Chapter 172: Party and Tang Wei

Chapter 172: Party and Tang Wei

0Tianlong Yun:" The reason why we are gathered here, is because this place is going to be our headquarters, and also our training camp for some time."     

Everyone was startled at his words but thought that he had a good reason for that. On the other hand, Mu Xiya and Tao Feng were stunned because they were completely in the dark.     

This place was perfect for Tianlong Yun and his people. They had all the privacy and freedom they could ask for, especially to stay away from the eyes and ears of EITS.     

Their current location was in the middle of a densely packed forest, at the foot of a mountain, on the northern side of the city of Tianchang.     

The best thing about this place was that, in the part that the forest connected with the mountain, were some deep and high caves that, looked really small on the outside.     

It was the perfect disguise for them to use them as supply rooms or cultivation rooms for the new recruits. Of course, after they passed the selection test, before coming here.     

This place was perfect in more than one way. With that thought in mind, Tianlong Yun continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" Bian Pao and Wu Sheng will be responsible for the training of everyone in here, and all the new recruits with the training of the Special Forces."     

Bian Pao and Wu Sheng were a bit startled at first but then everything made sense. From the fight with Tianlong Shui and Tianlong Huo, they knew that the girls had the physical attributes, but lacked proper training.     

So they immediately understood Tianlong Yun's point of view, and said firmly,     

Maids:" Yes master, as you wish."     

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with their answer, then turning towards the people with a responsibility he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" This place is really important to us, so don't allow anyone to learn about this place without my permission. Most of our important meetings from now on will be done in here."     

Tao Feng and Mu Xiya were still a bit dubious about all this, they thought that Tianlong Yun was just being paranoid about it.     

Noticing their looks and thoughts Tianlong Yun said unfazed,     

Tianlong Yun:" I don't care what you think of my orders as long as you obey them. But let me tell you this, our enemies are far more reaching to us than you think."     

Saying that he turned towards Tianlong Yue and continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" You will be responsible for the reconstruction of this place, and all the decoration."     

Tianlong Yue felt really happy inside at her new responsibilities and said,     

Tianlong Yue:" Yes of course Darling."     

Finishing with all this Tianlong Yun turned one last time to the maids and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Give me his address, and number and let the party start."     

Bian Pao immediately came forward and gave him the details of their ex-captain. After that a small party started with the people in there, to celebrate what Young master Tang Tie couldn't.     

The party was small and in the middle of the forest, but it was a beautiful and warm party, for the majority of them. Because people like Mu Xiya and Tao Feng weren't too warm treated by clan members.     

After raising a toast with all the people in there, Tianlong Yun left the place towards the police station. He still had to give the instructions needed to the DGP, and also deal with Young master Tang Tie.     

After this night the city was his, and he needed to take the necessary precautions that it remained like that. The DGP was a really important piece he had, it would be a shame not to use him.     

Thinking like this he arrived at the café outside the police station and started to communicate with the DGP, who was now inside his office.     

As soon as they had brought Young master Tang Tie inside the police station, he had started to raise a big ruckus and ask to contact his family and a lawyer.     

Right now inside the police station was a big crowd of captives, police officers, and the media. They were all waiting to know the fate of Young master Tang Tie.     

After all, this was a big scandal happening in a small city, a Young master of one of the biggest families in the country, was arrested under the charges of rebellion, and killing so many officials.     

It was at a time like this where the media was hungry for their news, that two black SUV's parked in front of the police station.     

On the first one was a middle-aged man that had an air of nobility and arrogance. While the second was an old man with glasses that seemed like every step might be his last.     

The first one was Tang Tie's father, Tang Wei while the other was one of the best criminal lawyers throughout the country, Lang Wu.     

Tang Wei didn't pay any attention to the media, and immediately stormed inside, screaming,     

Tang Wei:" What the hell is happening here? Where is the DGP?"     

At the moment the DGP was being controlled from Tianlong Yun, he was listening and seeing everything that the DGP heard and saw, also he gave the instructions of what to say to the DGP.     

