I Can Extract Everything

Dragon Tooth Sword

Dragon Tooth Sword

0At dawn, Qin Yi returned to the Black Water City on time. He directly went to Dusky Tavern and saw Yin Chen, the middleman, and a man in a crimson robe was sitting beside him.     

"Master!" Seeing Qin Yi's return, Yin Chen immediately got up and shouted.     

Following Yin Chen's gaze, the red-robed man also got up, arched his hands towards Qin Yi, and said, "Happy meeting."     

"Happy meeting~."     

Qin Yi greeted the man in the red robe and found that his cultivation base was not low; the Late Stage of Foundation Establishment; was the same as him.     

"Then, two masters, you talk slowly, and this lowly one will leave first."     

Pan De quickly resigned and closed the door tightly because his duties had been completed.     

"Zhao Hanying, the disciple of the Blissful Sect." After the door was closed, Zhao Hanying introduced himself to Qin Yi again.     

"Collector, future owner of your mansion," Qin Yi also introduced himself.     

The two sides introduced themselves and smiled at each other. For them, the name is just a code name that can be used to communicate.     

"Then I will be straight to the point. My mansion is a three-courtyard house; there is a garden field, a practice field, and several Rank formations. I wonder what price Brother Collector can offer?"     

Three-courtyard house? That's pretty big...     

Moreover, it has a garden and a practicing field.     

"Then Brother Zhao would like a spirit stone or something equivalent?" Qin Yi responded.     

"Great!" Zhao Hanying rejoiced, "Spirit stones are naturally the best, but if the Brother Collector can come up with a particular or offensive artifact that fascinates me, I can sell them to you cheaper."     

"Oh? I don't know what kind of weapon artifact Brother Zhao usually uses?"     


"Sword…" Qin Yi nodded.     

Sword is a highly mainstream weapon; eight out of ten people use a sword as their primary weapon.     

Among the artifacts, Qin Yi was the least short of swords. In fact, he possessed five Spirit Artifact grade swords.     

Please don't ask where they came from. Even Qin Yi wasn't really sure who he got them from.     

Qin Yi extracted a lot of treasures from a lot of random people. Sometimes, he also ran into artifact shops and got a lot of surprises, including some Spirit Artifacts.     

His current primary weapon—Dark Amethyst Bow- came from a certain store he visited.     

Without further thinking, Qin Yi took out a rare sword from Storage Ring and handed it to Zhao Hanying, "I wonder if Brother Zhao is interested in this sword?"     

The moment when he saw the sword, Zhao Hanying's eyes lit up, "Can I take a closer look?"     

"Of course~" Qin Yi replied with a please gesture.     

The sword is a curved shortsword with the Dragon tattoo emblem on its hilt, five holes along the middle of the sharp edge, and five half-moon holes along the other side of the edge.     

The sword is split into two colors: the sharp part is silver, and the opposite is a dark green moss. Because the shape is similar to a dragon tooth, it is named Dragon Tooth Sword.     

After looking at the Dragon Tooth Sword several times, Zhao Hanying raised his head and looked at Qin Yi: "Brother Collector, I don't know what this artifact call is for?"     

"It is called The Dragon Tooth Sword; it is an artifact I got by chance. It can stab, chop, cleave, and stab with great power. In addition, it is made of Rank 3 material called Green Flood Dragon's Teeth. It can also absorb the spiritual qi of the world and make it its strength."     

"It is indeed the Green Flood Dragon's Teeth, and the Refiner who built this artifact is superb. I have seen a lot of swords throughout my life. I have seen many Refiners and all kinds of swords they made, but I dare to say this guy is the best."     

Green Flood Dragon is Rank 3 Magical Beasts; it has a bloodline that contains dragon blood. Therefore, every precious part of its body is considered a Dragon Material.     

Rank 3 Dragon Materials are rare and worth a lot of money, Spirit Artifact made of Rank 3 Dragon Materials is even more expensive.     

Seeing Zhao Hanying's in love, Qin Yi took out the other three swords from his Storage Ring and said, "Spirit Artifacts plus three Normal Artifacts, I believe they are enough to buy your mansion. How do you say that, Brother Zhao?"     

Seeing the other three swords, Zhao Hanying's expression is happier, but he doesn't take it immediately, as if he was thinking about something.     

