Swallowed Star

Chapter 1477: Ultimate Battle

Chapter 1477: Ultimate Battle

0Chapter 1477: Ultimate Battle    


Nyoi-Bo Studio    


Nyoi-Bo Studio    

A ferocious Sector Beast stood in a space where chaos air was permeating. The space around it had already clotted.    

"It's coming." Both the heads of the ferocious Sector Beast looked in the same direction.    

A streak of light was flying toward it. Then it stopped. It was a silver-armored, silver-winged man, and a ferocious Sector Beast standing beside him.    

"Morosa, you enslaved idiot!" bellowed the savage Sector Beast with two horns. "You're an embarrassment to us Sector Beasts!"    

"Mo He!" Morosa, standing beside Luo Feng, yelled right back. "Fate also permits me to become the ultimate king… You aren't qualified to say something like that to me!"    

Luo Feng observed the Sector Beast in front of him. It was much larger, and the bloody engraving picture was more complicated. There was a horn on each of the heads, and the white lights on them were filled with endless destructive force! Plus, it held an axe in its right hand.    

"That is…" Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat. "That's the weapon of Huge Axe!"    

"You're familiar with this?" Sector Beast Mo He turned to Luo Feng. Both his singular eyes were gleaming with insanity. "You've seen the axe in my hands? Yes, that came from the first creature from Universe Ocean. From Zhen Jia Emperor and the others, I learned that this Universe Ocean life form was named Huge Axe Creator, and he was once the most powerful being in the human race! I was living at the edge of the hive, and I saw Huge Axe Creator enter the hive. I found him first! And then, I killed him with soul attacks."    

Luo Feng shot Mo He a horrible look.    

"What a coincidence," said Mo He. "I got this axe from him." Sector Beast Mo He looked at the godly axe in its hands. "I liked this axe as soon as I saw it. Perhaps I was born to use this axe. I created axe techniques easily, and I merged all my comprehension with that axe! Although I can't own the weapon, I can still use it as a tool. It is very sturdy and very sharp." Mo He added in a whisper, "If I can use a tool, I can be stronger."    

Luo Feng frowned. Sector Beast Mo He was different from other Sector Beasts.    

Morosa had warned him that Mo He was sneaky. Anytime Luo Feng encountered other Sector Beasts, they would all roar and immediately launch attacks at him. On the contrary, Mo He was speaking to him calmly. Obviously, it was saying those things to assault Luo Feng's mind, causing his mood to waver.    

"I killed more than eight million Sector Beasts all at once," said Luo Feng. "What can you do about me?"    

Luo Feng stunned Sector Beast Mo He with a single statement.    

Yes. The way Luo Feng had killed all those eight million Sector Beasts terrified Mo He. It had no idea how Luo Feng had killed more than eight million Sector Beasts all at once.    

"Fortunately," Sector Beast Mo He said, glancing at Morosa in the distance, "my actual opposition is Morosa. If I can kill Morosa, I'll be the ultimate king! When I become the ultimate king, even if you could become 100 times stronger, you would still die."    


As soon as he finished talking, a blurry, colorful light domain burst forth from the body of Mo He, covering an area of several square light years. It was the almighty Sector Light Domain. The stronger the sector, the more powerful Sector Light Domain was.    

"Is this all you've got?" Luo Feng snorted. "Remember, there are two of us."    

The five pairs of silver wings were wide open on Luo Feng's back, and they suddenly started to gleam. A miniature universe formed with a diameter of 100 light years. Last time, when he had been fighting Beddy, the miniature universe he had created wasn't this powerful! Through the "origin," the power of the miniature universe was obviously greater.    


The battlefield was in the space of Universe Ocean, and there was chaos air everywhere. It could also help with the move known as "establish miniature universe with a single thought." The endless chaos in the miniature universe was powerful, and it was suppressing the colorful light, narrowing Sector Light Domain.    

"There are only two of you," said Mo He, "but there are ten million of me."    

The body of Sector Beast Mo He suddenly shone with white light, and bloody light surrounded the axe in its hand. It immediately sped up, moving 100,000 times faster than light speed—a million times faster than light speed. It rushed toward Morosa at a terrifying speed.    

Under the supreme laws, there had to be an ultimate king born in this fight. Morosa couldn't hide in Star Tower to shun the fight, as fate would not permit it. This was the ultimate fight of the Sector Beasts, the battle that would determine the final king. It was also the fight that would determine the life or death of every race in Universe Ocean.    

"Scram!" Luo Feng shook his wings and warded off the attacks.    

The blade light was gleaming! A giant, golden door opened, and the destructive force from the golden door slashed toward Sector Beast Mo He, who turned into a streak of bloody light.    

This was Luo Feng's supreme blade technique, "Door of Life"!    

While trying to hunt down the Sector Beasts, a group of level-five Sector Beasts had been enslaved by Luo Feng. Luo Feng had asked them to perform "Destruction" again and again so that he could comprehend it. In an area where time traveled ten million times fast, Luo Feng had turned that into his own comprehension, thus improving his level.    

