now you too go to deal with your tasks, as far as I know, hubby gave you the file with the products he wants to sell in the market in order to increase our income.     

You will have to work hard, because we are going to need a lot of money, to buy the herbs, materials, and manpower we need."     

Hearing those words Lu Bing was reminded of her own mission, and then a spark of fire could be noticed in her eyes.     

She was determined to surpass her hubby's expectations by the time he was out of his secluded cultivation.     

With that newfound determination, she looked a bit better now, and said,     

Lu Bing:" Well then, I got to go Big Sister Xia, I will make sure to surpass hubby's expectations."     

Looking at her determined face and voice, Tianlong Xia showed a light smile on her lips, while saying gently,     

Tianlong Xia:" Mhm, I know you will."     

With that said, Lu Bing started walking towards the exit, leaving behind only a thoughtful Tianlong Xia.     

She didn't know how these three years would pass, but if everything that Tianlong Yun told her was true, then pretty soon there would be one hell of a storm, on this little planet.     

They had to make a lot of preparations if they wanted to survive and take control of that storm. It was clear that by force it would be impossible, they were still too weak.     

With those thoughts in mind, she slowly started to leave this place too, everything would depend on how much stronger would Tianlong Yun get after his secluded cultivation.     

Also how much money, herbs, materials, manpower would they be able to gather. There was a saying on this planet, money makes water flow in reverse, that's why they needed a lot of money.     

And it made sense, because in a world where people don't have personal strength and power, then its substitute would take its place, in this case, money.     

But that was something they needed to concern about in the next few years, right now, she had to complete a plan to strengthen their manpower and resources.     

The reason why only Tianlong Yun entered secluded cultivation was easy, he had the knowledge, and experience to increase his cultivation and keep a stable foundation.     

Also, Tianlong Yun had a lot of ways to adapt to his strength, while the others didn't. They would enter secluded cultivation only on Tianlong Xia's permission.     

She would give them pills and other resources to make them stronger slowly, and not right away, of course depending on their efforts and achievements.     

This was their first time cultivating, and they needed to place the blocks one by one if they were to have a stable foundation.     

As for Tianlong Xia, she had to stay outside and take care of the situation outside for him. She was the only one who had his knowledge and understood their situation.     

With these arrangements done it was time for everyone to concentrate on their assignments and complete them with flying stars.     

While all this was happening outside, Tianlong Yun was inside his 'Old Pouch' together with Gao Ling. As soon as they entered inside, Tianlong Yun asked her to help him sit in a lotus position.     

Even though it was paining like hell, because he still hadn't recovered from all his injuries, and all the broken bones in his body, he managed to stand in that position.     

When he stood there though, a trickle of blood left his lips. Maybe some of his internal wounds had been reopened, but that didn't matter now.     

He had to do this!     

Looking towards Gao Ling with a serious and firm expression, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You will have to wait outside for some time Ling'er, I can't have you here because I know you will do something stupid."     

With that said, he immediately kicked outside the 'Old Pouch' a still confused Gao Ling. She didn't know what he was trying to do, but definitely, it was something dangerous.     

She had no idea how she could return to that Dimension without Tianlong Yun's permission and action, so she immediately ran towards the only person who could, Tianlong Xia.     

She had a bad feeling about this!     

It was fortunate that Tianlong Xia hadn't left for long, and she was able to catch her really fast, but her presence and crazy run attracted the attention of a lot of people in the Camp.     

Even Tianlong Xia was startled seeing her run towards her when she should be by Tianlong Yun's side taking care of his needs.     

Furthermore, seeing her worried and panicked expression she knew something must have happened, but they couldn't talk about this in here.     

Without giving her a chance to talk, Tianlong Xia started running towards the cave, and said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Turn around, we are going to talk in the cave!"     

Gao Ling was a bit surprised by Tianlong Xia's words, but she did as she was ordered, she understood that Tianlong Yun's matters couldn't be made known to everyone.     

They reached the cave really fast, and immediately Tianlong Xia asked,     

Tianlong Xia:" What happened inside, tell me everything!"     

Gao Ling didn't care to even take a breath at this moment and looking towards Tianlong Xia, she started to tell her everything that happened.     

At the end of her telling, she said,     

Gao Ling:" I don't know what Master thinks of doing, but that surely isn't something easy, is it?"     

On the other hand, Tianlong Xia was thinking about what could Tianlong Yun possibly do that he needed to take Gao Ling outside, and tell her it was dangerous inside.     

No matter how much she thought nothing was coming to her mind until she thought of something really crazy.     

No, it couldn't be, Tianlong Yun wouldn't try that, would he? If he failed, his body would get crippled once again. He would lose his second chance.     

There was no way he would try to fuse his three bloodlines sources, would he!? There were records of people trying to do this, but only one of them managed to get through.     

And even that person was a really mysterious one, that none in the Immortal World knew anything of her origin, or her past, and background.     

It was Tianlong Yun's biological mother! But as soon as she did that, in a short time she disappeared from the Immortal World, never to be found again.     

The reason why the Royal Dragon Emperor, Tianlong Yun's father had gotten married to her was that she had a slight resemblance to Tianlong Yun's biological mother.     

Though Tianlong Yun had a real chance at it, since he was her son, that was truly risky. He would have to explore all his blood sources inside his body and then refused it again.     

Tianlong Yun had already made the fusion once, but that time he fussed only the blood in his body, in other words, the product.     

This time it was different, this time he would fuse the sources of his blood. There would be no more three different blood cells produced in his body, but just one.     

With the previous way, every time the blood cells changed, he would have to fuse them again, but with this method, he would no longer produce three bloodlines but just one, the Seraphim bloodline.     

No matter how much Tianlong Xia wanted to stop him, especially being in the condition he was, she couldn't. She had no way of entering the Old Pouch.     

In the meantime inside the Old Pouch, Tianlong Yun finally managed to relax the tremor happening inside his body, and the blood trickling down his lips.     

Taking several times deep breaths and releasing, he closed his eyes and started concentrating on his body, organs, and especially the heart and bones.     

The blood cells were produced in the bone marrow, and the heart was responsible for its distribution. So his idea was simple, he would explode the different bone marrows and then bring them together.     

All this while he protected his heart, and kept it running. Because if his heart stopped then it was no wonder that it would be game over for him.     

While this sounded easy, it wasn't. Just imagine someone trying to break his own bones, and destroy their own bone marrow.     

It seems like the idea of a mental person, but this was his only chance at this. He had to benefit from the fact that his bones were still half-broken, and he hadn't recovered yet.     

If he hadn't been in this situation, perhaps he would have never even thought about this opportunity. But he was, and he wouldn't let this opportunity escape his reach.     

He didn't care how many people had failed or succeeded. He would definitely succeed. He would definitely do what he had decided to do.     

With these thoughts in mind, he took a deep breath for one last time and…     


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