Although the exchange of several swords for a mansion sounds like a silly transaction, in fact, the mansion itself is of no value to the cultivator. What is valuable is a place with rich spiritual energy.     

The swords that Qin Yi offered were the best. Their values ​​are definitely enough to exchange with the manor.     

"Brother Zhao is not satisfied?" Seeing Zhao Hanying stunned, Qin Yi reminded him.     

"No, no, satisfied, satisfied, I'm a little worried that Brother Collector will look down on my spiritual place and wonder what I should do if you regret your decision after seeing my mansion later..."     

"Brother Zhao joked. Your manor is quite big. Although the spiritual energy is a little unsatisfactory, it's alright and can be improved. I think this transaction is worth it."     

"Well, since Brother Collector is happy with it, then I will take you to my manor now." Zhao Hanying said, returning the swords to Qin Yi.     

Taking the swords, Qin Yi got up and made a please gesture: "Then please, Brother Zhao, lead the way."     

Following Zhao Hanying through most of Black Water City, Qin Yi finally saw the manor he owned.     

"This facade is imposing." Qin Yi praised the two stone lions at the entrance of the house.     

"Brother Collector laughed. It is said that the more you want to hide, the easier it is to be discovered. If this kind of mansion is..."     

"I understand, I understand." Before Zhao Hanying finished speaking, Qin Yi nodded at him.     

Many houses with solid spiritual energy are "greatly hidden in the city", pretending to be the houses of a wealthy businessman or family and standing in the town. Of course, to be careful of being discovered by other cultivators, such places will definitely be covered with an extensive formation to make the "self" look as ordinary as other big houses.     

Zhao Hanying's manor is that kind of house, which is located in the corner of Black Water City, and there are many other houses nearby.     

Looking at the yard full of fallen leaves, Zhao Hanying said with a little apologetic tone: "The servant and the butler in the mansion were dismissed, so there's no one in charge of cleaning this mansion. Brother Collector, do you mind? "     

"Of course, I don't mind. I will find someone to clean it later."     

"That's good. If Brother Collector needs reliable servants, I can introduce some middlemen to you."     

"Okay, I'll thank Brother Zhao in advance."     

"Come, please, here."     

"Come on, please, both of you." Zhao Hanying stood at the gate and said to them.     

Crossing the gate behind Zhao Hanying, Qin Yi first released his Divine Sense and checked the entire mansion.     

'Camouflage Formation, Spirit Gathering Formation, and... Minor Defensive Formation.'     

All of them are Rank 2 Formations, but their quality is just so so as they have many flaws and are easy to discover by someone like him.     

Qin Yi looked around, but his right hand secretly cast Bloody Wood Extension and rooted them into the ground.     

Zhao Hanying was unaware of Qin Yi's actions, he took Qin Yi and Yin Chen through the dusty lobby, and the three came to the mansion's backyard.     

"Brother Collector, this is the garden. I've picked all the plants here, so it's empty now..." Zhao Hanying introduced, standing beside a flower pot.     

"It's perfect!" Qin Yi applauded once.     

He didn't really care about the things planted here; they were probably low-level heaven and earth materials. Besides, he could directly extract them from Zhao Hanying.     

'System, extract him!'     

Soon, the system responded.     

[Extraction completed!]     

[Obtained 180 Cultivation Points]     

[Obtained 750,000 spirit stones. Grade: Low-Grade.]     

[Obtained five spirit stones. Grade: Middle-Grade.]     

[Obtained a cultivation technique - "Heaven Blissful". Grade: Earth]     

[Obtained a martial skill - "Frozen Palm". Grade: Earth]     



"It looks like Brother Zhao is very satisfied."     

"Satisfied, so satisfied."     

"Then this deal is done?"     

"Of course, it counts." Qin Yi took out the four swords from Storage Ring and handed them to Zhao Hanying.     

"Happy transactions!" Zhao Hanying stretched out his hand as he said, but instead of taking the swords, he slapped Qin Yi on the chest.     


After a strange silence, Qin Yi and Zhao Hanying blinked twice simultaneously.     

"Brother Zhao, why are you?" Qin Yi said, looking at Zhao Hanying with an unbelievable look.     

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