The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

0Chapter 23     

Episode Twenty-Three〜 The Smell of a Woman    

I do not want to get involved with that group of people .     

I sit astride the popobumu, lightly clap my foot on its side and leave . I run to the highway from the back yard .     

I return to where I came from and cross the shallows of the Haym River .     

To get even a little distance between me and the outskirts of Fadyke, I run through the darkness .     

I pass a few villages .     

The morning sun eventually rises and my surrounding become bright .     

Finally, I let the popobumu rest .     

Which reminds me, I just killed someone for the first time earlier .     

But, I feel nothing .     

N? There is a magic essence reaction . I hear the sound of a horse as well .     

-Is it a pursuer?    

When I look back, after all it is the guy with the white mask .     

That fellow, they seem to be running after me without learning their lesson .     

Do they have a grudge from losing?    

Persistent .     

From now on, should I let the pursuer know what kind of existence I am?    

Quickly, I grab the black spear from the popobumu with my right hand, and jump- when I fall to the ground I turn my spear around and assume my stance .     

I will wait for the pursuer here .     

“Rollo, watch for a little . ”    

“Nya . ”    

Rollo the black cat cries in a light voice to say 『Understood』, and assumes a posture with both her back feet together on the back of the popobumu’s head .     

After nodding slightly Rollo moves her crimson eyes and watches the pursuing party .     

The white masked rider is standing on the back of the horse and holding a sword in both hands    

She can stand and do that?    


White Mask jumps while twisting her body, borrowing the momentum of the horse .     

Her body spins like a piece . Her twin swords spin out, borrowing the centrifugal force of her spinning .     

A perfect ten-point score! Her physical orbit wants to say, and I move to ward off the slash which approaches me .     

The rider less horse runs past my side .     

I lift my black spear diagonally and receive the spinning blades . Sword and spear collide, and a harsh *kiin* sounds rings out many times, I handle the black spear in a circle and parry away the spinning blades .     

Landing after White Mask’s spinning attack was prevented, advancing while slashing with a sword, they swing their two swords consecutively .     

Watching without receiving the attack, I retreat and avoid the blades .     

I also thought of it last night, these swords are extremely well forged .     

The reinforcement of the mana used as fighting moji is smooth, a special weapon that seems strong and releases mana .     

It must be a special metal .     

However, it stops here .     

I bend down to avoid an attack and kick out with a fighting moji enhanced leg .     

I kick the ground to retreat back and take a distance from them .     

Once again, I stare at the white mask .     

I stare at the eyes that are slightly visible behind the mask .     

At that moment, I smile-    

I will go on the offensive for a while .     

Head, neck, chest, thigh, knee, I attack with the butt end of the spear, aiming for the vitals .     

For dozens of seconds, I continue wielding the black spear at high speed ever-changing up down left and right .     

White Mask beds down to utilize their small physique, and turning the swords in their hands to repel, quickly avoid my lunges, about half are able to be avoided, a disheveled voice going “ku” and “ha” reaches my ears .     

They begin breathing with their shoulders . Is anaerobic exercise hard?    

I don’t use my spear martial arts in this high-speed battle .     

The rhythm visibly worsens .     

And, a gap is created .     

I cannot over this slight pause .     

-I aim at the right arm .     

I shift to the attack and weave “the skill” and feint a stab to middle as I attack to the left and right .     

I half step counter-clockwise on my toes .     

I suddenly change the trajectory of the black spear, and hit the opponent’s right upper arm with the butt of my spear .     

The arm breaks and bends in as a dull sound echoes .     

“Ia . ”    

The White Mask lets out a strangled cry in pain and drops the sword is their hand .     

However, white mask continues to advance as if they were never injured .     

Cutting the distance between us, they slash down with the sword in their left hand from above .     

However, the attack is too weak to pass .     

I elude the sword slash and catch the attack with the black spear held diagonally .     

While absorbing the force of the attack with the black spear sparks scatter as the blade slides down shaft .     

Then they approach deliberately, and lock our weapons together .     

I meet the eyes of the white mask .     

I look at the eyes of my enemy behind the white mask .     

Beautiful eyes- during that short moment, I feel the center of gravity of the white mask fall to the side .     

