Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Leaving elders hall

Leaving elders hall

0Aana looked at Yohan with a furious gaze when she heard him, she was sure that he was trying to get away by making some kind of half-baked story.     

"Stop spouting bullshit, do you think you are some kind of bigshot, there is no way you can get away from me, not to mention there is only one way out from this elder hall, so there is no chance you can leave this place without getting noticed by me,dont take me as a fool, now hand her to me, "aana said as she tightens her fist before taking a step towards yohan.     

Hearing aana's word and Seeing those expressions on her face yohan took a deep sigh as he understands there is no way she is going to listen to him, "I can't let you take away her from me, and I can't leave you here, you might cause blunder the moment I left this place along with her, so there is no other choice but to take you with us, you are also coming with us"yohan mumbled as he looked towards aana while he activated soul subspace,aana couldn't understand what just yohan said, he was talking about taking them somewhere, first she thought he was bluffing but a moment later she realized that she was wrong, he was indeed up to something.     

"What is this, I can't control my body, what do you think you are doing with me"Aana shouted as her movement become stiff and she felt some kind of pulling force,yohan remain calm and somewhat disappointed as he was taking her with him, but he had no other choice, if he left with Evelyn,aana might end up attacking river shore city at a time like this when things are already messed up in his clan and he is not willing to take this risk, and he was definitely sure that she will most likely do that.     

"Don't bother, you will only exhaust yourself, look at yourself you are soaked with sweat after going through that hustle of destroying barrier, you don't stand a chance in front of this kind of force in your current position"yohan said as he took a step towards aana and placed one of his hand on her shoulder,aana's face turned dark when he heard yohan, she gritted her teeth and she tried to get away from him but alas even after trying very hard she failed to resist in front of that force.     

A moment later three of them disappeared from the elder's hall and appeared inside the yohan's soul subspace, the moment aana appeared inside the soul subspace she fell on the ground from her butt, a moment ago they were inside the elder hall but now she found herself somewhere else surrounded by mountain peaks which are touching to the sky, the whole place is indulged with mountains and forest.     

"Where am I, what is this place" those words escalated from Aana's mouth, she can feel the extreme potent qi which is flowing in her surroundings, this is beyond of her imagination, she never witness something like that before, not even those cultivation chambers are rivel to this kind of potent Qi which is extremely beneficial for cultivation.     

"You are inside my soul subspace"yohan mumbled as he looked towards the ground where aana was sitting in a daze, the moment she heard yohan's voice she snapped out from her daze, and her gaze landed on yohan who was standing right behind her carrying her master in his hand.     

"I am in what? What kind of tricks you pulled on me—``Aana exclaimed as she tried to get up on her feet but to her surprise, she wasn't able to move her body.     

"Don't bother to try, you can't pull those funny tricks of yours inside this place, your cultivation base is not going to help you because you are in my domain,"yohan responded her in a cold voice and shut her before she could say anything more,aana's face turned dark when she heard yohan.     

"Soul subspace? what are Are you talking about you crazy bastard this is not a soul subspace, what kind of game you are playing with me"aana exclaimed as she looked at Yohan, hearing her he becomes confused, he didn't know why she is saying something like this, he knew this is not a good idea to bring her inside his soul subspace but he knew that every cultivator who is initiated soulbond can access the soul subspace provided by the respective soul weapons, so he thought taking the risk and he did take the risk by bringing her here with him, he was more worried about that void core which is situated inside his soul subspace, he did not want anyone to know that something like that existed inside this place,yohan shook his head and come to his senses before looking towards aana.     

"Don't tell me you don't know what soul subspace is, is this your first time inside a place like this, I guess you don't have a soul a weapon that's why you don't know about soul subspace"yohan responded to aana, hearing his words she took a deep sigh.     

"Do you think I am some kind of child or fool who don't know anything about soul subspace, I have my own soul subspace, which is just a pitch-black chamber around the Size of a small room, sister kana have similar soul subspace and one more thing you cannot enter in someone else soul subspace, if you do that you will ultimately destroy your soul and get yourself killed" Aana responded to yohan, hearing aana yohan was taken aback, he did not expected something like that, he always knew that whoever owns the soul weapon they can access the soul subspace but after hearing aana's words various thoughts started running into his heads, but before he could cope up with that revelation he heard a notification in his head.     


[Body scanning is completed]     

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