Ancient Strengthening Technique

Chapter 58 – The secret of Situ Luan

Chapter 58 – The secret of Situ Luan

0Chapter 0058 – The secret of Situ Luan    


Shui, did you really use the sword forms from the <

Techniques>> to defeat Situ Bu Fan and his cronies?”    


Yi’s happiness was tinged with astonishment as she inquired. After all,     

Qing Yi was familiar with the bunch of youths which Qing Shui had     

defeated, and thus knew of their strength level. She could not help but     

to feel pride. The proudest moment of a mother was when her child truly     

shined with impressiveness. This was the most gratifying, as well as the     

most touching of all moments.    

“Right, you     

all should not look down on the <>,     

hidden within them were foundations that would grant you a deeper     

understanding on the way of the sword!” Qing Shui seriously replied, as     

it was true.    

“Qing Shui, how did you manage     

to do it? Among those people you defeated there was one named Shi Zong     

Yao whom I known personally. His strength is nothing to sneeze at.” 3rd     

Uncle Qing Hu furrowed his brows in suspicion as he asked.    


there is really no secret. You guys know the various sword forms listed     

out in the <> right? Of all the     

sword forms, the piercing form was the one with the fastest speed. I     

practiced that form over hundreds of millions of times, to the extent     

that I had even lost count of the amount, and gained some enlightenment     

regarding the “truth” of the sword. I believe that if others trained the     

same way as me, perfecting a simple move over hundreds of millions of     

times, he too would be able to gain the same enlightenment as I did.”     

Qing Shui felt that there was no need to keep this a secret. After all,     

how many were like him, and could squander time in training just a     

simple sword movement. How many would have heaven-defying time dilation     

artifacts to help them do so?    

Everyone was     

dumbstruck by what Qing Shui had said. It took 10 years to polish your     

sword skills, this was what everyone knew. However, to think that the     

most simple sword techniques could have such a terrifying strength     

hidden within them after they were honed countless times. What a change     

of perspective… How much willpower did the sword user need? Everyone’s     

gaze was filled with awe and respect when they gazed upon Qing Shui.    


radiant smile blossomed on Qing Yi’s face as she ruffled Qing Shui’s     

hair, while complex emotions rose in her heart. She felt that Qing Shui     

was growing increasingly mysterious. The surprises that Qing Shui had     

given her, had far exceeded all her expectations. She could not help but     

feel impressed by the ancient old man who had taught Qing Shui.    


A certain luxurious room in Hundred Miles City!    


stalwart, strongly-built man dressed in gaudy robes was reclining on a     

comfortable bed while beside him, a scantily-clad busty woman with a     

towel covering her, was giving the young man a massage.    


woman had a head full of long black hair with milky-white skin, a     

willowy waist and a charming appearance. Her ears, small and slightly     

curved were extremely attractive.    

An hour     

passed as the moans grew louder and louder in intensity when suddenly,     

there was only silence. The man coldly smiled, as he rousted his body     

and exited the room.    

The man followed the     

corridor outside the room as he descended the stairs. This was an     

independent luxurious courtyard, as the owners seemed to spare no     

expenses in designing it. Red carpets were laid out everywhere, from the     

corridors to the main hall, and it looked to be suitable for keeping a     

mistress in a splendid abode.    

As the man     

entered the great hall, his handsome visage immediately transformed from     

a look filled with pain and anguish, to exhibiting supreme confidence.     

All the males in the great hall stood up and greeted him as they walked     

in front of the man.    

“Brother Luan is still     

the strongest among us.” A skinny and weak looking youth started to     

bootlick as he extended a thumbs up gesture to the man named Brother     


The man called Brother Luan, was filled with a lascivious smile. This smile, was something that all males understood.    


man called Brother Luan was none other than Situ Luan from the Situ     

Clan, the strongest amongst the younger generation. He appeared to be at     

ease while joking and laughing around with his band of brothers, yet     

his heart was heavy as he heard their praises.    


