I Can Extract Everything

Hundred Poison Immunity

Hundred Poison Immunity

0In the secret room, Qin Yi meditated as a milky white glow swirled around his body.    

A quarter-hour later, he took a deep breath and let it out. After opening his eyes, the milky white glow around his body immediately dispersed.    

He had just managed to merge the soul beasts of the Fire Crow and the Deep Blue Tortoise's soul beasts with the Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms.    

Moreover, he also spent 50,000 Mastery Points to push the Deep Blue Tortoise's mastery and soul beast with Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms to Small Accomplishment.    

Qin Yi opened the panel and saw the words "Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms" stuck on the martial skill section.    


Name: Qin Yi    

Martial Aptitude: High Grade    

Bloodline: Shadow Bloodline (Shadow Assimilation, Shadow Weapon)    

Cultivation Base: The Middle Stage of Foundation Establishment Realm (0/1,500,000)    

Body Cultivation: The Fourth Stagw of Qi Condensation (0/5000)    

Spiritual Mind: 102    

Cultivation Points: 23,000    

Body Essence: 2,500    

Mastery Points: 0    



Cultivation Technique: Turtle Breathing Technique (Earth Grade - Great Accomplishment)    

Martial Skills: Spiral Arrow Technique (Great Accomplishment),    

Earth Moving Technique (Great Achievement)],    

Five Directions Arrow Technique (Great Achievement),    

Scarlet Fire Controlling Technique (Great Accomplishment), Bone Shrinking Technique (Great Accomplishment), Face Changing Art (Great Accomplishment), Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms (Small Accomplishment).    

Beast Skill: Bloody Wood Extension.    

Mystic Talent: Void Jump, Cloning.    


The Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms was the highest-grade martial skill he had mastered.    

The cost to master it was also so high that it almost completely consumed his Cultivation Points.    

Although Qin Yi has already raised his aptitude to high-grade, converting Cultivation Points to Mastery Points is still a big deal for him.    

If not for this, he might already master all Heaven Grade martial skills he obtained from the extraction.    

More importantly, he gained more than 10,000 from the Roaring Beast Mountain Range trip and used it to raise his body cultivation to Fourth Stage Qi Condensation.    

Due to that, his body experienced a significant change; his muscle became well-defined, and his physical strength increased drastically.    

Qi Yi closed the panel.    

Three days later...    

After washing up and getting dressed, Qin Yi was about to come down the stairs when Twelve and the other three clones suddenly came to his room and reported something.    

"Main body, we can't find the two evil cultivators. We suspect that they have returned to the city. Also, Thirteen has yet to return from the mission. We don't know what happened to him..."    

Hearing this, Qin Yi frowned for a second and realized something was missing.    

Thirteen was Qin Yi's thirteenth clone. He was also one of the clones Qin Yi ordered to search for the two evil cultivators who had escaped yesterday.    

Qin Yi had just realized that his connection with one of his clones had disappeared. He searched through memories and found that his clone was dead.    

Moreover, his clone died at the hands of his old enemy- the Rank 3 Thunder-Winged Panther.    

Qin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.    

According to the memories his clone left behind, the Thunder-Winged Panther had suddenly appeared before him and fatally attacked him before he could react.    

"What a petty beast..." Qin Yi couldn't help but curse inwardly.    

It seemed the Thunder-Winged Panther still hadn't given up on searching for him.    

Qin Yi did not know whether the Thunder-Winged Panther had found his clone by smell or chance, but he would remember this grudge.    

He would return to the Roaring Beast Mountain Range to hunt that Thunder-Winged Panther when he became stronger.    

"Let's see, who is more petty here!" Qin Yi secretly sneered.    

After that, he ordered his four clones to investigate the two evil cultivators.    

He will also ask Yin Chen to look up this matter.    

Yin Chen's ability in this field was powerful. Maybe he could find out the identities and locations of those two evil cultivators.    

After dispersing his clones, Qin Yi descended to the first floor and sat at the center counter, his usual spot for appraisers.    

At this time, Mystic Treasure Store's entire lobby is empty with no customers.    

In the first place, Mystic Treasure Store didn't have many customers, and Qin Yi didn't deliberately look for them.    

