Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

A way to cure her

A way to cure her


[Body scanning is completed, individual name Evelyn is affected by Black Trident, An ancient form of dark energy]     

A notification resounded in yohan's head as he was in deep thought, thinking about those things which aana explain to him about the soul subspace, but the moment he heard that notification he snapped out from his thoughts and his gaze landed on Evelyn who was in his arms.     

"Black trident huh? Hey, system, do you have any other information about that thing? ``Yohan asked as he wanted to learn more about this dark energy that is spreading in Evelyn's body like a wildfire.     

[Host this is ancient dark energy, passed down from generation to generation into a particular bloodline, surprisingly your body can also manifest similar kind of energy through the divine palm techniques which that old the man gave you inside the eternal prison, that energy which is affecting individual Evelyn to that extent is coexisting with your body without harming it]     

Yohan heard another notification in his head, the moment he learn the truth about that energy and its origin he was blown away, but he knew a little bit before when kana told him that he have a similar kind of energy which is running into Evelyn's body right after when she met him in hundred poison Valley, that's the first reason why he tags along with them and came to Evelyn's mansion to help her but inside the elders' hall, things become more complicated and they thought about informing royal, but right now after knowing this kind of dark energy which is very dangerous or even harm someone like Evelyn various things started running into yohan's head, he started doubting that old man's intention.     

"If that technique contains dark energy why did that old man give me in the first place, is he wanted to kill me, or what was his reason behind giving me something like that, well this is not the time to think about him, I need to find a way to cure here, it's a good thing that I am not affected by that dark energy, that means I can somehow extract that energy from her body" Yohan Whispered in a low voice as his gaze went towards Evelyn's face, she was still in his arms sleeping calmly, her breathing is looking more relaxed after coming to this place.     

[Host that dark energy already infested more than eighty percent part of her body and it's very dangerous to manipulate such kind of energy without any prior arrangements, the surrounding qi around this place will help to stop the further spread and it is also going to help her regain vitality, it's very risky to extract that dark energy from her body right now]     

the system warns yohan as the thought Of extracting the dark energy came into yohan's head, Yohan took a deep breath as he heard that warning in his head but at the same time he was happy that her condition will improve inside this place, and once she regain her vitality she can be cured"I am not going to do anything which harms her, well I am glad that dark energy is not going to spread anymore and she can regain her vitality inside this place, do you know how much time it takes to stabilize her body,"yohan asked.     


[Host it might take a few days, a few weeks even a few months, it depend on her will to live]     

"I get it, it's up to her, and I know she will be fine very soon, I am positive about that, but right now we need to find a place for her where she can rest, nights are very chilly inside this soul subspace"yohan whispered as he smiled towards the direction of Evelyn.     

At the same time, Aana is struggling to get up on her feet, she is using her full power and somehow wants to free herself from the grasp of that unknown energy, her body is soaked with Sweat and she is taking heavy breaths.     

"Need any help"yohan approached her and said those words in a sarcastic way, he had a bright smile on his face,aana raised her head and looked at him with a cold gaze, seeing that smile she became more furious as she felt like he was looking down on her.     

"You better watch yourself, bastard, when I get up on my feet, you are going to pay dearly, and no one is going to save you from me," she said as she looked at yohan.     

"Yaa I get it, my ears started hurting listening the same threat, again and again, well enjoy your stay inside this place, one piece of advice before I leave you here, the nights are very cold here and you better watch yourself because I don't think so you are carrying warm clothes with you, there are few hours left before the sunset, and I need to find a place to spend a night"yohan smiled at aana and started walking in the direction of the mountains along with Evelyn.     

Aana's face turned dark when she heard yohan and saw him leaving with her master, she felt a chill around her spine," you heartless bastard,don't tell me you are going to leave me alone inside this place, I am surrounded by vast forests and mountains, what will happen if wild beasts and animals attacked me in this kind of situation, I can't even lift my finger how am I supposed to protect myself" Aana shouted as she looked towards yohan.     

Hearing her, Yohan halted his movement and tilted his head behind"well you don't have to worry about any wild beast or animal because I've never seen any wild beast or animal around this place before,"Yohan responded to her and started walking again towards the direction of the mountain trail.     

"Please don't leave me alone, I will do whatever you say, just take me with you, I don't want to get separated from my master," Aana Said in a trembling voice.     

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