It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



0"There are three deadly points around the neck that can make you lose a lot of blood and are difficult to help, do you want to try and find out the truth?" asked Apple.     

From the communication device in her ear, she could hear Jayden clicking his tongue excitedly when he heard what Apple had to say.     

"You go girl, that's my girl!" Jayden exclaimed excitedly and this brought a smile to Apple's face and she couldn't help but smile when she heard her boyfriend cheering her on like she was in a match. "That's what you call spirit!"     

Apple then forced herself to stop smiling and tried to focus on what she should be doing now.     

"Now, call your men and tell them to let Jayden Tordoff's men in." Apple again shoved the phone in front of Theodore's face. "I am not kidding now."     

And this time, Apple made a scratch on Theodore's neck to show how serious she was about what she said.     

She saw Theodore wince in pain as he felt blood trickle down his neck. This woman was absolutely insane. She was crazy to do this to him in his own fucking home!     

How could he be threatened in his own home?! Surrounded by hundreds of experienced bodyguards, who could take down Apple in a matter of minutes. Instead, what was happening now was that she was holding him as her hostage, which made all his guard against her go to waste.     

Damn! How could this girl remove her handcuffs so easily!? Was she an ex con?!     

Theodore didn't take this into account at all, which was his mistake for the umpteenth time, because his first mistake was; bringing Apple into his house and putting himself in danger, thinking that the handcuffs that bound Apple would guarantee his safety.     

"Do it now," Apple said. "Don't you want to talk to Jayden Tordoff? Wouldn't it be better if you two spoke face to face over the phone instead of using me as a hostage?"     

Begrudgingly, Theodore took the phone from Apple's hands and then called his men to say that they should open the main gate and let Jayden and his entourage in.     

"Open that damn gate!" Theodore grumbled, he felt humiliated for becoming hostage in Apple's hands. It really hurt his pride. He really wanted to kill this girl with his own two hands.     

But, of course this was impossible given their current positions, Theodore didn't have the power to do that.     

"But..." came from the other end of the phone, clearly the man who received the call objected and hesitated to do so. Of course he questioned that because he couldn't see that their boss was under the threat of a crazy girl who would stab him in the neck mercilessly if her request was not fulfilled.     

"OPEN THAT DAMN GATE!" roared Theodore angrily. He didn't want to be denied in this situation, especially by his own man in front of Apple who was looking at him with scornful eyes.     

"Yes, yes," the man answered quickly and then shouted orders to the people who were there to open the main gate.     

"Okay babe, the gate is open," Jayden said through the communication device hidden in Apple's ear. "You did a great job, my girl."     

After hearing this, Apple turned off the phone call between Theodore and his men and looked at him with a satisfied grin on her lips.     

"You seem very upset, Mr. Gevano," said Apple as she pulled back her hand that was holding the broken glass with which she restrained Theodore earlier, threatening to stab him if he didn't listen to her.     

"You're not going to be able to escape all of this, Apple. You won't kill me either," Theodore said confidently. "If I die, do you think you will be able to get out of this room alive?"     

Apple then sat down on the sofa, which she had refused before when Theodore offered her and leaned back against the soft backrest of the sofa. It had been a long day for her.     

After a whole day of shooting, she was kidnapped by Theodore Gevano and now she had to face this man who she found really annoying. She no longer had the energy to respond to his bullshit.     

"Well, if you're dead, how will you know if I am going to survive or not," Apple said to Theodore. She looked at him with provocative eyes, while from the communication device, she could hear Jayden chuckle softly.     

It seemed like Jayden was in a good mood. Because he laughed more often tonight. Great. At least someone was having fun.     


The gate swung open and at once there were about, at least, ten cars speeding into the yard and this surprised those who were there and made them get out of the way to avoid getting hit.     

Each car had about six gunmen in it, which meant more than fifty people had arrived. These people swiftly filed out of the cars.     

Immediately, the front yard of the Gevano family's house became very crowded, because there were too many people there.     

And as soon as the men got out of the cars, they created a perimeter to guard Jayden, pulling out their weapons, while Gevano's side did the same.     

So, it could be said that if one of them committed an act that was considered dangerous, then a shootout would ensue there and of course, this would make this place an unnecessary bloodbath.     

Adrian got out of the car once the situation was under control and it was safe for Jayden to get out.     

"Are you really sure about this, Mr. Tordoff?" asked Adrian. He looked at this situation so full of tension while the atmosphere felt very heavy. "You will walk straight into the enemy's lair."     

Jayden smiled when he heard that. "My girl walked into the enemy den without hesitation, so why not?" he said lightly.      


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*     

Alpha Micah Donovan's second chance mate.     

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