He did a little publicity during the Mystic Treasure Store opening. After that, he stopped doing that and decided to leave the shop's prosperity to fate.    

In his opinion, as long as one customer is willing to come, Mystic Treasure Store will become famous sooner or later.    

What he has to do now is conduct business with integrity and credibility. By doing this consistently, loyal customers will come by themselves.    

A golden book suddenly appeared in Qin Yi's right hand, and his concentration quickly dived into it.    

The four clones sitting in their respective counters are busy recording inventory on the purple cover book.    

Qin Yi invested a lot of treasure in his shop. However, he was too lazy to organize it.    

He simply threw them into the warehouse and let his clones organize and catalog them.    

As for where the warehouse is located, of course, Qin Yi keeps it in Mystical Garden. After all, that place is the safest place to store treasures. At least Qin Yi doesn't have to worry that someone will raid his store and steal his treasures.    

Though, it is unlikely that this will happen because the store is located in the market area.    

Although safety in the market area is not one hundred percent guaranteed, at least the guards don't allow people to barge into someone else's store casually.    

Still, placing his treasures in the Mystical Garden could put him at ease. In this way, only he and his clones can access the treasures.    

An hour later, someone entered the Mystic Treasure Store and stopped before Qin Yi's counter.    

When Qin Yi looked up, he immediately recognized this person: "It's you, Brother Sun!"    

"It's been a while, Collector. Thank you for your rescue last time." Sun Tianhu clasped his hands and said with gratitude.    

"Don't mention it. Do you need anything? Since you managed to find our store location, you must have heard something or two about our store~" Qin Yi's pleasant voice sounded out.    

Sun Tianhu smiled wryly and said, "To be honest, Collector, I'm looking for a high-grade medicine for curing poison. I've been to many shops, but none of them work..."    

"What kind of poison?" Qin Yi asked casually.    

"The poison of a Rank 2 Burrowing Corpse Scorpion. My friend was exposed to the poison, and his body decayed each day. If this were left on any longer, he would eventually become a corpse and die." Sun Tianhu explained truthfully.    

"Burrowing Corpse Scorpion? Brother Sun, your friend is unlucky to encounter such a magical beast." Qin Yi sympathized.    

The Burrowing Corpse Scorpion is good at burying itself in the ground. Therefore, they are challenging to detect.    

They are such a territorial magical beast and will attack anyone who steps on their territory.    

"That's right. We've been really unlucky lately. Last time we were being chased by a pack of Fire Crows, and now we accidentally stepped into Burrowing Corpse Scorpion's territory." Sun Yianhu laughed at his and his teammate's successive lousy luck.    

Qin Yi chuckled and said, "After all, it's the Roaring Beast Mountain Beast. I also encountered a Rank 3 Thunder-Winged Panther and barely survived."    

"Rank 3 Thunder-Winged Panther?!" Sun Tianhu was surprised.    

He thought he was already very unlucky, but this person was even more unlucky than him.    

Encountering a Rank 3 magical beast during the Foundation Establishment period is equivalent to a death sentence. Moreover, this Rank 3 magical beast is the Thinder-Winged Panther, famous for its lightning power and extraordinary lightning speed.    

If it were him, he would definitely annihilate on the spot.    

This fellow had survived the attacks of a Rank 3 Thunder-Winged Panther, which only meant that he was not an ordinary person.    

Maybe this person has a Rank 3 escapism talisman... Sun Tianhu couldn't help guessing.    

Qin Yi ignored Sun Tianhu's shocked expression and said, "Brother Sun, I am here only in charge of treasure appraisal. You may go to counter number 1; there, you can buy any pills or medical liquids you want."    

Although Burrowing Corpse Scorpion's poison is troublesome, he is confident with his medical liquid, which is specifically for neutralizing poison.    

This medical liquid was called Hundred Poison Immunity, created based on the medical liquid recorded in the Medical Saint Journal and capable of curing hundreds of poisons, including the Burrowing Corpse Scorpion's poison.    

Sun Tianhu's eyes immediately followed Qin Yi's hand, which was pointed in a specific direction.    

After that, he chatted with Qin Yi for a few minutes before going to counter number 1 to buy medicine for his colleague.    

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