It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



0Apple didn't mind feeling the pain. She wanted Jayden to continue to embrace her. The physical intimacy between them felt so surreal and the last thing she wanted was Jayden to be away from her.     

Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable she was, she didn't let go of Jayden, who was now whispering in her ear. But Apple's head was too heavy, she couldn't think clearly and couldn't catch a single word that Jayden was saying right now.     

She didn't want to hear anything, she just wanted to concentrate on the pain that had now turned into a feeling she had never felt before.     

Everything seemed so blurry, even the figure of Jayden who was above her seemed unreal. It was like she was in a dream and this dream wouldn't allow her to rest.     

Apple just wanted to enjoy this strange feeling…     

And the last thing Apple could remember was; she seemed to see millions of stars as the pain disappeared and her body became light.     

After that, there was nothing else she could remember…     

Finally, she got the rest she wanted…     


  She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but Apple woke up when she felt someone gently rubbing her head and caressing her hot skin.     

Apple opened her eyes, she was still sleepy but could see Jayden's face. The man looked at her intently, playing with her hair.     

For some reason, being so close to Jayden felt so comfortable and it made her even more sleepy.     

But, Jayden said something to her, to keep her awake, too bad, Apple wasn't in the least bit interested in listening to what he had to say, because right now, all she wanted was to go back to sleep.     

"I'm sleepy," Apple mumbled sleepily and it seemed the words were clearly heard by Jayden, who then leaned in and kissed her forehead, whispering softly.     

"Go to sleep, my love."     


Apple woke up a second time when the sun was shining brightly and the light was blinding her eyes.     

It seemed that someone had closed the blinds, but because the balcony door was open and the wind was strong the curtains shifted.     

While writhing on the bed and stretching her aching body, Apple tried to see where she was, because the last thing she remembered was; playing truth or dare and then she was challenged to kiss a man.     

Recalling up to that point, Apple suddenly woke up from sleep and immediately sat up with a panicked face. Did she do anything after that?     

Did she really kiss the man?     

And Apple's face turned very pale when she realized that she was wearing nothing and only a blanket was covering her naked body.     

Instantly, Apple screamed in fear.     

Oh my God!     

What had she done? Had she done something with the man? Jayden would kill him if something like that happened.     

No. No… Apple shook her head. She had to think of herself at a time like this. How could she be so irresponsible and sleep with a random man?     

"What is it? What happened?"     

Hearing Apple's frantic screams, Jayden emerged from the balcony. Looks like he was on a phone call when Apple started screaming.     

With a worried expression on his face, Jayden rushed over to the frightened girl, whose face was now twisted in horror as if she had just witnessed a murder.     

Well, maybe worse than that, because Apple had witnessed such a thing in the past.     

"What is it? What happened?" Jayden sat next to Apple, but the girl moved away from him and held out her hand with a palm toward Jayden's face, indicating for the man to stop approaching her.     

Jayden complied and he didn't try to approach Apple because she seemed too shocked to speak and needed space. Jayden sat at the far end of the mattress.     

For a moment, it seemed that Apple looked confused. She tried to take her surroundings in.     

"Where is this?" she asked, her voice a little hoarse.     

"We're in our room," Jayden replied curtly.     

"Why are you here?"     

"Because this is our room?"     

"You mean we're in the same room?"     


"You were with me all night?"     

"Yes." The corners of Jayden's lips twitched slightly as he answered this.     

And suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed and Jayden seemed to be able to see from the expression on Apple's face, how her brain was working hard now that she heard Jayden's answer.     

And then came the ultimate question that would answer everything. This was the elephant in the room…     

"Then why am I not wearing anything? Why am I naked?" asked Apple, her voice a whisper as she asked in a low voice.     

"That…" Jayden tried to find the right words to describe the situation, but he couldn't find them.     

Damn. He could argue all day about business matters or even argue about completely unimportant matters with Misha, if he was in a bad mood, but he couldn't even find the right words to say to Apple in a situation like this.     

"Why am I not wearing anything?" asked Apple again. Her eyes were fixed on Jayden and the man turned his attention elsewhere, too scared to look directly into Apple's eyes.     

But this actually reflected his guilt.     

"Answer me," Apple demanded an answer from him and Jayden was too flustered to find a way to explain it to her. "What are you doing?"     

"Apple… if I told you, you wouldn't believe it…" Jayden finally said in a low voice. He then came closer to Apple and tried to grab her hand, but Apple shook off his hand roughly.     

"Tell me. It's my business whether I believe it or not," Apple said angrily.     

Jayden looked like he was in big trouble. "You won't believe this."     

"Tell me!" cried Apple.     

"You seduced me, Apple, you seduced me last night," Jayden blurted out and the next thing he knew was Apple had thrown a fist at him, right in his face.     

Is this what Karma means? Because last night Jayden slapped Brian in the same way.     


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