Chapter 246: Preparations for the Inheritance Cave

Chapter 246: Preparations for the Inheritance Cave

0Tianlong Yun was a bit startled hearing running noises coming towards the bathroom, but he soon understood what was happening when Tianlong Yue, entered naked in the bathroom.     

As soon as she entered she jumped in his chest, hugging him tightly, pressing her soft pillows to his chest, while her secret cave rested on his dragon, and started kissing him like there was no tomorrow.     

While they were in their heat session of kissing, Tianlong Xia appeared at the door, looking at the scene in front of her, she clicked her tongue and said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Tche, I knew it, you nasty little brat!"     

Saying that she just approached the kissing duo, and immediately started rubbing her lover's bone hard dragon, and at the same time tease her little sister.     

But Tianlong Yue seemed to be in her own world at the moment, and even though she started fidgeting feeling her big sisters touch, she didn't stop her kiss.     

But a moment later, 8 other women were coming running towards the door, to join the trio, in another session of love, moans, love juices, and passion.     

It was around 7 o'clock in the morning when they finally got out of the shower, and everyone went about their usual business, with the exception of Tianlong Yun, Qin Bao, and Gao Ling.     

Since today was the day when they entered the inheritance cave, Tianlong Yun had to give them some protective lucky charms, for any emergency.     

You could never be prepared enough for this kind of things, while he would be there in the shadows to help them, if anything popped up, there would be cases when he might be busy.     

That was why he took the two of them to another room in the facility.     

Entering there, the two ladies were stunned.     

They had never been to this room before but were quite sure that it wasn't like this 2 days ago. They had seen him enter and stay here for a long time, but the change seemed unreal.     

The empty room with the shelves and counters was totally different now, there were bottles with different colored liquids everywhere.     

The shelves were full of different kinds of herbs, placed in a systematic way. Some of them were even pulverized in small bowls.     

Some of the little glass test tubes were even left above small fires that were still burning in different shades of red.     

It was like it was a different kind of colored world here inside, differently from the normal light on the dark hallways of this place.     

They were amazed by the look of this place, it was really different from what a lab looked like, or what they were thinking of this place to be.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun walked towards a counter where there were placed some small bottles filled with different liquids, and some inscribed talismans.     

Some of them belonged even to the guys two days ago, but no one could notice that thing. Furthermore, it was normal for someone to take the belongings of the cultivators they killed.     

It was a dog eats dog world out there. Strength and power made the rules of the cultivation and supernatural world.     

There was no justice, people might talk it off as justice but in reality, they were just using the notion in their plan to grab more power.     

Seeing them approach his place, Tianlong Yun took 3 inscribed talismans for each, and handing them over he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" These inscribed talismans are called, 'wall of life'. They are able to support the attack of a cultivator at the Soul Formation Realm.     

You can easily activate it by ripping it. Careful though because each of these is one-time use. So you can support such an attack only three times."     

Then he took two leather waist belts, with 15 different potion bottles of three different colors. 5 of them were a deep red, 5 were blue, and 5 of them had some kind of translucent liquid.     

Seeing their stun at the potion bottles, Tianlong Yun started to explain,     

Tianlong Yun:" The deep red bottles are called 'bloody regenerators'. When you drink one of those bottles it stimulates the bones to produce more blood cells, in case of bleeding.     

Careful the first potion bottle increases the blood cell capacity by 50% in 15 minutes, and each one extra has half less effect and double-time effect.     

The blue ones are called 'fatigue remover'. It helps the muscles relax and cool off in case of a huge strain in your muscles.     

In short, it helps you remove your fatigue for some time, but the pain after the effect has disappeared is twice as normal though.     

The first bottle has a time effect of 3 hours, and each extra bottle has half of the time effect of the previous.     

The third one with the translucent liquid is called 'life-giver'. The reason for it is simple, it stimulates your body to start regenerating your wounds at a faster pace.     

While this works wonders in case of cuts and bruises, its effect on inner organs and broken bones it's only doubled, which is not much, but still better than nothing.     

