Mommy Villainess

Let's Ascend

Let's Ascend

0SOLARIS was relieved when the Fire Mages finally descended, including Lady Soleil's Guardians. It wasn't easy to convince the Guardians to evacuate, hence he had to force them to leave the floating island.     

[I have at least an hour to keep the island afloat on my own.]     

That meant he had an hour to hopefully end Aku Moonchester.     

[No, it's not Aku Moonchester but the Moon God himself.]     

Solaris could tell that the 'Aku Moonchester' right in front of him at the moment was possessed by the Moon God. After all, the amount of divine power that he could feel at the moment couldn't possibly belong to a human.     

'Aku Moonchester' needed that amount of divine power in order to ascend that high. His mortal body wouldn't have succeeded in ascending that high in the sky otherwise. After all, Solaris made sure that the floating island would be almost impossible to be reached by the outsiders.     

[Aku Moonchester, despite his god complex, is nothing but a mere human.]     

If it wasn't for the blessing of the Moon God, that child would have died at the hands of the Supreme Fire Mage already.     

"You're pretty quick-witted," the Moon God, who was possessing Aku Moonchester's body at the moment, said as he climbed down the grotesque flying monster that he used to reach the floating island. "How did you know I'd be here?"     

"You've always been obsessed with the Fire Mages, Lord Kyro," Solaris said, addressing the Moon God. "Moreover, my lord has always envied the Supreme Fire Mage."     

He couldn't help but speak politely to the Moon God despite him being an enemy.     

After all, good manners were ingrained in him since childhood.     

[But I really want to curse at this damned god…]     

Kyro raised an eyebrow at him, obviously amused by what he had just said. "I envy my daughter-in-law?"     

"The Supreme Fire Mage has a mortal body, and yet she has divine power that surpasses most gods," Solaris said proudly. He wouldn't dare call the Supreme his aunt because he was too formal for that, but deep in his heart, he was proud of his family. "Isn't that why the Supreme managed to swallow the sun– the sun that contains the gods' lost powers? And that's also the reason my lord is desperate to have a human body."     

This time, the amusement on the Moon God's face disappeared quickly.     

[Ah, it seems like I hit the nerve.]     

"The first condition to be able to swallow the sun is for the receiver to be a full human," Solaris continued. The more Kyro's expression turned colder, the more he became confident in his own theory. "The Supreme never ascended to the heavens as a god, hence she's still considered a human despite her divine power. And that's exactly what you want to achieve, my lord. However, it's impossible for a full god like yourself to be a human. Not even Aku Moonchester or Lord Kiho could contain your soul for so long."     

If that was the case, then the Moon God would have stolen Aku Moonchester or Lord Kiho's body already.     

But Kyro would only possess their bodies temporarily.     

After all, the Moon God knew that his godly soul was too strong for any human body.     

"It's difficult to create a human body suitable for my soul, but not impossible," Kyro said, his red eyes glowing menacingly as he approached him like a predator approaching its prey. "I just need some more sacrifices, so I thought using Fire Mages would be more effective. But, because of you and your needlessly big brain, my sacrifices have escaped."     

"How dare you refer to my people as your sacrifices?" Solaris growled, summoning his staff as he prepared to fight the Moon God to death. "As the Fire Archmage, I will never forgive you for trying to sacrifice my people for your useless greed."     

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness."     

That was the end of their conversation.     

Solaris swung his staff as if he was swinging a sword.     

Hundreds of fireballs emerged from the staff, attacking the Moon God all at the same time. The closer the fireballs got to the enemy, the bigger they became.     

However, Kyro just laughed at his attack and proceeded to walk towards him.     

Solaris' eyes widened a bit when the realization hit him.     

[My flame isn't touching him…?]     

"I blessed this body myself, you foolish child," Kyro said, scolding Solaris as if he was scolding a child. "No one and nothing in this world could kill Aku Moonchester except the Moon Serpent, and the Moon Serpent is nothing but a mere snake at the moment."     

Ah, right.     

Winter Nystrom was the only person who could kill Aku Moonchester.     

However, the Supreme's son was still a young boy.     

[Even if Lord Winter is destined to kill Aku Moonchester, it wouldn't happen until he's strong enough to actually kill the emperor who received the Moon God's blessing.]     

His distraction caused him a lot.     

Before Solaris knew it, Kyro was already strangling him.     


