Mommy Villainess

Perfect Revenge

Perfect Revenge

0THE MOON SERPENT'S venom.     

Most people only knew that the mythical creature's venom only worked on the little moons that it swallowed.     

But Noel Sherwood, as the Bookkeeper, knew more than that.     

"My ancestor has probably lost his divinity by now because the Moon Serpent's venom acts as his weapon as the God Slayer," Noel informed Luna and the Fire Archmage in case they didn't know. "But aside from that, the Moon Serpent's venom is also more dangerous than the Black Serpent's venom."     

"I wanted to ask why you sounded so confident with your statement, but I remember you're the Bookkeeper and your family has been writing down the history of the empire for many generations now," Luna said while nodding her head, obviously convinced of what Noel had just shared. "Let's say that you're right. But we're talking about Ancient Crades here, Captain. Those monsters are as old as the demons. Do you think the Moon Serpent's venom is enough to kill them?"     

"Of course, we'll only know once we try," he said, shrugging. "But even if the venom wasn't enough to kill the Ancient Crades, I'm sure it was at least strong enough to weaken the monsters."     

It looked like the witch was already sold to the idea.     

But it seemed like she was hesitating, and he wondered why.     

"Are you going to do it while the Blue Dragon is still unconscious?" the Fire Archmage asked nervously. "Just like that?"     

Oh, so that was the problem?     

Noel couldn't help but laugh. "Luna, Fire Archmage, you've probably lived in peace for so long that you've already forgotten what war is."     

Both the witch and the Fire Archmage flinched at his words.     

[I must have hit a nerve.]     

"Let's get real," Noel said in a serious tone. "Do you think my ancestor would let us feed him to the Crades once he's awake? Of course not. He'll definitely put up a fight. Even though he may have lost his divinity now, we still can't underestimate him."     

Luna fell silent for a moment before she finally opened her mouth. "You're right, Captain. It's better to be safe than sorry."     

"I apologize for my narrow-mindedness. It seems like I have, indeed, been living in peace for so long that I almost became ignorant of the true nature of war," the Fire Archmage admitted. "How do you plan to feed the Blue Dragon to the Crades when he's trapped inside the Black Serpent's ice?"     

Noel smiled at the Fire Archmage's question. "Please move aside– I don't want to accidentally hurt you."     

[I can't believe I get to punish the ancestor who wronged our clan.]     

At long last, Noel Sherwood could finally avenge his clan that the Blue Dragon had abandoned in the past.     



LUNA, along with Solaris, stood behind Noel Sherwood.     

It was obvious that the captain of the Blue Dragon Knights had a plan.     

[I know he's fulfilling his duty as a knight, but I also know that he's doing this to avenge his clan that the Blue Dragon had left to die before.]     

"Please use a barrier," Noel Sherwood said without even looking in their direction. "Since it's the Black Serpent's ice, I'll be using my full power to cut the block of ice."     


Cut the block of ice?     


Luna gasped when she realized what Noel Sherwood's plan was.     

Before she could even say a thing, the captain of the Blue Dragon Knights already raised his arms and released a violent surge of wind.     


Luna and Solaris raised their arms at the same time to create a barrier because they were almost pushed back by the wind.     

Fortunately, the barrier that the two of them created was sturdy enough to protect them.     

Anyway, Luna watched as the wind that Noel Sherwood summoned took the shape of a boomerang. It was possible to see because of the bluish lights around it.     

Although it looked simple, she could tell that it was powerful.     

[It looks sharp…]     

And it was, indeed, sharp.     

Luna gasped when Noel Sherwood's wind boomerang quickly and swiftly divided the huge block of ice into three parts.     

That meant Elis Ripperton's body was cut into three: the head, the torso, and the lower part.     

She wanted to say "just like that," but she reminded herself that Noel Sherwood was still the descendant of the Blue Dragon.     

[Lord Kiho Nystrom overshadowed the other captains because he is the Black Serpent. But the other captains are also strong. They are enough to stop an Ancient Crades that requires at least a few hundred knights just for it to be restrained.]     

"I have to thank the Moon Serpent for this," Noel Sherwood said while walking towards the severed body parts of Elis Ripperton. "If the Moon Serpent didn't take away my ancestor's divinity, it wouldn't have been easy for me to chop him up with my wind because of his dragon scales."     

Ah, that was also true.     