Door of Life was a top-tier level 12 technique!    

If he'd had another 10,000 years or perhaps a million, Luo Feng could have achieved even more! That was why Luo Feng thought the supreme laws favored the Sector Beasts; the supreme laws wouldn't allow the ultimate king of the Sector Beasts to be an enslaved individual so easily. As a result, it had imposed the fifth law.    


Sector Beast Mo He waved the godly axe in his hands, yelling. At the same time, an enormous Sector Beast made of light appeared behind it. It waved its palms. A gleaming white blade of light, seemingly comprised of tens of thousands of diamonds and reflecting endless scenes, struck Luo Feng's Door of Life.    


Everything cracked. Space turned hollow while Sector Beast Mo He rolled away, moving a million times faster than light speed.    

"Impossible." Sector Beast Mo He stopped in the space in the distance. Its eyes bulged with terror. "I've comprehended the destruction origin, and I've merged it with my axe techniques. I'm not like other idiots who only know how to perform Destruction. I understand the mysteries of that move and have merged them with the axe technique. I performed my supreme technique in a destructive way… This move is ten times more powerful than Destruction! How could I have failed?"    

Luo Feng, standing in the distance, stared at Sector Beast Mo He. "It's obviously because I'm stronger than you!"    

His level had been improved, and he had created "Door of Life."    

As a result, he had finally fully comprehended the third level of Wu Qi God, and he had performed Blood Shadow Blade while wearing Wu Qi God. He was able to utilize greater power, and his blade technique had been improved. When both were combined, his innate fighting power had shot up to a new level. It was naturally more powerful than the axe technique of Mo He!    

Luo Feng was powerful enough to defeat 100,000 Sector Beasts by himself.    

"Wonderful," said Sector Beast Mo He. "No wonder you're the biggest enemy of us Sector Beasts." Mo He stared at Luo Feng. He didn't even glance at Morosa in the distance. "I see that I can only kill Morosa after killing you."    

"Finally, you understand." The silver-armored Luo Feng grasped Blood Shadow Blade, and his wings were wide open as he stood in front of Morosa.    

"I killed 'You' with my axe technique," said Mo He in a low voice. "However, you still defeated my axe technique. Fortunately, on my way back from Lost Ocean Domain, I comprehended the actual supreme technique of Sector Beasts."    

Luo Feng was dumbfounded. There was no need for Mo He to lie at this moment; it had no reason to bluff.    

"Separate!" Sector Beast Mo He yelled.    


Suddenly, the ends of the horns on its heads suddenly shone. After time and space changed, Luo Feng felt everything go blurry. Two copies of Mo He appeared in the distance. The white light pulled back, and space and time were stabilized. There were, indeed, two of Sector Beast Mo He.    

Level-six Sector Beasts could have ten million bodies. Plus, Luo Feng knew from Morosa that before Sector Beast Mo He even started to fight him, it had a million bodies already. They were scattered everywhere. Even if it died, those other bodies could still recover back to level six immediately.    

"What happened?" Luo Feng was shocked.    

"Wait, master." Morosa transmitted its voice anxiously. "Normally, level-six Sector Beasts will separate into many bodies, but all those bodies are very weak so that the original body can still stay strong. However, Sector Beast Mo He has another body now. It has given that body half of its original power. The original body and its copy are equally strong."    

Luo Feng nodded. He could feel it now. The two copies of Sector Beast Mo He were, indeed, relatively weaker than the previous, completed version. If the original body of Mo He was at top-tier level six, the two Sector Beasts Mo He should have been at level six.    

"It is weakening its own power?" Luo Feng was confused. "If it separates its body into two parts, its power is weakened. The best way would be to combine both of the bodies, yet it did the opposite?"    

"You should be honored to be defeated by this move," said Mo He.    

The two copies of Sector Beast Mo He stood in the distance. At the same time, bloody engravings floated on its body, forming a giant, bloody engraving picture, forming two enormous Sector Beasts made of light.    

Both Sector Beasts performed Destruction at the same time.    

Instead of axe techniques, it was pure destruction!    

Hong! Hong!    

Two traces of gleaming whirlpool portals were swirling and twisting with each other. Their walls were like mirrors, shining brightly. The mirrors reflected one another, forming an endless mirror world.    

Luo Feng was shocked by how Mo He performed this technique. He recalled that Beddy had performed the same technique, "Reincarnation Passageway," before. Now, it was the same way. Beddy had barely understood the technique, yet Mo He had separated its body into two, and both bodies were performing "Destruction Portal" at the same time. When they were combined, it looked perfect.    

If the technique Beddy had used was only a blade embryo, the technique Mo He was now performing was a sharp, bloody combat blade!    

"Destruction of Reincarnation!" Both copies of Sector Beast Mo He yelled in anger.    

The two whirlpool portals were twisting and spinning, destroying everything, shattering space and time. The entire miniature universe shook and cracked.    

The two portals flew toward Luo Feng. They were unstoppable.    


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