Red Storm

Book 2 - 1.4 Taking Control of the Tribe (I)

Book 2 - 1.4 Taking Control of the Tribe (I)

0Book 2-1.4 Taking Control of the Tribe (I)    

Venersis remembered the incident from back then.    

How could he, who was called the greatest warrior of the desert, not notice the presence in that paoe?    


knew that there was someone who was hiding in the large box. He then     

sent the warriors out and secretly paid attention to the situation in     

the paoe. But after watching everything, he just decided to return.    

‘If it was not her son … would I just let them go again today like I did back then?’    

Venersis was thinking. He would not kill them because of his pride as a warrior, but he might have taken them as prisoners.    

Venersis grabbed two pouches of water from his pirma and threw them to Pere as he spoke.    

“If I’m going to help, I should help properly. Oh, and tell that young warrior that Venersis will be waiting for him.”    


turned away from Pere who was watching him with a surprised expression     

and directed his pirma forward. The warriors of the Desert Sword     

followed after him.    

After watching their backs for a bit, Pere started to do what he needed to do.    


first pulled Yulian off the pirma and laid him down on the sand. He     

then poured the shanana on his palm, mixed it with water and dripped it     

onto Yulian’s dry lips.    

Maybe it was his survival instincts;     

although Yulian was still unconscious, he drank the water Pere dripped     

in without letting it spill.    

After feeding Yulian plenty of water,     

Pere took a couple gulps of water for himself. If you drink too much     

water while being under the sun, you were guaranteed to become     

dehydrated. You won’t die if you just drink enough to wet your throat.    

“This is enough for me to survive.”    


onto the water pouch, Pere was relieved that he was able to get enough     

water he needed for survival and once again started to head for the     

Rivolde Oasis.    


Grace was late. This was because Librie had arrived at the tribe one step ahead of her.    

“Catch that heinous bitch!”    

Librie shouted as soon as she saw Grace, but the chiefs and warriors who were gathered together in shock hesitated.    

There was nobody here who did not know about Grace, the young glow’s wife and the future mother of Pareia.    

How could they not know the person who was always full of energy and working to make the oasis better?    


… no Librie, you, for what benefit did you hatch such a plot to hurt     

father and his sons? And what did you just say? Did you just say I was     


Grace was angry and started to shout and the chiefs and     

warriors looked back and forth between the two women before becoming     

anxious about the chaos that was going on in their heads.    


Glow, Young glow, and Pere-nim have all been hit by poison! And that     

woman’s tribe is currently chasing after the two brothers. Chief-nims,     

please hurry and seize that woman and save the young glow and his     

younger brother who are in trouble.”    

The chiefs were fidgeting after hearing what Grace said.    


are you doing! We need to hurry up and catch that heinous bitch and     

catch those worse than animals sons of his. Seina … Seina … when I went     

to her paoe, Seina was already dead. I knew something big must have     

happened so I told my father and cousins to use greeting the glow as an     

excuse to visit him, and that immoral act was going on! Yulian, that     

immoral child and Pere knew they were caught red-handed after seeing my     

father and cousins and hurriedly ran away!”    

As Librie shouted, the chiefs continued to fidget.    

Yarumaha stepped forward and spoke.    


chiefs and warriors, immediately escort the two of them and go to the     

Glow’s paoe. We must first determine if they are telling the truth.”    

Listening to Yarumaha’s orders, his warriors captured Grace and Librie.    

“What are you all doing! Don’t capture me, capture that bitch!”    

As Librie continued to shout at the top of her lungs, the warriors looked towards Yarumaha and he started to speak to Librie.    

“Please endure it for a little. Since the two of you have different stories, shouldn’t we first go meet with the Glow?”    

“Didn’t I just tell you that the Glow was poisoned to death by them?”    

Yarumaha shook his head as he answered.    


must verify it. We need to see if the Glow really passed away. My mind     

is very chaotic as well right now, so Librie-nim, please don’t say     

anything and just endure. We must uncover the truth.”    

At Yarumaha’s stern words, Librie shut her mouth, and Grace also silently followed after him.    

Librie’s tribe warriors were already taking care of loose ends inside Glow Baguna’s paoe.    

There were shamans next to Orca, and the chief shaman Tuma Takaka was next to Baguna.    

“Tuma Takaka, what happened?”    

Yarumaha and the chiefs urgently headed towards him and asked.    

Tuma Takaka looked at Yarumaha and the chiefs running towards him with a devastated expression and started to speak.    

“Glow Baguna-nim has left the desert.”    

The people staggered for a bit before falling to the ground.    


they thought probably not, Librie and Grace must have made a mistake     

when they said that. That’s what they were all thinking as they headed     

here. After Glow Baguna’s death was confirmed, they had received a great     

shock. He was the Glow who had earned all of their respect.    

“Who dared to do such a thing!”    

Yarumaha and the other chiefs let out their rage and everyone’s attention turned directly to Librie and Grace.    

Librie spoke as if she was shouting.    


to the law of the tribe, when the Glow, the Mother of Pareia, and the     

Young Glow are all missing, the command of the warriors and the final     

decisions goes to whom?”    

The chiefs looked at each other for a second.    

“The highest ranking person in the Glow’s family.”    

Once Yarumaha answered, Librie nodded her head and started to speak.    

“Then since the Glow, the Mother of Pareia, and Yulian, that immoral child has ran away, then all decisions are mine, correct?”    


of them were sitting there like mutes who had eaten honey and could not     

answer. Neither Librie nor Grace were people who they could not treat     



“I asked if I was in charge of making the decision for the tribe.”    

When Librie asked again, Yarumaha and the other chiefs nodded their heads.    

‘I did it.’    

Librie was cheering loudly in her mind.    


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