Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 173 - The Last Night

Chapter 173 - The Last Night

0 Chapter 173: The Last Night    


When Long woke up in the morning, he still didn’t know that Shi went out at night.    


He kissed Shi and found that Shi looked a little tired. Then, Long got up and left.    


During the morning meeting, all the ministers were agitated because of the brutal killing the previous day.    


Long didn’t talk much, just letting those people argue and worry themselves.    


When the meeting was almost over, Long said something calmly.    


“I don’t think… those people were killed for no reason. Perhaps they’ve done something shameful.”    


Long’s words stunned the ministers in the court.    


After saying those words indifferently, Long directly ended the meeting and left the hall.    


The ministers looked at each other in astonishment.    


A man gently elbowed another man.    


“His Majesty has found out the truth… His Majesty must have found out the truth…”    


“Don’t panic!” The second man stopped him in a low voice.    


That man tried to calm himself down.    


“Well, let’s go back, as if nothing happened. Just pretend that you’re very angry.”    


The first man took a deep breath. “Yes, thank you for your advice.”    


Long didn’t know about this at all. He didn’t send anyone to watch these ministers in the court, because there was no need.    


After the meeting, Long went directly to Qiankun Palace.    


But when he arrived at the place… Shi had already gone.    


Long asked a Shadow Guardian. “Where’s Doctor Liu Suifeng? Is he there?”    


“He left with the empress.”    


“Okay…” Long nodded and felt a little relieved.    


In the next two days, there was growing unrest in the imperial city.    


On the first day, some people in the officials’ houses were dead.    


But on the second day, some rich businessmen were killed.    


On the third day, a lot of martial artists were killed, including those in Tianji Sect!    


“Mistress.” In Tianji Sect, a servant said to Wu Xiangyuan, “The imperial court has begun to deal with our sect.”    


Wu waved her hand. “Yes, I know.”    


“Mistress.” The servant looked at Wu. “What are you going to do?”    


“What to do?” Wu glanced at him coldly. “What do you think we should do?”    


The servant lowered his head. “I don’t know.”    


“Guardian Zou left you here. If you were not capable, why would he leave you here?” Wu’s attitude was inexplicable and the servant didn’t know what she really meant.    


The young man looked a little nervous. He said, “Mistress, you flatter me.”    


Wu sneered. “I flatter you? But you’ve really done a lot of things these days. Why don’t you tell me what you’ve found?”    


The servant’s expression changed again.    


Wu sighed. “I really underestimated Guardian Zou. I didn’t expect that he’d leave such a person here after I drove him away. You’ve found out a lot of my secrets, haven’t you?”    


The servant took a deep breath and realized that he wouldn’t be able to walk out of the door alive.    


“Now that you’ve known this… I want to ask you a question.”    


Wu smiled. “You must know that you can’t leave here alive today. What’s your question? I’ll tell you before you die.”    


The servant said calmly, “Why do you do this to Tianji Sect? Even though it’s powerful, it can’t compete with the imperial court. You’re bringing disaster on our sect. Why do you do this?”    


“Why…” Wu sighed. Then, she said coldly, “The imperial court can hurt Tianji Sect only when it exists. But what if it no longer exists?”    


The servant was stunned. Then, he shook his head with a wry smile. “Mistress, it’s not as simple as you think. The imperial family has existed for hundreds of years. Tianji Sect can’t defeat it.”    


“Humph, it’s not just about Tianji Sect.”    


The servant said calmly, “Mistress, you’re working with the people of Eastern Darkness, right? Maybe even their imperial family. But we were born here. Do you think it’s right to betray our own nation?”    


Hearing the servant’s words, Wu sneered. “Betray our nation? Haha. I just don’t like the present emperor. I didn’t betray our nation. I only hope that the emperor can be changed. As for Eastern Darkness… Haha. I’m just working with them. They won’t have the chance to invade our nation.”    


The servant shook his head with a bitter smile. “Mistress, you are so naive. People of Eastern Darkness are ambitious. Working with them will just put you in great danger. Do you think you can stop them from invading our nation? Mistress, it’s not as simple as think! I believe that once our army is defeated, our nation will be controlled by Eastern Darkness! They have millions of troops. How can you stop them? Do you think some martial artists can stop them? If that really happens, who will suffer? Everyone in our nation will suffer!”    


The servant said calmly, but those words stunned Wu.    


After all, Wu was just a lady from a big sect. She didn’t know much about world politics.    


The servant took a deep breath. “Mistress, my life is worthless and it’s fine if I die. But I can tell you that if you continue to cooperate with Eastern Darkness, Tianji Sect will definitely be used and destroyed by them in the end!”    


Wu’s face darkened.    


The servant fixed his eyes on Wu and said softly, “Mistress, our leader doesn’t know about your cooperation with Eastern Darkness, does he?”    