"It feels a tad anti-climactic, though," Luna said, clicking her tongue. "Elis Ripperton had done so many horrible things to Lady Tilly and her family. And yet, he died painlessly."     

Noel Sherwood laughed again, then he looked at her over his shoulder– his little eyes that turned into little crescent moons glowing. "What are you saying, Miss Luna? Captain Kiho's ice will prevent my ancestor from dying right away."     



MIKHAIL Denver, now the leader of the Fire Wielders, stopped from roasting the Ancient Crades with his flame when an unexpected person suddenly appeared right in front of him.     

[Those majestic flaming wings…]     

"Lord Solaris?" Mikhail asked carefully. "What is the Fire Archmage doing here?"     

"It seems like I've taken the job of a merchant in charge of delivering the goods," Solaris said in a light tone. "Fire Wielder, catch this."     


He automatically opened his arms when something suddenly fell from the sky.     

It was a pretty big block of ice…     

… with a torso inside.     

[What the…]     

And wasn't this Duke Kiho Nystrom's ice?!     

"That's the torso of the Blue Dragon."     

Mikhail's eyes widened in shock. "Excuse me?"     

Solaris pointed at the Ancient Crades that was being stopped by Ainsworth and the tigers. "Feed that to the Ancient Crades. The Blue Dragon's body was filled with the Moon Serpent's venom. Let's see if it can kill the monster."     

To be honest, he had so many questions.     

But he knew that stopping the Ancient Crades should be his priority.     

[Moreover, I trust the Fire Archmage.]     

"Alright," Mikhail said. "Let's pray this works."     

He flew towards the head of the giant Ancient Crades, then threw the Blue Dragon's torso into the monster's mouth.     

It only took a few seconds before the Ancient Crades fell down.     

Mikhail eyes widened in surprise. "It worked…"     



THE WINGED Crades fell down as soon as it devoured Elis Ripperton's lower body.     

Noel Sherwood watched with soulless eyes as the Ancient Crades died.     

[It worked. The Moon Serpent's venom is truly terrifying.]     

"Captain Sherwood," Luna called him. The witch couldn't stand up or pull her hands away from the ancient magic circle. That was exactly why she needed someone who would protect her while she was busy deactivating the spell. "The ice had already melted."     

Before the Fire Archmage left earlier to deliver the Blue Dragon's to Captain Mikhail Denver, he asked the Fire Archmage to melt the ice where Elis Ripperton's head was trapped in.     

Fortunately, the Fire Archmage's flame was enough to melt the ice.     

"I see," Noel said, picking up his ancestor's severed head by the hair. "My lord, it's time for you to wake up."     

Of course, normal people would die a little after their head was severed from the body.     

However, Elis Ripperton was still a Beast God despite losing his power. Moreover, Captain Kiho's ice slowed down his death. But that didn't mean there was a chance for the Blue Dragon to regenerate.     

[Most of all, his other body parts were already devoured by the Ancient Crades.]     


Noel sneered when Elis Ripperton finally opened his eyes. "You're finally awake, my lord."     

As expected, Elis Ripperton looked confused at first. And then when the realization hit him, he looked like he was about to spit fire out of anger. "What the hell did you do to me?!"     

He laughed at his ancestor's face.     

To be honest, he had no personal grudge against the Blue Dragon.     

But it seemed like he inherited the thick blood of his predecessors that craved for revenge. He was born with the thirst to punish Elis Ripperton for abandoning his duties to their clan. Hence, he couldn't help but respond to what his blood craved.     

[Let's make my ancestor suffer more.]     

"How does it feel to die without seeing Lady Nystrom one last time?"     

Noel asked that question because he knew how obsessed his ancestor was with the Supreme Fire Mage.     

Elis Ripperton growled at him. "I won't die a pathetic death like this!"     

"But you already did," Noel said, laughing. "Miss Luna, is it done?"     

"Yes," Luna said indifferently. "I'll lift the net for a few seconds. But please be quick, Captain. There are agile Ancient Crades down there."     

"I understand."     

And then he unceremoniously tossed the Blue Dragon's severed head into the ancient magic circle after Luna lifted the barrier for a moment.     

Noel smiled at his ancestor. "I hope you rot in hell, my dear ancestor."     

Elis Ripperton screamed when he realized that a hoard of STARVED Ancient Crades were waiting for him below. "This isn't the end yet, Noel Sherwood! I'll come back from the dead for Soleil!"     

And those were the Blue Dragon's last words.     


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