Hearing Tang Wei scream like that, the DGP or more precisely Tianlong Yun who was controlling the DGP didn't pay much attention to it.     

Getting up from his chair and walking out from his office, he said with a sleazy and sleepy tone,     

DGP:" I am here Master Tang Wei, may I know the reason you are screaming like that?"     

Tang Wei was startled and enraged by the conduct, and the words of the DGP. This was the first time someone with that position talked to him like that.     

Normally they would lower their selves and beg for his favor, they were even cases were they offered their wives and daughters to him.     

But now, there was someone who talked to him full of discourtesy and dared to reprimand him. How could his pride and arrogance permit it?     

With reason and logic gone from his rage, he said with a menacing tone,     

Tang Wei:" Who the hell do you think you are? Daring to talk to me like that? Don't you know that I am a Master from the Tang House?"     

Tianlong Yun who was seeing and hearing this through the eyes and hears of the DGP wanted to laugh out loud. These guys, and their cheap arrogance.     

Without paying much attention to his words the DGP said,     

DGP:" Yes, I know with who I am talking to, the father of someone arrested and charged with rebellion and mass killing. Do, you, know with who you are talking to?"     

Tang Wei was stunned this time, he never expected such an answer, he was trying to pressure the DGP with his background, and status. But it seemed like the one who ended up being pressured was him.     

It was truly out of his expectations, and all this had happened without even talking to his son. He didn't understand why his intelligent, and smart son, would do such a stupid mistake.     

Thinking that he was at a disadvantage at the moment he lowered his voice and said,     

Tang Wei:" I ask for your forgiveness DGP sir, I shouldn't have screamed like that. It's just because I am too emotional at the moment."     

Tianlong Yun couldn't hold himself anymore and a small laugh escaped his lips, this guy was so easily pressured. But he couldn't blame him either, his son was in a really hot mess.     

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun decided to see how the show would play out, and controlled the DGP to say,     

DGP:" Well I can understand your situation Master Tang Wei, just be careful next time. Your son is on the main cell, you can go and talk to him."     

Tang Wei didn't wait for another moment and followed by the lawyer he ran towards the cell area to go and see his only son.     

But if someone looked at him carefully, they could see his clenched teeth and fist, at this hit that he had suffered in his ego. It was truly eating him from inside.     

He had to lower his head, and take a step back in front of a lowly DGP, when he was a member of the proud and big Tang family of Beijing, even though from a branch family.     

With that thought in mind, he soon reached the cell of his son, and immediately started shouting at the police on duty to immediately open the cell of his son.     

The police on duty didn't want to make his life miserable by opposing a person of such stature, differently from the DGP, he couldn't handle the pressure or oppose him at all.     

Like that Tang Wei entered inside the cell and was looking at the miserable look of his son. He was really heartbroken at this moment, his son was the apple of his pie.     

Looking at him with that heartbroken look, and fixing a bit the hair that had fallen in his eyes he said,     

Tang Wei:" Tell me son what happened, who did this to you?"     

After his words, Young master Tang Tie started to tell everything that happened to his father and lawyer, while they listened carefully to his story.     

Tang Wei and the lawyer Lang Wu were listening to him in full attention. They were both very interested in the story for different reasons.     

Tang Wei wanted to know how his son had ended like this, while the lawyer Lang Wu wanted to find any legal loophole he could use to save his client.     

In a short time, Young master Tang Tie told his story, how he ended from the top to the bottom in a single night. But even at this time, the only enemies for him were Young master Qin Bao and the EITS.     

Young master Qin Bao was his biggest enemy for stealing everything that was 'rightfully' his, and EITS had given him false and wrong information, that brought the tonight's situation and events.     

He didn't really care much about the police officers, but there was one person who he had to kill at all costs and that was the GDP. He was a rat for him, in every meaning of the word.     

While Tang Tie was telling his story, the DGP who was in Tianlong Yun's control was…     


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