Luan, that youth from the Qing Village earlier, had trounced your     

younger brother as well as Shi Zong Yao earlier.” A strongly built youth     

with a build comparable to a tiger’s back and bear’s waist spoke.    


Chen, wasn’t your younger brother Ding Xing also among those defeated?”     

After Situ Luan and the rest sat down, a young lady quickly served them     


The teacups were all made from purple     

sand, which showcased the wealth of the Situ Clan. This group of people     

gathered were all profligate sons of the rich, or disciples from the     

large clans. Every meal they had was filled with mouth-watering     

delicious food in abundance. They ate well while playing with women     


“Hehe!” Ding Chen laughed embarrassedly.    


Chen, keeping a low profile won’t do you any good. Don’t tell me you     

really want that fellow Ding Lang to succeed the Ding Clan as the Clan     

Head? So what you are not the eldest grandson? You can still create     

beneficial situations for yourself, blackening Ding Lang’s reputation     


and forcing him out of the Ding Clan.” Despite Ding Chen looking honest     

and upright, Situ Luan knew that hidden underneath that idiotic facade,     

was a ruthless and cold-blooded man.    


time is not right yet, let’s wait for a while more, when that time     

comes, Brother Luan must lend me a helping hand!” Ding Chen continued     


Ever since Situ Luan injured the     

lower part of his body during cultivation, he had tried all remedies and     

seeked the opinions of countless doctors but to no avail. All his hopes     

were dashed into pieces, no matter how charming or attractive a woman     

is, it was still useless to him! Under a fit of rage, he killed all the     

doctors he had consulted, leaving only himself who knew the secret.    


which, he spent all his efforts in focusing on his cultivation, but his     

previous girlfriend knew about this. So he had no choice but to use     

underhanded methods to lure her over, threatening her to kill her whole     

family. Without a choice, his ex girlfriend could only comply, and     

suffered… death for all her efforts.    

“Does Ding Lang knows about this?” Situ Luan questioned as he cast a sidelong glance at Ding Chen.    


knows, but he had never once shown any inclination to bother with our     

affairs. How would he ever think highly of this group of people!” Ding     

Chen said as complex emotions colored his tone.    


that fellow always had his head up in the air, in the future when he     

dies, I’m afraid he won’t even know what killed him.” Situ Luan coldly     


“Outsiders have already climbed     

on top of our head, after all, Ding Lang is the representative of all     

the younger generations in Hundred Miles City. We should do nothing, and     

see how long he can endure this humiliation.”    


people here were all members of the great clans of Hundred Miles City.     

Ding Chen was from the Ding Clan, his only motive in befriending Situ     

Luan, was for Situ Luan to help him to dispose of Ding Lang.    



Shui in the Qing Clan’s Medicinal Store, was busy with his own affairs.     

He was not even the slightest bit of concerned regarding the bunch of     

good for nothings that he had defeated. As long as they don’t come to     

look for him for trouble, Qing Should could care less for the things     

they did. Even if they were to rob the stores in public or murder     

someone in broad daylight, it was still none of his business. After all,     

Qing Shui was not that kind, he was not Jesus.    


the night, Qing Shui entered into the realm of the Violet Jade     

Immortal. He thought of the two treasures which he had stored in his     

spatial realm earlier that day as he searched the crystal pond before     

retrieving the black-colored tree branch that was filled with spiritual     

power. Despite observing for almost half a day, he was not able to tell     

what it could be used for, and eventually he decided to plant the tree     

branch in the soil near the Energy Enhancing Tree and he poured some of     

the water from the crystal pond over it.    


for the iron essence, he placed it on the wet soil near the crystal pond     

as he sat down cross-leggedly in preparation for his cultivation. Other     

than assiduously enduring the backlash from the failure of breaking     

through to the 49th cycle, Qing Shui would use the time after he failed,     

to train in his Ghostly Steps, Solitary Rapid Fist, Hidden Weapons     

Technique and the sword forms from the <

Techniques>> too.     

Qing Shui hope that he would soon be able to step into the 4th Heavenly Layer of the Ancient Strengthening Technique!    


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