The weight of the sword attack can’t resist sliding- the weight of white mask falls forward .     

I let them lean forward, and half-turn my body while catching white mask’s body .     

I take white mask’s back .     

Grasping the left hand of the white mask while forcibly grabbing their elbow, perform and arm lock skill with the black spear .     

This is another one of the variety of skills .     

I twist the left hand with the sword up forcibly and dislocate their shoulder .     

“I, gaa kyaaa . ”    

Oh? A woman!? The white mask makes a shrill scream .     

The white mask drops the last sword grasped in their left hand .     

The sword pierces the ground .     

I am surprised by the woman’s voice, and turn them around to check .     

I put a hand on the black cloak, and grope their chest over chain mail, massaging them…Fumu . (TL: There are other way to check than groping the poor woman . ) These are definitely breasts .     

And they are soft . Dome–shaped oppai .     

As a consultant for the breast research society, I am instantly able to tell the shape of the breast from grasping it .     

“Ah, let me go…what are you doing . ”    

Since the masked woman is constricting her chest I give a weak sigh and resist .     

I am feeling a “woman” after such a long time .     

My crotch is hard; it is developing a peak like Mount Everest .     

Because I am curious about this woman’s face, I immediately act .     

I untie the mask’s string and remove along with the ragged black cloak .     

I release her and step back .     

And I see the woman’s face .     

Oooh, surprising .     

What a beautiful woman .     

This beautiful assassin lady, is it ni○ta?    

She seems to be wearing a chain mail outfit underneath the cloak .     

Moreover, the length of the dress is shorter .     

Her thighs are exposed, and soft look peach-colored skin is visible .     

The black armor reminds me of a “kunoichi . ” (TL: Female Ninja . )    

Nevertheless, her short raven-black bobbed hair and black eyes have the atmosphere of a modern woman .     

Rather than ni○ta, is she not closer to ○mika? A small face, this is a beautiful woman . Possibly the same town?    

“…A woman?”    

While I stare at the woman, using her broken hand, she holds her dislocated shoulder while trembling . (TL: Dude, you’re giving her some really rapey vibes . )    

She is glaring at me with eyes clearly colored with contempt .     

Sometimes, she looks over at the sword she dropped .     

-Do you want your sword?    

She is easy to read . Again, she is glaring at me .     

“You, what is your name?”    


Is she being silent? If I am not mistaken this one’s name is Yui…    

At the beginning, before I was attacked, I remember the Marquis Hewso summoning her .     

“You are called Yui . ”    

“Na . ”    

Oh, a reaction . So Yui really is your name .     

However, you’re still giving of a blood thirsty aura .     

Since she is releasing such a dangerous aura I glare at her .     

“…Is Yui all right?”    

“Na, why, did you stop? Why didn’t you kill me?”    

Ma, more than her name, I am worried about one from that place .     

“When I stopped, I wanted to talk with you a little…I think it was because you’re a woman? Because I heard a cute voice, I wanted to see what underneath the white mask . Honestly…I was really surprised to find such a beautiful woman . ”    

Yui’s dark eyes wavers at my words .     

“Eh, na…”    

“Also, I thoroughly enjoyed your chest . You also have a nice figure . ” (TL: I don’t know what to say . )    

“Y-you are trying to humiliate me, guaaa!” (TL: Can also mean rape . )    

Yui cries out and forces her joints to move, picks up the left sword and takes a distance .     

Ue, it is painful, you should not overdo it .     

Using her fractured hand, she forcibly pops her left shoulder in… I mean, she can move in that condition, she must have gone through training to deal with such considerable pain .     

Ma, it is a fair argument for such a thing .     

“…Oi, oi, after you selfishly attacked me, are you going to run away without permission? Besides, you should have the resolution to yield after being defeated . ”    

“Shut up!”    

Judging from this reaction, she had no intention of losing to me .     

“Even your right hand is fractured? Your left hand is hanging down painfully with no strength, are you going to kill me like that?”    

“Noisy, shut up, that’s nonsense . ”    

Yui uses the hand of her dislocated left arm and forces her sword up . Because the trajectory of the sword is slow she cannot prove herself right .     

