Guide to raise my cutie husbands



0When Wang Shi heard the words of Marquis Qiao, her expression could not help but change drastically. If it was only Yu Dong, she would have said that the latter was lying and there was simply no proof regarding her words but with Marquis Qiao helping her from the sidelines, she could not say anything like that!      

Wang Shi gnashed her teeth hatefully and then told Yu Dong, "You are really too much! Yu Dong if you did not want to cooperate with me then you should have just told me! Why did you have to pull even the officials in this matter, what are you trying to achieve by doing something like this?!"      

Hearing Wang Shi's words, Yu Dong sneered and then said, " Madam Wang, I already told your workers many times that I did not want to go with them but not only did they not listen they tried to harm my husbands. This is not something that cannot be ignored, but what's more, you even threatened my personal safety by telling me that you will sell a prideful woman like me to mers in high positions. The question still remains how many women have pimped to higher position mers while acting like a pimp!? What's more, you did not even leave my young children who are not even one yet!"      

Song Yixu clapped her hands as she looked at the sight in front of her.      

Wang Shi really acted as she wished, however, she did not know that her hands were not only dyed with the blood but she was also degraded to this level!     

Magistrate Li's expression sunk even more, she narrowed her eyes and then ordered, " Take them away and find out where the remaining women and mers are! If they are dead head to the Wang family and ask for compensation for the families of those who died!"      

When Wang Yu heard that she and her family had to compensate the families of those who were harmed, she only had two words in her head and that was —— it's over. It wasn't that she did not have the money to pay for the compensation of the family members of those who were killed but she knew just how many women and mers, her niece had ruined. If they were to pay compensation for each one of them, then her family would end up on the streets!      

  Yu Dong looked at the Wang aunt and niece being taken away, she walked towards Song Yixu and then asked, " What do you think are the chances of everyone from the Wang family getting arrested?"      

Song Yixu thought about it for a long time before she pursed her lips and said lightly, " If they raised a daughter like Wang Shi, I don't think that the Wang family is clean either if that's the case with Magistrate Li pursuing the matter till the end, they will be arrested by nightfall."      

Li Yan was not someone who liked dragging the matter as much as possible to make it look like she put in some extra effort to wrap it up. She was a straightforward woman as long as she found someone unjust with crimes ridden on their head, she would not think twice before catching them and then throwing them in prison once she got hold of every bit of evidence that she needed.      

" If that is the case then I think I will be purchasing the restaurant under the Wang family," said Yu Dong. Though she planned to sell the meat in the mall, there was a limited amount of meat that could be sold in the mall. This was why she had been thinking of a way to handle the rest of the stock and finally came up with the idea of serving different lamb and meat dishes in large platters in the shape of the animal from which the meat was taken.      

That was to say if someone asked for the pork platter then the platter would be in the shape of a large pig with various compartments that will hold a number of different dishes made from pork.      

And with her knowledge, Yu Dong was sure that she would be able to create so many dishes easily.      

Song Yixu and the rest: "…"      

Only Yu Dong was strong-willed enough to think of a way to earn money even in this situation!      

With Yu Dong and Marquis Qiao's kidnapping, the matter was solved very quickly. Not only Wang Shi was caught the rest of the Wang family was dragged to the Yamen as well, what was more, magistrate Li did not believe a thing about them telling her that they were not aware of anything. She caught the members of the Wang family and then dragged them to the torture room before they were forced into confessing.      

In the end, it was found out that the Wang family women were indeed involved in a bunch of crimes. One by one they all were thrown inside the Yamen and no matter how much effort the Wang family elders put in the case they could not get their daughters out.      

Inside the Wang family manor.      

" How can you be this stupid!?" Old Madam Wang roared as she looked at her daughter. She wished she could slap Wang Yu until her face swelled like a pig's liver! " You were supposed to be taking care of your younger sisters and nieces. In the end, you went with Magistrate Li and helped her arrest all of our family, whats more now we have to pay compensation to those who were harmed by Ah Shi? On what basis!? They were just puny commoners upon whom merchants and officials like us can stomp on any time so why do I need to pay them just because a few of their family members died!"      

Wang Yu lowered her head and then rubbed the space between her brows, she knew this was going to happen after all her mother had always been like this. She closed her eyes and then sighed before saying in an exasperated voice, " Do you think I want to do this? I don't! But Wang Shi made a mistake! She kidnapped the Marquis! How do you want me to handle this matter? Is the Marquis someone whom we can deal with just because we want to?"      

However Old Madam Wang did not want to listen to a thing, the second Wang Yu finished speaking she raised the cane in her hands and then banged it on the floor before saying in a gruff voice, " Even so you could have helped them now look at what happened! What do you want us to do now?"     

Old Madam Wang was the only one left behind from her eldest daughter to her fourth daughter, they were all taken away. Unfortunately for her, only her third daughter had two daughters and the rest of them had mers, if they did not come out of the Yamen then her life was going to be ruined and her entire family line would be ruined.      

Wang Yu was also flustered. She had tried to talk with Marquis Qiao even offering her support and bribe but the latter simply smiled at her and told her not to bother with anything as Magistrate Li would not leave any stone unturned.      

In the end, she had to return home like a defeated warrior, what was more her mother did not like her as she was her second and middle child. Her third sister had two daughters which was why she was liked by Old Madam Wang and as for her eldest sister, she was loved by their mother as she was her first child. And the fourth sister was loved because she was the youngest.      

Only she was the one who had nothing.      

" How do you want me to help them? Wang Shi kidnapped the Marquis! Do you think I can bury it under the rag? It is impossible!" Wang Yu snorted, she looked at her elderly mother and simply said, " Now if we want to deal with this case then we can only look for the commoner whom Wang Shi captured."      

It was impossible for them to deal with the matter without convincing Yu Dong.      

Only then did Old Madam Wang come to a realization that if she couldn't deal with Marquis Qiao then she needed to at least deal with Yu Dong.      

" Fine, since she was the one who tied the bell around the tiger's neck, she should be the one to unite it as well." Old Madam Yu snapped harshly, with Wang Shi and her daughters arrested, Old Madam Yu felt like someone had placed their hand around her neck and was holding it tightly. No matter how much she tried to breathe, she couldn't shake off the feelings that were weighing upon her heart.      

Maybe as long as they could deal with Yu Dong, they might be able to put an end to this case!      

" Go and do whatever you have to deal with that woman!"      

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