Wu shook her head slowly. “No.”    


“Something happened in the headquarters in the south. I’m telling the truth,” the servant said firmly.    


Wu was stunned and frowned. “That’s just a little trick of mine.”    


“No.” The servant interrupted Wu. “Mistress, something must have happened in the headquarters. If you don’t believe it, you can go back and have a look. Mistress, you have been used. Now, the imperial court has decided to eradicate Tianji Sect. I’m afraid that Eastern Darkness will also give up on us! It’s possible that they’re waiting for us to fight against the imperial court. Then both sides will suffer.”    


Wu looked very serious.    


The servant pled, “Mistress, I’m always here and you can kill me at any time. However, I’ve been living in Tianji Sect since childhood. It’s like my home. I don’t want it to be destroyed by others. Mistress, please go back and have a look. Something must’ve happened to our leader!”    


Seeing that the servant was so sincere, Wu was convinced.    


After a long time, Wu said calmly, “Okay, I can go back to have a look, but if you lie to me, I will certainly kill you later!”    


“Thank you very much, mistress!” The servant felt very happy.    


An hour and a half later after Wu left the imperial city, Shi arrived at Tianji Sect with a large number of Shadow Guardians.    


The servant was surprised and went to greet the empress.    


This young man was called Wu Fang. “Greetings, Your Grace.”    


Shi looked him coldly. “Where’s Wu Xiangyuan?”    


“She’s gone to the south.”    


“Oh?” Shi raised his eyebrows.    


The young man said at once, “Your Grace, can I have a talk with you?”    


Shi glanced at him and then walked to one side.    


The servant didn’t dare to hide anything. He told Shi about his investigation and conversation with Wu.    


“Our guardian asked me to investigate it before he left. Your Grace, Miss Wu is used by others. Please let her go. If she returns to the correct path, please spare her life!”    


“Spare her life?” Shi glanced at the servant indifferently. “You are so loyal, but it’s a pity that Wu Xiangyuan must die. She dares to plot against me, so I must kill her. As for Tianji Sect, it depends on your decision.”    


Shi’s voice was very cold and the determination in Shi’s eyes shocked that servant.    


Under such circumstances, the young man restrained his fear and said, “Your Grace, Miss Wu is still young. She’s very innocent. Tianji Sect is willing to cooperate with the imperial court. Please spare her life.”    


Facing the servant’s heartfelt plea, Shi just sneered. “I won’t say it a second time.”    


Once hearing those words, the servant paled.    


Then, Shi killed three people in Tianji Sect with his men.    


Those three people were close to Wu and took part in the action earlier.    


The servant’s face became paler.    


After killing three people, Shi looks at the servant coldly. “Is there anyone else?”    


The servant trembled and said, “No, Your Grace.”    


The servant didn’t know whether Shi believed him or not. Shi just glanced at him and left with the Shadow Guardians.    


But the servant was sure that if he and the others resisted earlier, all of them would be killed.    


So was this what the empress was really like? He was so cold and cruel.    


Such an empress really scared the servant.    


After Shi got outside, Liu Suifeng said, “Wu Xiangyuan has gone to the south. What should we do?”    


“Act on the plan,” Shi said calmly.    


The plan… According to the plan, they would leave the imperial city tomorrow.    


Then, they would kill people all the way.    


Doctor Liu looked at Shi’s profile. Coldness and determination filled Shi’s face. After looking at him for a long time, Doctor Liu still didn’t say anything.    


Shi didn’t care if Doctor Liu wanted to say something. He had made up his mind and he would just do it…    


Night fell. When Shi returned to the imperial palace, it was time to have dinner and Long was waiting for him.    


Seeing Shi coming back, Long quickly stepped forward to greet him. He grasped Shi’s hands and began to check carefully.    


Shi didn’t look as cold as he was earlier. His eyes were full of tenderness.    


Long could feel Shi’s tenderness clearly, which made him feel happy.    


Long was in a good mood because what Shi cared about at this moment was only him.    


In spite of that, Long still blamed him. “Why are you back so late?”    


Shi smiled. “Did you delay your dinner?”    


“Of course.” Long glared at him.    


Shi smiled and didn’t say anything.    


Long checked and found that Shi wasn’t injured. So he finally felt relieved. “Are you alright?”    


Shi said with a smile, “Have you checked already?”    



Long pinched Shi’s face hard.    


“Hiss…” It was painful, so Shi cried, “I’m not a kid anymore. How can you punish me like this?”    


“I like it!” Long said.    


Shi helplessly shook his head. “Alright… I’m hungry.”    


Long snorted, but quickly ordered the servants to bring the food.    


After the dinner was delivered, Shi thought that maybe this would be his last meal in the imperial city.    


This night would also be his last night here…    


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