The Dark King

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

0The Dark King – Chapter 122    

Independent city-states    

I would like to thank MrMartinke for doing an awesome job by editing the chapter!    


Dudian went closer to the tank. He looked up and down. The surface paint has been scratched off and the machine gun on top of it was covered with moss and thick dust. It seemed like a stone sculpture.    

“Have the parts inside of it decayed?” Dudian was curious as he climbed the tank. He cleaned the dust covering the entrance shaft and jumped in.    


As he was falling, a hoarse roar echoed from behind.    

However, Dudian had already sensed the smell and his dagger was in his hands ready for the situation. It reflexively pierced across the throat of the young undead wearing a torn green army uniform. The undead’s hair was brown while his eyes were green. From the appearance alone it could be seen that he was a foreigner.    

“Gurgle …” Sound of ragged breathing echoed as the undead died.    

Dudian noticed the faded national emblem on top of the uniform. It belonged the United States of America. Some doubts emerged in his mind, but soon he thought of something … independent city-states.    

At the time of the disaster, the first to be destructed were capitalist Western empires. Moreover, a significant number of Western refugees were transported to Asia. To be correct to northern territories of Russia. At least tens of millions of westerners were sent to Russia because of mutual assistance and the law that made it possible to accept the refugees. Russia had the largest territory in Asia. Moreover, its population was very low in comparison to its territory size. That’s why it was able to accommodate so many refugees.    

The second reason was that Russia had a large number of air defense tunnels built formerly by the Soviet Union, which was also an excellent choice for shelter.    

“Did my father bring the frozen storage to a city after I was frozen?” Dudian thought more and more about potential possibilities that led to the creation of the giant wall. “Was it the independent city states that created the giant wall? How could they build something like that with limited resources? These places were barren land. ”    

“Even if they could make the giant wall, it should be made in areas with abundant materials. The refugees were located in areas with poor raw materials and transportation would be time-consuming.”    

Dudian thought about the height of the giant wall. It was pretty much impossible to see its top. Another idea emerged out in his mind. “This giant wall . . was it built by humans?”    

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he knew very little to nothing at all. A growl echoed from his belly. He immediately kicked the undead’s body away and looked at the insides of the tank.    

Dudian was disappointed to find that the tank had long been abandoned. At a single glance, he could see what kind of damage it had suffered in the last three hundred years.    

Dudian continued to sneak into the fortress as he left the tank.    

Using his sense of smell he tried to avoid the undead who were sleeping, in case he couldn’t bypass them, he directly beheaded them.    

“I did not expect that these undead would sleep.” Dudian was perplexed.    

Soon he came into the fortress. Inside was dimly lit, but it didn’t effect his line of sight.    


An undead flipped out of the corner.    

He used the dagger to pierce its face and nail it to the wall accurately.    

After the absorption of hundreds of cold crystals, he felt that his physique has been in no way inferior to other primary hunters. He found himself able to firmly keep up with the speed of the dark skinned girl and the other two hunters.    

However, if it was face-to-face combat, then Dudian was not sure as he lacked the actual life-and-death experience that the rest of the hunters had.    

However, after going through few battles, he knew that fighting was not simply a competition between speed, strength or other hard data of the sides. After all, no one will be stupid enough to face you barehanded while you wielded a knife.    

Terrain, weather, mood and so many other factors affected the battle. Moreover, it could even cause the reversal of roles during the fight!    

Dudian continued to go along the corridor and look for the storage facility where the arms were kept.    

He opened a new room. Three undead were sleeping inside. They slightly raised their heads and gradually woke up.    

Dudian didn’t give them the opportunity to respond as he quickly approached and used the dagger to stab onto the first undead’s skull. The second one was about to open its mouth to roar when Dudian’s dagger cut it’s head off.    

However, the third was already completely awake as it roared and used its claws to attack.    

Dudian quickly bent over to escape its claws while at the same time quickly stabbed the dagger.    

Puff! The undead’s body trembled and fell.    

Dudian took a slow breath. He felt cold sweat in his palm while there was excitement in his heart.    

After killing the undead, Dudian looked around the room. He found that it was the command operations room. The undead that he had killed had golden stars on their shoulders. They should be major general level army officers.    

His eyes were attracted by the map on the desktop. Although it had dust on it and mice had crawled and chewed it. Still, Dudian could get the rough outline and location. It was an old era map of the Asia.    

“So, we are in territories of Russia. To be exact somewhere in Asia.” Dudian suddenly thought that the areas that had been scavenged before should have had such fortresses too. Most probably scavengers have brought maps back with them. So there should be those who knew the real face of this world and how vast it was.    

“The ‘Temple of Elements’ is responsible for pricing the things brought in by the scavengers. The Holy Church and Temple of Elements are linked inextricably. The Holy Church seems to be the ruler of the giant wall. Then what kind of relationship the military of the giant wall has.” Dudian pondered a bit,” ‘Temple of Elements’ should have a lot of things. They should have mastered a lot of things by now. But most of the news aren’t released. What is the reason? Is it because these things desecrate the faith?”    

He frowned as he couldn’t understand what was going on. In the old times, religion and state co-existed together so there shouldn’t be a problem with faith.    

He shook his head as he didn’t want to ponder on the issue but instead turn away to continue to look for other places in the fortress.    

Half an hour later, he finally found the room where the arsenal was kept.    

“So much . .” Dudian looked at neatly stacked weapons, mines, grenades and other arms. This fortress was simply a great treasure!    


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