Red Storm

Book 2 - 2.5 Visiting the Oasis (II)

Book 2 - 2.5 Visiting the Oasis (II)

0Book 2-2.5 Visiting the Oasis (II)    

He traveled across the     

continent for five years to figure out the reason he came to this world,     

and seeing that the desert he returned to had changed quite a bit, Chun     

Myung Hoon was quite frustrated.    

The thing that he saw the most     

throughout the continent was similar to those corrupt officials back in     

China. He saw those so called royalty of the continent abusing their     

people. It was worlds apart from how the Glows and the chiefs of the     

deserts treated their people with love.    

However, the desert that     

he returned to was smudged full of betrayal and distrust. For him who     

happily came back because he liked the passion of the people and the     

culture of respect that the people had, it was the worst..    


moment it looked like Chun Myung Hoon’s body was about to move, Yulian     

and Yarumaha were suddenly in the center of where the two camps of     

soldiers were standing.    



Yulian and     

Yarumaha both shouted in shock, and as both sets of warriors who had     

been standing idiotically tried to start moving, Chun Myung Hoon started     

to shout.    

“Other than the representatives, everybody else scram! If you move, you will die!”    


Myung Hoon had wanted to just quickly take care of this whole situation     

by catching and killing the responsible individuals.    

However, his disciple had rejected that offer, and he remained calm because he believed his disciple made the right decision.    


they had to wait around for an hour, and even after meeting with     

Yarumaha, it didn’t look like it was going to go anywhere for a while     

because of other people’s perceptions. For Chun Myung Hoon who normally     

had a hard time controlling his anger, this type of frustration was just     

too much.    

Yulian stayed calm since Chun Myung Hoon was his master     

and he knew about his master’s almost omnipotent strength, but     

Yarumaha’s warriors could not do that.    

Vibli started to shout angrily.    

“How dare you look down on us like this! If you can kill us, try it!”    


knew that he was not a match for Chun Myung Hoon since he couldn’t even     

see Chun Myung Hoon move, but his pride as a warrior made him forget     

about that.    

As Vibli’s pirma tried to take one step forward, Chun Myung Hoon lifted his feet once more.    

Yulian who happened to be watching his master’s movement shouted out.    

“Master! He is just a warrior focused on his duty!”    


fast must Chun Myung Hoon’s movement have been? Chun Myung Hoon stopped     

midway, but in response, Vibli’s pirma did not manage to take a single     

step forward.    

Chun Myung Hoon looked down at Vibli from the top of the pirma’s head and started to speak.    

“This is your final warning. I will let you off this once because I happen to like desert warriors.”    

Yulian also shouted.    


Warrior Vibli-nim! I swear by my name that I came here to prove my     

innocence! I also came to get an oath of loyalty from the Cold Oasis as     

the rightful Glow! Even if I do not manage to prove my innocence, I do     

not have a grain of sand of desire to harm Yarumaha-nim, so please do     

not move!”    

Yulian was thankful that his master stopped.    


he did not do anything and just watched, Vibli would have been beaten up     

by his master until the dust stopped flying, and Vibli would not have     

been able to live with that shame.    

His master liked the heart of     

the desert and the warriors, but he did not like their pride. He just     

had to look back at the amount of times he was beaten up.    

‘I swear he must have been a dictator.’    

Yulian remembered the thought he had every time he was beaten up, and started to speak to Yarumaha.    

“He is my master. I’m sure you’ve heard of him from my father?”    


nodded his head as if he understood and motioned to Vibli to stay     

still. He remembered the things he heard from Glow Baguna.    

“He is as amazing as I’ve heard.”    


does whatever he wants, but when it comes to right and wrong, he is the     

most righteous out of anybody I know, so please understand.”    

From there, the rest was a breeze.    

Yulian clearly explained his innocence and righteousness to Yarumaha.    

Yarumaha cautiously listened until the end of Yulian’s words before starting to speak.    


be honest with you, all of the chiefs, including myself, have had our     

doubts. The words you shared with us that day was still fresh on our     

minds, but for something like this to happen on that same day? Of course     

we were doubtful. However, you cannot overcome times of trouble without     

a proper command structure. At that time, Pareia’s greatest command     

definitely belonged to Librie-nim, and we had to follow her orders.”    

“I definitely understand and agree with your decision. I’m sure you had to do what you did.”    


is currently a lot of complaints among the chiefs. Librie-nim has been     

too cozy with Silence’s Janet, and she keeps trying to stay on their     

good side. Of course we have to try to stay on good terms with them, but     

she is overdoing it to the point that the warriors are not happy. In     

addition to that, she keeps trying to go against the convention and push     

Orca-nim to be the Glow. That is making us doubt her even more.”    

Yulian asked a question.    

“Many chiefs should have been gathered there at the time. What did you decide to do?”    


of the chiefs, including myself, agreed that we must first prepare our     

defenses against potential attacks. Once things settled down, we agreed     


to gather back to select a new Glow. However, I guess we will not need     

to do that since you are back now, Yulian-nim. This old man believes     

Yulian-nim. I believe in the determination and wisdom you have shown     

since you were a young boy. However, the real question is how we can     

prove your innocence.”    

As his father’s death was brought back up, Yulian clenched his fists tightly as he responded.    


claim that us brothers poisoned our father to death, however, I was     

also hit by that poison. I’m thankful that Pere was doing a fasting     

prayer because that is what saved us. The fact that I was hit by poison     

is something Pareia’s long time shaman Tuma Takaka-nim can prove,     

however, I’m sure many people will not believe Tuma Takaka-nim. That     

type of method will not be useful in proving my innocence.”    

“That is the problem.”    

Yulian hesitated for a long time before finally starting to speak again.    


my father … it is extremely rude to my father… but we will investigate     

my father’s corpse. The poison that we took was not from the desert.     

Since everybody should know that myself, Pere, and even the warriors     

among us have never left the desert, please have the shamans of the     

individual oasis inspect the poison we retrieve from his corpse. Since     

Tuma Takaka-nim has confirmed that it is not from the desert, if a     

desert poison comes out of my father’s body, I will accept this wrongful     

accusation. However, if it not a desert poison, you will need to think     

about where it came from.”    


There was no ifs or buts. Yarumaha instantly thought of Janet after hearing Yulian’s explanation and shouted.    

Seeing Yulian nod his head, Yarumaha also nodded and continued to speak.    


wonder Librie-nim was oddly close to Janet. I was indeed curious about     

that. She is after all a daughter of the desert and should know the     

situation better than anybody else. But it was really weird seeing her     

still being cautious and wanting to please their every desires.    


waited enough for Yarumaha to accept the truth, and once Yarumaha’s     

gaze returned back to him, he politely and confidently started to speak.    


Baguna’s rightful heir, the Young Glow Yulian Provoke, plans to take     

back the command and law that has been given to me. I am prepared to     

carry the heavy burden of being the Glow of Pareia. Yarumaha-nim, will     

you trust me and follow me?”    

Yarumaha kneeled on the spot and kowtowed as he kissed the tip of Yulian’s foot.    


Chief of the Cold Oasis, the Tight-Lipped Individual Yarumaha Senei     

hereby swears my loyalty to the Glow of Pareia by the name of our     

Guardian, Neo Latin-nim.”    


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