With each extra bottle, the effect is halved."     

Then he stopped for a moment to let the girls process the information he just gave them. This was vital information for them during the exploration, so he needed to be extra attentive.     

 Then he took two other extra bottles for each of them. These two new bottles had an ominous green colored liquid inside it.     

Though it looked ominous, it had a strange attractive feeling to it. It gave a person the feeling like this was some kind of life-extending medicine.     

Looking at those attractive bottles, Qin Bao immediately approached Tianlong Yun and said,     

Qin Bao:" Whoaa~ so beautiful~! What is this Master? What does it do?"     

Tianlong Yun could see her eyes were glowing and gloating at the small potion bottles he took out, and Gao Ling looked pretty attracted too.     

Actually, she looked more like she was about to jump on Tianlong Yun, so she could have those bottles, but was controlling herself because she was in the presence of her Master.     

Seeing their looks, Tianlong Yun had a strange smirk on his face while he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You sure, you want to try this one little slave!?"     

Qin Bao stopped for a moment, removing her eyes from the potion bottle to her Master's eyes. Seeing that smirk she felt like she had just dodged a bullet.     

Seeing her right in the eye Tianlong Yun just said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well nothing much, it just withers your respiratory organs, and your lungs, making you unable to breathe, and die of asphyxiation in less than 5 minutes.     

Nothing much is it!?"     

Hearing those words Qin Bao was out of her wits. How could something that looked so attractive be such a horrible poison?     

At that moment Tianlong Yun woke her up from her thoughts,     

Tianlong Yun:" It's precisely that attractiveness that places this little thing in the top 3 poisons for all cultivators under Soul Formation Realm.     

This poison is supposed to be only as a last resort, in case someone tries to bit more that he can chew. Don't ever forget you are my women."     

At this moment Gao Ling was lost in her thoughts, she felt proud of herself for Tianlong Yun calling her, his woman.     

As for Qin Bao even though she had been his woman for not a long time, she had started to like being his woman. Especially, after knowing his history, and truth.     

Realizing that they had been wondering too much in their thoughts, both women turned their attention towards Tianlong Yun, who was looking towards them with a grin.     

Seeing that grin on his face could really tick them off, but he wasn't wrong, they didn't hate being called his women by him.     

Then turning serious all of a sudden he continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well this is all I can do to help you with the preparations for tonight, now go and try to cultivate and prepare yourself mentally.     

Remember that you can trust nobody tonight and that all you have is each other and me."     

Both women immediately acknowledged his words,     

Gao Ling & Qin Bao:" Yes Master, we will not disappoint you!"     

Saying that they took permission and left the place, now they had to go and take further instructions from Tianlong Xia, while Tianlong Yun made his own preparations.     

Since this was an inheritance cave there was sure that people would gather and fight for findings, so in case he needed something he needed to kill its finders.     

Since he had no chance of doing that head-on, then his only choices were poisons and underhanded tactics.     

Remembering his experience that night, he knew that needles were perfect solutions for no expected attacks.     

That was why he started crafting some tiny small needles out of the toughest alloy he had found, steel.     

The needles were really short at about 2cm and only around 2mm in diameter.     

He would have done them thinner if he could, but beyond that, it was really hard for him to concentrate his cultivation, and his spirit sense couldn't catch the changes in vibration.     

That was why those were the best he could do, but even with those, he was sure he could do a lot of damage without getting noticed.     

The poison he would use for these needles though wasn't just one, he already had at least four different kinds of poisons ready.     

The first was type was the one he used on the Royalist's group leader.     

The second was a paralytic type, while the lethality was almost 0, in special cases its use was incredible.     

The third one was an aphrodisiac, he still didn't know why he concocted such a poison, but he thought it might be nice having it around in the future.     

The fourth and the last one was a deadly type of virus, like the one he gave to the girls, just with worse ending conditions. A lot of worse ending conditions.     

He couldn't wait for the night to come and try this stuff…     


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