
Chapter 253.1 - Entering The Secret Plane To Make A Fortune

Chapter 253.1 - Entering The Secret Plane To Make A Fortune

0Chapter 253.1 Entering The Secret Plane To Make A Fortune    

In the secret plane, it seemed that there were only five big praying mantis to be the guardian beasts, and there was no other living things. Until both of them entered the palace, there was no movement.    

Sun Qingxue seemed to be just a little bit afraid of things. Even when she entered the palace, she still carefully guarded herself with the defensive magic weapon and did not dare to have the slightest thought of misbehaving.    

Yang Chen was also the same, but he was much better than Sun Qingxue. After all, the Golden Bell would appear as long as it was motivated, and would actively absorb the attack, which made Yang Chen have a lot of advantages.    

The palace was very large, and there seemed to be an underground Spiritual Pulse, which lead to a lot of spiritual power in the secret plane than outside. It was for this reason that when they came, those big praying mantis could live up till now.    

However, what was strange was that this martial art sect has been destroyed for a long time, and those praying mantis who have lived for tens of thousands of years were still in the Yuanying stage. This was a bit confusing. Since it was impossible to advance to the Dacheng stage, they still lived such a long life, which was obviously not normal.    

But now was not the time to pursue these reasons, they have entered the main hall,they searched around, there was nothing to plunder.    

The entrance to the palace was a hall with several doors around it. In the hall, it was empty and there was only one well. A thick spiritual power overflowed from the well, which was clearly a spiritual pulse passage. However, there was no dust-proof formation here. There was dust everywhere, and when one’s foot step down, and there would be several inches of hòu.    

There were no labels on the several gates, and it seemed that they could only be inspected one by one. Yang Chen’s Spiritual Awareness swept over and he signaled that Sun Qingxue should keep her flying sword. At the level of the foundation stage, it was indeed a little tiring to control the flying swords on the side of the defense.    

This time, Yang Chen had been honing Sun Qingxue. Naturally, Sun Qingxue was the main choice. Sun Qingxue opened the first door on her right hand happily, and Yang Chen first went in and blocked Sun Qingxue behind his body.    

This room looks like a study, and the surrounding wall was full of bookshelves.    

However, there were only a few hundred pieces of jade slips that were covered with dust on the bookshelf.    

There was originally a painting on the wall next to it, but now it was empty, only a broken scroll, which was decayed and could not be seen.    

Sun Qingxue curiously walked to the side of the bookshelf and reached for a piece of jade slip. As soon as her hand touched the bookshelf, the bookshelf directly turned into a pile of dust. Crashing away. Fortunately, Sun Qingxue has been using the defensive magic weapon and reacted in time, and was not surrounded by the powder.    

Fortunately, the jade slip had no such problem. Sun Qingxue with some helplessness explored the contents of the jade slip with her spiritual awareness, but found that she did not understand what was recorded. The curved text was like the one on the secret key.    

She thought about it,and Sun Qingxue handed the Jade slip to Yang Chen. During Yang Chen’s investigation, she went straight up and collected all the jade slips scattered in the bookshelf powder, and sent them to Yang Chen.    

“These are the inheritance of this martial art sect.” Yang Chen shook his head after reading a few articles: “The ancient cultivation, there are still many fallacies, there is no reference value!”    

Just as in the Immortal’s Cave, these cultivation method were somewhat outdated and could no longer be compared with the current system of cultivation. Not even the reference value.    

“I don’t want to use it anyway, Yang Da Ge, you take it away!” Sun Qingxue knew that she didn’t know about these, and gave all of it to Yang Chen. It must be known that the cultivation methods, in the middle of Blue Cloud Sect Hidden Pavilion, were hundreds of thousands of cultivation methods, why would there be the need to use the one’s from 10,000 years ago.    

Yang Chen also indifferently collected them, these things, that was, as antiques still have some value. If someone wanted to organize the changes in the cultivation methods, these were valuable materials, but if he wanted to cultivate it, it was nothing short of looking for trouble.    

The two searched for a while in this room and found nothing worth taking away. Then they turned back to the hall and continued to enter the second portal.    

As soon as they entered the door, the front was a huge Xiuji with two cauldrons, and there was almost no need to ask. This was definitely a pill room. On the other side of the wall was a small stone cell, which should contain things inside, but these things were covered by dust, and it was impossible to see what it was.    

“Brother Yang, you are familiar with alchemy, you have a look!” Sun Qingxue looked at this scene and directly pushed Yang Chen to the front.    

Yang Chen was not polite, on alchemy, no one has ever seen more than he has, and he has come to the forefront.    

Going to the side of the great cauldron, and reached out, Yang Chen touched the body of the cauldron and searched it with his Spiritual Awareness, and soon there was a result, and said to Sun Qingxue “This alchemy furnace, the level is average, but the material is not bad, you put it away!”    

If Yang Chen would say that the material was good, then the material must be good. Sun Qingxue elegantly walked forward, and received the giant cauldron into her Cosmos bag. Then she watched Yang Chen walk to the front of the stone small grid over there, and reached out one by one.    

Most of these plaids were buried in dust, and most of them were medicinal materials. However, it took tens of thousands of years here to become a powder, and together with the dust, it could not be separated.    

He found a few lattice in succession. For a thousand years, even the rare elixir had turned into dust. Apart from the big cauldron in the room, there was nothing worthwhile to take.    

The third door, which looked bigger than the other doors, seemed to be leading to the room of the owner. However, when Yang Chen entered, he saw a pair of big eyes squinting almost in front of him. Yang Chen became startled,the bright ray sword was quickly held in his hand, and Sun Qingxue was stopped outside.    

He was just about to start, but found that the other party did not move. When he looked at it again, he found out that it was just a big body of a praying mantis. When his Spiritual Awareness explored around, Yang Chen soon discovered that there were more than 20 large bodies of praying mantis in this room.    

This was the only dust-free room here, more than twenty praying mantis were all lined up, almost all in the same position. Under the support of six feet, the huge body stood steadily like a stone.    

“God!” Sun Qingxue followed, and saw this scene, could not help but make an amazed voice.    

Yang Chen now knew why the five praying mantis outside were in the Yuanying stage. Presumably, the original guardian beast gave birth to a small praying mantis when it felt that it’s life force would be exhausted. Then the praying mantis grew up from generation to generation and grew up to the Yuanying stage. No wonder Yang Chen was attacked when he came in. It turned out that these praying mantis simply did not know the rules.    


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