Martial Arts System



0Ariel returned to her spacious room, which had one large bed, wardrobe, the desk next to the window, and a chandelier in the ceiling.     


She started coughing loudly and soon fell down on her knees.     

She put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop her coughing, and a few seconds later, her coughing stopped.     

Ariel looked at her hand and saw it stained with blood— her fatigued eyes trembled.     

She wiped her hand on her pants and stood up.     


She smacked her cheeks and nodded, ''It's only blood— I have plenty left!''     

She cheerfully went to her bathroom and took off her beautiful dress.     

Ariel looked at the mirror and touched her face— there was already a sign of her beauty leaving her.     

Other Elves would be crying their eyes out after seeing them being in the same state as Ariel, but she knows that her parents will hear her crying noises.     

She used her fingers and tried to make a smile on her face.     

She took off her underwear, and her naked figure became visible.     

Her body looked very pale, way different from other Elves who have beautiful smooth skin.     

Her skin looked very fragile and sickly. She had moderate-sized breasts, with small and tight-looking buttocks, and there wasn't any hair on her body.     

Ariel turned around and entered the small bathtub with greed-colored water. It is filled with healing serums, but that only slows her symptoms.     

''Aaah...'' She moaned out of satisfaction— she closed her eyes and smiled.     

Suddenly, she saw a vision.     

An otherworldly-looking individual was sitting next to her. In the vision, Ariel looked mesmerizingly beautiful with long blond hair, a sweet-looking face, with delicate eyebrows. Her body didn't look pale— instead, it looked very smooth and soft.     

She had a beautiful smile on her vision while the white-haired man looked towards the horizon.     

The white-haired man screamed the word strong!     

They were sitting on a balcony while the beautiful scenery of clouds was in front of them.     

Then, in the vision, another girl appeared and sat next to the white-haired man— she grabbed the white-haired young man's hand and looked towards Ariel with a sweet smile.     

Ariel returned the smile, and her lips started moving, but no voices came.     

The black-haired girl was also saying something, but no voices were heard.     

The two girls looked very close, and the atmosphere they gave was one of cheerfulness.     

He had a small smile on his stunning face.     

In the vision, two middle-aged figures were seen some distance away from them.     

They had gentle smiles, filled with relief and happiness.     

They were Ariel's parents, and they looked like a mountain was lifted from their shoulders.     

Ariel turned her beautiful face towards them and sweetly smiled.     

She stood up and went towards the black-haired girl. She whispered, which caused the black-haired girl to giggle.     

She grabbed the black-haired girl's hand, and both of them started walking towards Ariel's parents.     

The white-haired man was left alone— his eyes was glowing on silver color, which gave him a look of ethereal and divine beauty.     

Soon, voices started appearing in the vision.     

First, the sound of wind blowing was heard until the distant voices became clearer.     



''Ichiro!'' Ariel shouted.     

The white-haired young man turned his head and smiled, ''Yes?'' His voice alone made everyone breathless.     

''I am going with Azura to the bath, need something?'' Ariel asked sweetly.     

Aeriel and Myra gently smiled and left to get the bath ready.     

Ichiro smiled and shook his head. He felt relieved to see Azura's best friend finally being cured.     

Ariel giggled and dragged the black-haired girl with her.     

Ichiro took one final look towards the cloud scenery and stood up.     

Past few years, he has seen a lot of things, but this scenery is one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen.     

He was wearing white-colored robes, which fit his white hair perfectly. His every movement had some kind of unity, and it was like the world itself resounded with him.     

He left the balcony and followed behind two cheerful girls.     

The servants who saw him couldn't look at him for more than a few seconds until they were too embarrassed to continue.     

Their race has always been proud of being the most beautiful race in the universe, but Ichiro proved them otherwise.     

Ichiro reached a spacious room, where a large bed was located. He sat down and turned his head towards illusionary figure sitting next to him. The illusionary figure haad obscure face with petite body, at one point it looked like a male and at one point a female.     

The vision cracked, and Ariel saw nothing but darkness.     

There was a happy smile on her face while tears trickled down her face.     

''So... His name is Ichiro...'' Ariel opened her fatigued eyes and smiled.     

It was the first time she heard his name said aloud that made her emotional.     

She still doesn't know the name of the black-haired girl, but she is sure that they will be great friends.     

Ariel looked at the bathtub and exclaimed, ''Oh!''     

The water was black. After all the serums in the water have been used, it will turn black.     

Ariel left the bathtub and wiped her naked figure.     

She hopped towards her wardrobe and took a green-colored dress.     

She wore it, and it was indeed a beautiful dress with flower patterns. But it didn't fit her skinny and fatigued face.     

If she looked the same as she did in the vision, then she would be a bright and cheerful-looking girl while wearing the dress, but now her dress made her look pitiful.     

She lied down on her bed and grabbed a notebook from a nearby desk.     

There were hundreds of different pictures in the notebook, and they all had two figures, one of them was young man with white hair and another one was a young woman with black hair.     

The first picture was quite amateurish, but the pictures got more detailed and higher quality until finally, the 100th picture was a proper masterpiece.     

Elf's are good artists, and Ariel is no different.     

She had a small smile and looked at the picture of a gentle-looking man.     

But her illness started acting up, and she became very tired.     

That is one of the symptoms of her illness, she sleeps about 20 hours a day, and she can't do anything to stay awake.     

Slowly, she fell asleep while hugging the notebook, and another painful day in the life of Ariel Wrath Helm ended.     

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