I Can Extract Everything

Mysterious Black Shadow

Mysterious Black Shadow

0The yellow-dressed woman widened her eyes in disbelief. Soon, her consciousness became faint, his eyes heavy, and she eventually fell to the ground.     


The other three people cried in shock. Neither of them expected this development.     

Watching the yellow-dressed woman fall to the ground, everyone immediately steps up their guard.     

The man with the horsetail whisk raised his horsetail whisk and spun it in the air.     

A blue light appeared after that; it rolled and surged until it finally turned into a ball of water barrier that enveloped the man with the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman standing nearby.     

The man with the long blade took out a yellow talisman and slammed it on the ground. A gigantic earthen wall appeared in the next moment, blocking the view from where the black arrow had come.     

"Be careful, behind you-..."     

His companion's urgent voice attracted his ears, making him involuntarily turn his head.     

Before he could even see what was coming, a sudden pain throbbed in his chest, filling his face with an expression of disbelief.     

He looked down and saw a black arrow already stuck in his chest.     


With an unwilling expression, the man with the long blade fell to the ground.     

The man with the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman was horrified.     

How did the second arrow come from a different direction?     

Could it be that the black-cloaked man just now wasn't alone?     

Thinking of this, the man with the ponytail whisk couldn't help feeling angry and bitter. Sighing, he said: "It looks like we kicked the iron board this time. Let's retreat first. We can get revenge later if we have the chance."     


Suddenly there was a sound of collusion between the blue water ball and the black arrow, like collusion between gold and metal.     

Qin Yi, who was crouching on a tall tree, frowned. He took out five Rank 2 Thunder Explosion Talismans and stuck them one by one onto the tips of five Black Gold Arrows.     

After that, he unhesitatingly shot it toward the man with the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman.     

The five Black Gold Arrows instantly turned into five black lights, shooting through the air like shooting stars.     

The five Thunder Explosion Talismans instantly emitted a dazzling yellow light when they collided with the blue water ball. They exploded into a huge thunderbolt, engulfing the blue water ball whole.     

Qin Yi stood motionless atop a tall tree, observing the situation ahead with his divine sense.     

"They ran away, huh?"     

After the thunderbolt dissipated, the figures of the man with the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman disappeared, leaving only a puddle of water.     

"That horsetail whisk is not simple…." Qin Yi muttered to himself.     

He carefully observed the enemy and found that the enemy's horsetail whisk could attack, block, and also escape.     

Qin Yi would not believe it if someone said it was just a Normal Artifact.     

It was very likely that the horsetail whisk was a Spirit Artifact.     

After a moment of silence, Qin Yi asked his clone, who was also hiding somewhere, to check the situation ahead.     

Shortly after, his clone reported that the man with the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman had disappeared entirely.     

Qin Yi instantly used Void Jump to arrive at a scene.     

"Main body, what should we do next?" The clone asked.     

He is Twelve, the one Qin Yi created a month ago. To be more precise, during his fight against two evil cultivators.     

After Qin Yi used Void Jump in front of his enemy, he immediately summoned Twelve from the Mystical Garden.     

He asked Twelve to hide in the opposite direction from him and shoot when he found an opening.     

The plan went well, and Twelve managed to shoot the man with a long sword from behind. However, they failed to kill the other two enemies, even allowing them to escape.     

Qin Yi sighed and said, "What a blunder..."     

He promised himself not to reveal his abilities in front of other people, but he just did it.     

However, it can't be helped...     

He thought it would be an easy kill, but who would have thought that his enemy had such a powerful artifact?     

If he knew that, he would first shoot the man with the horsetail whisk rather than shoot the yellow-dressed woman.     

Qin Yi scratched his head in frustration.     

Realizing Qin Yi's worry, Twelve said: "Main body, should we track them down?"     

Qin Yi sighed and said, "The Roaring Beast Mountain Range is huge. Even if we deliberately search for them, we might not be able to find them. Not to mention we might be in danger if we accidentally enter the territory of a Rank 3 magical beast. Of course, we can't give up without trying."     

Qin Yi summoned four more clones from the Mystical Garden, then allowed them to scatter in five different directions to hunt those two evil cultivators.     