I shift my body a little, avoid the weak sword, catch Yui’s left hand again, and rotate it behind Yui while twisting her elbow .     

I pin her arm behind her back .     

Yui again drops the sword she picked up through much effort .     

“Itai, itai, let me go!”    

“Unpleasant . ”    

While smiling I bring my face to her nape . Opening my nostrils, I smell the nape of her neck . (TL: Okay, uh, I don’t know where this is going, but I’m scared . )    

Kuwaaaaa, I cannot take it . The amazing smell of a woman’s sweat . (TL: Yui needs an adult . )    

Her height is about 160 cm . Again, I grope her chest and thoroughly enjoy it, and I stretch out a finger to her beautiful thigh and stroke it . (TL: Okay this isn’t what I signed up for . )    

“You, what a fantastic woman…you smell great . ”    

Yui’s body trembles with a *buru . *    

Activating , from the smell of her sweat comes a slight sense of fear . (TL: Well I think anyone would be scared in this situation . )    

“This, teasing me, hentai!”    

“What about it? I told you before, but after being caught by a guy you were doing something like that too, what did you think the outcome would be? Besides, you’re a woman . ” (TL: No, stahp . )    

“…Are you going to quickly “rape” me and then kill me?”    

“…Baka . ”    

I scold her unintentionally .     

I tighten my strong body around Yui’s tiny frame as I scold her, and then push her away to the ground .     

The reason is not that I am not excited down below, and it also is not because I am a preachy character…    


She glares at me, but it seems she has already lost the battle of wills .     

Yui’s pupils turns grey and silver-white, but I ignore that and keep talking .     

“You seem to be able to talk a little? So, the ones who ordered you to pursue me, were they the nobles who were in the mansion earlier?”    

Yui does not answer . She is an assassin . I guess it will not be that simple .     

I will ask about something more important than that .     

“…suddenly, I have a slightly strange question . You, your name is Yui . So, it’s sudden, but have you heard the word Japan?”    

“Japan? Is it a number?”    

Oh, she is looking at me with confused eyes .     

However, with this reaction, after all I am not reincarnated from the same place . By chance, is it the black hair and eyes?    

“No, it’s the name of a country . ”    

“I have not heard of such a country…other than that, soon, kill me…”    

Yui says that like is going to cry, with clouded expression .     

“Is that so? But…I cannot bring myself to take Yui’s life . Though I think it is sweet, thanks . ”    

She is a cute child, but more than that, after such a long absence of people, let alone a woman, I was finally able to taste real breasts .     

As a breast revolutionary I got really excited .     

I would like a partner who would let me examine them more carefully . I definitely cannot bring myself to take this life .     

As I look at Yui and contemplate, Yui’s small red lips tremble .     

“…Mercy, it doesn’t make sense . ”    

“But, doesn’t life come first?”    

Hearing my words Yui long eyelashes and dark eyes shake .     

Her entire body begins shaking .     

Yui has a childish impression, but she is a beautiful woman .     

“…Is it okay? I you release like this…I could kill you . ”    

Haha, kill . But . Come at me with all your strength .     

She will be given an order .     

“…Ah, it’s fine . Run away like this . Does Yui want to kill me? Once you heal your wounds, you can come at me any time . Oh, if possible, show up without the mask on, and fight me with your beautiful face exposed . ”    

She is disgusted by my true intentions and stares at me in disbelief .     

Hey eyes open wide and her mouth opens in a little “o . ” It opened .     

I climb onto the popobumu while ignoring a Yui with such a face .     

“Ah, wait . ”    

“Ya . ”    

I turn and give Yui a smile then wave my hand .     

At which point I clap the popobumu’s side and leave that place .     

Fuu, I sigh .     

Since there is no sign I am being chased I can finally have some peace of mind .     

I am all right because there was a beautiful woman .     

But, having a meeting in such a place, talking about kidnapping a princess, a dangerous keyword appeared…    

Ma, it has no relation to me .     

I will not intentional pick up chestnuts from a burning fire .     

The future will take care of itself .     

I want to become an adventurer, travel to world at my leisure, find treasure, and do it with a woman, this is the main premise . (TL: I should make this the summary . )    

Ah, but if a kidnapping happens right in front of me I will help . Since they are a princess they are sure to be a beauty .     

