Mommy Villainess

Boy Of The Prophecy

Boy Of The Prophecy

0[A few moments earlier…]     

"KIHO, Winter, you should go ahead."     

Winter was surprised by what his mother said.     

Even his father looked like he wanted to protest.     

However, before the two of them could even complain, his mother already began talking again. Of course, they didn't dare interrupt her.     

"It will take me a while to melt the red stone and create a Spirit Guardian," his mother explained. "I remember how my brother created my Guardians out of his flame in order to protect me. If I apply the same theory, I believe I will succeed in creating a Spirit Guardian. However, it will take time. And we don't have the luxury to waste time here."     

Ah, his mother was correct.     

Even his father knew that, so his father couldn't say anything back.     

"Can I leave Kyro and Aku Moonchester to you in the meantime, honey?"     

"Of course, honey," his father answered right away. "Leave it to me."     

"Me, too," Winter said, raising both of his hands. He wouldn't let his father take all the spotlight. "Mommy, please rely on me, too. I promise to be useful in the fight!"     

All for his mother's love, of course.     

His mother squatted down in front of Winter and put her hands on his shoulders. "Winter, sweetheart, to be honest, I don't want you to fight. You're too young to be worried about whether you're "useful" in a fight or not. In fact, we shouldn't have involved you and your brother in this war."     

"But we don't have the luxury to be safe when the safety entire world rests on our family's shoulders, Mommy," Winter said. He may be a child, but he knew his responsibility as the Moon Serpent and the God Slayer. "Moreover, I'm the only one who can kill Aku Moonchester."     

He was proud of himself for saying that.     

Hence, he was pretty shocked when his mother suddenly became teary-eyed.     

"M-Mommy, did I say something wrong?"     

His mother shook her head. "Winter, sweetheart, you don't have to fulfill the prophecy. If it gets too scary or too dangerous, then don't hesitate to run away and hid behind us. You don't have any obligation to save the world."     

He was confused.     

[Isn't my role as the Moon Serpent to end Aku Moonchester?]     

"You just have to be our son," his mother said softly. "Even if we can't save the world, I promise that I would make a safe place for you and your brother."     

Ah, so that was it.     

[Mommy doesn't see me as the Moon Serpent or the God Slayer. For Mommy, I am just her beloved baby.]     

That made Winter happy.     

"Don't worry, Tilly," his father said, kneeling beside Winter. Then his father hugged both Winter and his mother. "I won't let anyone hurt our son."     

"I trust you, Kiho," his mother whispered. "Julian and I will follow you as soon as we can."     

That was how Winter and his father arrived in the Solarium in time to save his Uncle Winchell from the Moon God.     



WINTER landed on his feet after sliding down his father's back.     

"Stop bullying my uncle!"     

His father used his Black Serpent form to get to the Solarium.     

Serafina, the deity of the Plane, opened a portal for them to help them get to their destination faster.     

And here they were now.     

"Daddy, I can't see the Moon God but I can feel him stepping away from us," Winter said while looking around, relieved after the Moon God dropped his Uncle Winchell to the ground. Then his gaze landed on the unconscious man a few meters away from them. His eyes sparkled and his hands itched to attack. "Dad, I see Aku Moonchester."     

And the presence of the Moon God disappeared.     

[Did my grandfather run away?]     

"Stay by my sid, little rascal."     

That was what his father said.     

Then his daddy quickly turned back into his human form, grabbing Winter by the waist and carrying him in his arms before he could run towards the enemy.     

"Your mommy will kill me if you're hurt, Winter."     

"I won't get hurt, Dad," Winter said, pouting. "I know attacking an unconscious enemy isn't noble. But everything is fair in war, Dad. We don't have the luxury to be prideful."     

His father looked at him in disbelief. "You're not wrong, son. But where did you learn that?"     

"I heard stories from the Black Serpent Knights, Daddy!"     

Was it just Winter's imagination or did his daddy really curse under his breath?     

[Is Daddy going to scold his knights?]     

"Where's Soleil?" Uncle Winchell asked while approaching them, limping. "She's not with you?"     

Winter got worried for his Uncle Winchell whose wings were forcefully broken.     

"Tilly is with Julian," his father answered briefly. "They'll follow us here as soon as they can. Are you okay, Wixx?"     

"Uncle, your wings…"     

"I'm fine," Uncle Winchell said while ruffling Winter's hair. "We can't lower our guards yet, so stay vigilant."     

And they should have been.     

As soon as Uncle Winchell said that, a strong force suddenly snatched Winter away from his father's arms.     



Winter's body soon hit the ground, then a heavy force stepped on his chest.     

If he wasn't born with divine blood flowing in his veins, then he would have died already from the impact.     

In fact, despite his strong physical body, he could feel some of his ribs break.     

[Can't breathe…]     

"Did Lady Tilly really send you here, my dear nephew?"     

Winter glared at Aku Moonchester while grabbing the foot that was trying to snap his collarbones by stepping on his chest. "You're back to your senses."     

"Yes, and I'm not in a good mood after your grandfather tried to take over my body," Aku Moonchester said bitterly. "Do you think I'm a pushover just because Kyro possessed my body for a moment? Did it make you think you could fulfill the prophecy, huh?"     

"Totally," Winter said, smirking. "I'm the boy of the prophecy, and the prophecies are never wrong."     

He couldn't lift Aku Moonchester's foot.     

Hence, Winter thought of an unconventional way to get away from his crazy uncle: he turned into a serpent.     

But he didn't want to be a big serpent, so he just took the form of an ordinary snake.     

"You slimy little bastard!"     

Winter quickly returned to his human form after creating a safe distance between him and Aku Moonchester, then he quickly scanned the area.     


That was when Winter realized that he and Aku Moonchester was trapped inside a black wall.     

Because of that, he couldn't see his father and his Uncle Winchell.     

He couldn't even hear or feel them.     

[This wall…]     

"That wall is made of Kyro's power," Aku Moonchester said, laughing. "Perhaps this is way of apologizing to me for trying to take control of my body." He tilted his head to one side, obviously mocking him with a laugh. "Are you afraid now that you're separated from your father, my dear nephew?"     

Of course, he was afraid.     

But Winter would rather die than admit that to Aku Moonchester.     

[I have to be strong.]     

He was sure that his father and his Uncle Winchell were doing their best to break the wall at this very moment.     

That thought comforted him.     

"I'm glad things turned out this way, Aku Moonchester," Winter said in a serious voice. "I, the Moon Serpent, will be your end."      


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