Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Collecting timber

Collecting timber

0"This place seems good, it is surrounded by three mountains and there is a water source nearby, we can build a comfortable house at least for now to spend the night inside this place "yohan tilted his head and looked towards aana who was standing beside him, hearing yohan she ponder for a moment and shook her head.     

"Yes this place is very good, you can build anything you want, I just don't want to sleep on the ground, we already wasted too much time while roaming around this place, it's better you can start building a good place for us"aana Looked toward yohan and said those words to him.     

"What are you talking about, I can't leave her with you, you are going to do it for us, there are few hours left until sunset, you better leave and bring woods and other materials for me which are required to build a house if you wanted to sleep peacefully tonight, we need lots of woods to build a structure, until you come back I look after her"yohan responded to her with a smile.     

Hearing yohan she was taken aback," you want me to get those woods and other things for you, who the hell do you think you are, I can look over my master while you are away to get those materials, you knew we can't leave this place after all you have full control here, "aana exclaimed as she approaches yohan and looked him with a furious gaze.     

"You are not a noble lady here not anymore and I don't care how people treat you in the outside world, you need to do whatever I say inside this place, so stop wasting your time and get going, "yohan gave a sharp look to aana as he said those words to her, she was taken aback hearing yohan, this is the first time someone treated her like this way.     

"Whatever you say after all I don't have any other choice but to listen to you"aana mumbled as her gaze went towards Evelyn who was in yohan's hands,yohan remain silent as he heard her and a moment late aana left that place in order to bring woods, the moment she disappeared from yohan's sight he exhales deeply.     

"She is very unpredictable but she needs to learn her lesson, if I let her do whatever she wants, she is going to make trouble for me, she needs to know her place after all this is not her home, she is just here because I don't want to get involved my clan into unnecessary trouble, but there is something I should consider, kana and Grandpa Leon are currently looking for elder song and if they met him then they will definitely going to use the portal to contact the Imperial family, if that happened I will be in big trouble because they will definitely going to come to look for her, and how will they react if they didn't find Evelyn there, I have few days in my hand's thanks to soul subspace, I need to figure out things in the meantime and aana is going to play a big role, I need her"yohan whispered to himself.     

At the same time, Aana could be seen walking in a particular direction while cursing Yohan from the bottom of her heart.     

"Just control yourself aana, your time will come and the revenge shall be yours, he will pay dearly for humiliating me, that bastard thinks he can do anything just because he controls this place, he dared to treat me like his slave, damn him, I will make sure teach him a good lesson but my master's condition is looking better after coming inside this place, so I need to make sure she stays safe, I am not doing this for him, I am doing this for my master, "aana whispered as she finally entered inside the deep forest to gather woods to build a foundation and structure of the house, she had learned various things alongside kana from her master, and one of the important things she learned is to survive in wild, she has a vast knowledge of building camp and other stuff after all she has spended more than half-life wandering around with kana and Evelyn.     

"These trees inside this area are pretty big and idle for building a house for my master, I have my spatial ring so there is no need to go back to drop woods one by one, I am going to collect these woods in one go and store in my spatial ring,"aana whispered to herself, and the next moment she brings out a giant axe from her spatial ring, the axe was looking very sharp and it was very big, its edges were shining through the sunlight,seeing that axe a smile appeared on aana's face as it was something very important for her.     

"Finally after a very long time I am holding you, let's get started we have too much work to do thanks to that arrogant guy,"aana whispered as she tighten the grip around the axe, and with a deep breath she started cutting the giant pine tree which are more than eighty meters tall, she has a smile on her face while swinging her axe, every swing of her axe is leaving a deep cut on the tree and after twenty hits she cut the giant tree and it fell on the ground with a loud sound.     

"Phew that was easy, now it's time to cut branches of this tree, we will use them to build the floor and cover the roof ceiling, after that, I will cut this big boy into thousands of pieces"aana mumbled as she started cutting the tree, she has planned to cut more than ten trees just like this one, even after going into lots of trouble with yohan she has enough energy to pull something like this which normal humans only can dream of, it anyone sees her like that they might get a heart attack or they lost their faith in their eyes, she was completely different person while swinging that giant axe.     

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