However, I will not jump in after just hearing the story .     

I will help those within reach with my strength, I will bring justice to exterminate enemies . (Just a thought . )    

I would like to be pampered by a beautiful woman . Aside from living like that, my goal may change .     

There is the promise with Rollodinu, too .     

Filled with such greedy and impure thoughts, I run the popobumu .     

Now then, where am I…    

I ran the popobumu like a man in a trance .     

I look around the area . I look at the distant surroundings .     



Ooh, it seems to be a mountain high above sea level .     

A considerable distance away I can see an especially high mountain range .     

Since its position is opposite from the Maheim mountain range it must be Mt . Burdock in the south .     

The Haym river is visible this way too . If I can see the river and that high mountain, then I can understand my rough position .     

Thereupon, I see several carriages that stopped a little earlier .     

They have a flag bearing a turtle insignia . Is it a trade caravan?    

There seem to be multiple people as well .     

I’ll approach and try to ask .     

“Stop there, what do you want?”    

When I approach the caravan I am stopped by adventurer-like people .     

The other party is cautious, so I’ll speak honestly .     

“I’m a traveler . I know nothing about this area, could somebody tell me where I am? I would be very grateful for any help . ”    

As I speak humbly the three young adventures keep an eye on me, observing me .     

“…Is that so, and you are alone?”    

“Yes . ”    


The adventurers look at each other .     

“Oi, for the time being, I will go report this to Broncos oji-san . ”    

“Alright . Go . ”    

“Un . ”    

Saying so, one of the adventurers runs to a carriage behind them .     

After a few minute, he returns with an adventurer with leader-like manner .     

“…What is the matter?”    

The leader-like person who asks is balding .     

The thin hair on his head is pulled back and looks like a bar code, he has a sour expression .     

He has a strong personality and has the study build and looks of a strong mercenary .     

“…This person is a traveler . But, he’s ignorant of the area and wants to hear what this area is called . ”    

He explains politely .     

“Is that so? You an adventurer?”    

“No, not yet . But because I am confident in my strength, I intend to become an adventurer soon . ”    

When the man hears my words he smiles joyfully .     

…I see, I see . Iyaa, I’m sorry for these youngsters . So you only want to know what this area is called?”    

“Yes . ”    

“This is the southwest of Terramay Kingdom, Surbard’s Earldom . And, that far off mountain over there is Mt . Burdock, home of the dragon . The river in this area is Haym River . ”    

After all, this is Terramay Kingdom .     

The name of the mountain is the same too .     

“Is that so? Thank you for your help . ”    

“I don’t mind it particularly . Other than that, what is your destination?”    

“I want to go to 【 Hector 】 . ”    

“What, from here?”    

He is surprised . Where is 【Hector】?    

“Yeah . ”    

“Stop it . Traveling alone by the Haym River gold route is to dangerous . ”    

Oh, it is…    

“Eto, what kind of…”    

“Don’t you even know that? If a Rich person is using the Haym River to get between cities, it’s safe . By all appearances, you seem to have no money, and you intend to go the land route? The land route is dangerous all the way . Besides, the barony and viscount territory are places are places where Terramay and Samaria have had tough battles in the past . Many years have passed since such a war was fought, but it is well known that the peace and order in this area is worsening by the day . Do you really know nothing about this place?”    

The balding man seems sour but oya-san is a good person .     

He warned me .     

“Thank you . But it is all right . I am confident in my strength .     

“Fu, is that so? Confident in your strength, then I won’t stop you . Well then . If you want to be an adventurer, go to 【Labyrinth City Pernette】 . I run a bar owned by adventurers . ”    

A bar . The is this caravan bar-related work?    

Ma, I did not hear something like that, and I am not interested right now .     

Well then, I guess I will go .     

“…Is that so? In that case, then-…    

“Ou, good luck . ”    

I part from the bald fatherly character and advance to the south west of 【Terramay Kingdom】    

If I follow the Haym River to the west, I will eventually arrive in 【Osberia Kingdom】 and come to the cities 【Hector】 and 【Holkerbam】 .     


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