Solaris dropped his staff, then he clawed at Kyro's arms– but to no avail. At this right, he was going to die from lack of air. Or a broken neck.     

[He's too strong…]     

"Your life should be enough as replacement for the Fire Mages who escaped. After all, you're the Fire Archmage," Kyro said while pressing his neck tighter. "So I'll give the honor of sacrificing your life for the Moon God's noble mission."     

As if.     

Solaris slowly yet surely gathered all the flame in his heart in an attempt to turn his Core into a bomb.     

He may not be able to kill Aku Moonchester.     

But he would at least take a limb or two from him in hopes of forcing Kyro out of the emperor's body.     

[I'm not going down alone.]     

"What are you doing, you foolish son of mine?"     


Solaris could finally breathe again.     


That painful groan came out of Kyro's mouth, and that happened because someone grabbed the arm attached to the hand that was strangling Solaris.     

Then, in just the blink of an eye, the Moon God's arm was already broken.     

"How dare you lay your filthy hand on my son?" Winchell, Solaris' father and the Red Phoenix, confronted Kyro as he stood protectively in front of him. "Aren't you too old to be picking on your colleague's son?"     

"I've never considered you as my colleague, Winchell."     

"Yeah, me neither, you fucking bastard," Winchell said, then he turned to Solaris with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay, son?"     

Solaris, who could finally breathe again, nodded politely. "Yes, Father. Thank you for saving me."     

His father looked at him for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Leave."     

He knew what his father meant, but he didn't want to accept it. "No, Father. I'm staying here with you."     

"Don't be stubborn and just leave," Winchell said, turning his back on him once again. "I'll take care of this bastard, so go and follow the Fire Mages who just descended back to the human world."     


"I don't want to scold you when you're already that old, Solaris. Go and save yourself."     

"Stop acting like you're a good father to me when you were never one."     

"I know that I'm not and wasn't a good father to you," Winchell said, then he turned to him with a sad smile on his face. "That's why please allow me to become a father to you this time, Solaris."     

He felt a pang in his heart when his father begged him.     

[It's unfair when you beg me like that, Father…]     

Solaris didn't know why, but as he left the Solarium to comply with his father's sincere request, he had a feeling that he would regret it.     

[Father, please be safe…]     



[WOW, KIHO is really big.]     

Er, that sounded so wrong without proper context.     

Of course, Kiho was big in every sense of the word.     


But, this time, Tilly was actually talking about her husband's size in his Black Serpent form. She didn't expect that Kiho could turn into his beast form without losing his mind, but it was probably possible because of the urgency of the situation.     

Anyway, Kiho was really big, whether he was in his human or beast form.     

That double innuendo thought made Tilly lick her lips.     

[I'm getting thirsty…]     

<"Tilly, our son is here. Please don't look at me like that…">     


Tilly's face turned red, embarrassed by the fact that Kiho realized that she was fantasizing about his wonderful size just now. "Ahem," she said, faking a cough. "Whatever do you mean by that, honey?"     

<"Once everything is over, I'll give you all my attention. So please be patient for now, honey.">     

  "Okay, honey. I'll behave."     

"Mommy, Daddy, I'm still here," Winter complained. "Can we please leave now?"     

Tilly once again faked a cough.     

Kiho, despite being in his Black Serpent form, looked embarrassed.     

[Right, Kiho turned into his beast form because we need to reach the Solarium quickly. Moreover, it would be easier for me to create a barrier that would allow us to breathe properly ip there if we're flying together.]     

"Sorry, baby," Tilly said while carrying Winter in her arms. "Mommy and Daddy will behave now."     

Winter wrapped her arms around her neck. "Okay, Mommy," he said, then he sighed. "I hope we finished quickly so we could look for Brother Julian the soonest."     



[IT HURTS…]     

Julian felt like he was being burned alive.     

He had a strong affinity with fire, so he shouldn't be feeling this way. But the flame that Serafina used to "burn" him hurt like hell.     

Ah, he cursed.     

It was rare for him to curse, but he couldn't help it.     

"Julian is in pain!" Solenn yelled at Serafina. "Stop it now!"     

<"This is something the young lord must overcome in order to separate the Holy Scepter from his heart.">     

Right, that was the reason Julian was in hell at this very moment.     

He knew it was something that he should do, but it didn't mean it wouldn't hurt anymore.     

[Mother, Father, Winter… it hurts so much…]     



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