Meanwhile, Qin Yi returned to the Mystical Treasure Shop after beheading the frozen Rank 2 Deep Blue Tortoise and absorbing its soul into the Soul Crystal. He also didn't forget to kidnap a few Deep Blue Tortoises's cubs and keep them in the Mystic Garden.     

In the secret room on the third floor, Qin Yi took out the space rings of the two evil cultivators he had killed earlier.     

The two evil cultivators actually didn't die immediately after being hit by the Black Gold Arrows.     

The idea of extracting their martial aptitude using Extreme Extraction crossed his mind. However, considering their bone ages and low cultivation base, Qin Yi could guess that their martial talent might only be low-grade.     

It's not worth losing system functions for two low-grade martial aptitudes. Hence, Qin Yi decided just to kill them, then burn their bodies and loot their belongings.     

There wasn't anything special in the two space rings, except for a book called the Heavenly Formation Codex found in the space ring belonging to the yellow-dressed woman.     

The Heavenly Formation Codex is a book that explains how to set up a Rank 1 formation to a Rank 3 formation.     

In addition to learning the ways of medicine, Qin Yi also studies the ways of formation daily.     

His proficiency at setting up Rank 1 formations had reached an extraordinary feat. He could set it up even with his eyes closed.     

However, setting up a Rank 2 formation was more complex than setting up a Rank 1 formation.     

First of all, creating Rank 2 spiritual products like formations, talismans, pills, spiritual food, and artifacts requires a spiritual mind above 100.     

A Qi Condensation cultivator's spiritual mind limit is 99. To break through 100, they must first promote to Foundation Establishment.     

Second, Rank 2 formations require assisting correspondent heaven and earth materials. The better the quality of the materials of heaven and earth, the better the quality of the formation.     

He had plenty of formation materials, so he didn't need to worry about failing during the learning process.     

After reading the Heavenly Formation Codex for hours, drowsiness struck. Qin Yi closed his eyes and fell asleep.     



Somewhere in the Roaring Beast Mountain Range, a man with the horsetail was running in a miserable state; his neat appearance became unkempt as the clothes on his body were tattered, and many places on his skin blackened like being poisoned.     

A shocking scene of ten thousand black bees appeared behind him. They occasionally spit out a thin black liquid, corroding everything that gets hit by the spray.     

"This is not good... I have to go somewhere the bees can't reach!" The man with the horsetail whisk kept running while gritting his teeth.     

In order to escape from Qin Yi, he and the red-dressed woman had to perform a water escape and teleport to random places.     

At first, they teleported into the cave, only to discover that the cave was actually the lair of a Rank 2 Bloodthirsty Bat.     

The horsetail whisk in his hand is Qilin Ink Whisk, a Spirit Artifact designed to manipulate water into offensive and defensive.     

It also allows the user to perform a water escape, but after using it once, the user has to wait until the cooldown is over before wanting to use it again.     

Because of this, the man in the horsetail whisk and the red-dressed woman had to sacrifice many treasures to escape from the group of Bloodthirsty Bats.     

Unfortunately, the red-dressed woman died in the process of their escape.     

The man with the horsetail whisk survived alone and immediately performed another water escape after the cooldown of the Ink Qilin Whisk over.     

However, he did not expect that the next place he visited would be     

nest of Spirit Chasing Bees.     

The Spirit Chasing Bees weren't that strong, but their numbers were overwhelming. What's more, they are poisonous. The man with the horsetail whisk couldn't possibly fight them. Therefore, he could only run away.     

Suddenly, he saw an uninhabited lake ahead of him. With a determined look, he dove right into it.     

He planned to wait in the lake until Ink Qinlin Whisk's cooldown was over, then perform another water escape to another place. Hopefully, this time he wouldn't teleport to a dangerous place.     

As expected, the swarm of Spirit Chasing Bees immediately stopped chasing him. They just floated above the surface of the lake and left shortly after.     

The man with horsetail whisk thought they'd lost interest in him.     

He moved his body and dived deeper.     

Suddenly, his vision darkened. He saw a gigantic black shadow appear before him.     

He was stunned, and before he could react, a gigantic black shadow had already engulfed him.     

That became the last scene he saw in his life.     

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