Mommy Villainess

No Longer a God

No Longer a God


Elis Ripperton tried to suck out the venom out of his body, but it didn't work.    

The 'venom' from the Moon Serpent didn't destroy his organs– the 'venom' moved inside his body to seal all his divine power.    

Now he couldn't transform into a Blue Dragon.    

He couldn't even command his wind ability properly!    

The ability to literally suck the air out of his enemies' lungs was his deadliest weapon. Of course, it didn't work on individuals like the Red Phoenix who could separate his physical body from this world. It was called 'Isolation,' and it was the technique that allowed Winchell to trample over him.    

[Moreover, the Four Beast Gods aren't allowed to kill each other.]    

That was why he didn't mind even if his ability didn't work on the Red Phoenix.    

Even so, it should have worked on a puny little Moon Serpent!    

Elis growled while glaring at the Moon Serpent backing away after biting his arm. "Winter Nystrom… you little piece of shit!"    

It was inappropriate for a god like him to curse like that.    

But, at that moment, he thought he should at least curse to alleviate his frustrations.    

[I'm much older than that stupid snake! I'm supposed to be stronger! Why can't I undo the seal that he put in my divine powers?!]    

"I'm not THAT "little!"    


When Elis raised his head after hearing Winter Nystrom's voice normally, he realized that the Moon Serpent didn't speak in his mind because he already returned to his human form: a cheeky child whose age wasn't even in double digits.    

And yet, Winter Nystrom had the audacity to look Elis straight in the eye.    

"Lower your gaze, you punk," Elis warned the child coldly. "How dare a mere child like you look a god in the eye?"    

"Are you still a god?"    


"This is something I just remembered after I transformed into a Moon Serpent," Winter Nystrom said. The child was smiling, but his eyes were cold. "The reason why the Moon Serpent is also called THE God Slayer…" He sneered at him, his gold eyes curled up– turning into little crescents now. "Elis Ripperton, I asked you a question."    


That was when Winter Nystrom's question rang in his head like a curse.    

["Are you still a god?"]    

Elis ignored the question because he thought it was stupid.    

But now, the realization finally hit him.    

[My divine powers aren't sealed. They're disappearing!]    

He could literally feel his divine powers escaping his body now.    

"Winter Nystrom!" Elis Ripperton growled angrily while charging towards the child. "Give me the antidote!"    

The Moon Serpent's venom may be special, but it was still venom.    

[All venoms have antidotes!]    

Winter Nystrom sneered at him. "Even if I have the antidote, I won't give it to you."    

He just opened his hand and commanded the wind that he gathered to attack the cheeky child.    

Fortunately, even though he lost the ability to suck the air out of the enemies' lungs, he could still use his ability to control the wind. The downside was he could feel his strength getting weaker with each passing moment.    

[I have to kill this child before I get weaker than I already am!]    

How difficult would it be to kill Winter Nystrom?    

[He's neither Soleil nor the Black Serpent. He might be their son, but that doesn't mean he's on the same level as his parents.]    

But just when he was getting confident, something happened.    

Winter Nystrom's Mana suddenly increased and, at the same time, his chestnut hair color turned into silver.    

Now the child's hair was as pale as the moon's color.    

[I guess the child still has Moonchester blood in him. Even the Black Serpent had silver hair when he was still living as Kalel Moonchester.]    

His thoughts were distracted when Winter Nystrom threw ice daggers at him.    

Elis laughed as he destroyed the weak ice daggers with his wind which was as sharp as a sword.    

[Winter Nystrom's ice is weak!]    

If the child had the same strength as the Black Serpent's ice, then Elis wouldn't have easily destroyed the ice daggers. But that wasn't the case.    

[The child is weak when he's not in his Moon Serpent form!]    

Moreover, he could see the fear in Winter Nystrom's gold eyes.    

Elis smirked, then he moved his hand to command the violent air around him to attack Winter Nystrom.    


The cheeky child screamed in agony when Elis' wind cut him all over his body.    

Winter Nystrom raised his crossed arms and created a block of ice in front of him to protect himself. But Elis' wind destroyed the block of ice easily. Hence, right now, the cheeky child was bleeding from head to toe.    

[What a wonderful sight!]    

The arrogant kid was only using ice, and it was not even half as strong as the Black Serpent's ice!    

[And he's not using his flame– he can't probably use it well.]    


Elis was about to grab Winter Nystrom by the collar and shake him until the child spat out the antidote before he lost all his divine power.    


Winter Nystrom suddenly fell on the ground while clutching his chest tight as if he was in extreme pain.    

[Is that why his attacks and defense were both weak?]    

Elis smirked as he leaned down and grabbed the child by the neck.    

But his smile disappeared at the same time he removed his hand from Winter Nystrom's neck because of how hot it was.    

Yes, the child was burning up.    

It was so hot that his palm was burned.    

[What the hell…?]    

Elis was confused at first.    

But it only took him a minute to figure out what could have happened.    

"It must have been your first time in this lifetime to turn into your Moon Serpent form," Elis said, laughing in delight while Winter Nystrom was suffering. "The recoil must have been harsh because your young body couldn't handle your divine power as the Moon Serpent."    

At this rate, Winter Nystrom would die even if he just left him in that state.    

Even so…    

Elis covered his hand with his dragon scales. He couldn't transform fully into a full dragon, but he could at least use his scales to make his body sturdier. "You can't die yet," he said, grabbing Winter Nystrom's neck again. Thanks to his dragon scales that protected him from the child's burning skin, he was able to lift him up without getting burned again. "Winter Nystrom, return me back to normal if you don't want to get hurt even more."    

Winter Nystrom opened his glowing gold eyes to glare at him, then he grabbed Elis' arm with weak hands. The child tried to melt Elis' skin, but it didn't work because he covered his arm in his dragon scales.    

"You should accept the reality now, Elis Ripperton," Winter Nystrom said weakly, but the arrogance in his eyes remained evident. "You no longer have the right to call yourself a god."    

He didn't like the child's mocking tone.    

Although he needed Winter Nystrom alive to return him back to normal, he couldn't stop himself from gripping the child's neck until he was literally losing his breath.    

Just a little bit more and Elis would have snapped Winter Nystrom's neck…    

… until a sharp ice dagger dug deep into Elis' arm– causing him to hiss in pain and unconsciously drop the child on the ground.    

"How dare you hurt my son?!"    

Elis was forced to jump away from Winter Nystrom when at least a hundred strong and sharp ice daggers flew at him.    

He clicked his tongue and tried to blast the ice daggers away with his wind.    

But only a few ice daggers were blasted away.    

The remaining ice daggers didn't leave him alone.    

Elis had no choice but to cover his entire body in his dragon scales as protection. Fortunately, the ice daggers didn't cut through his scales.    

But he couldn't really relax.    

[The Black Serpent is here.]    

Kiho Nystrom was glaring at him while carrying the huffing Winter Nystrom in his arms, the Black Serpent's bloodlust directed at Elis.    

Of course, Elis got the chills.    

He would love to fight the Black Serpent, but not now– not after Winter Nystrom sealed his divine powers.    

[I have to run away.]    


[HE RAN away?]    

Kiho was shocked when Elis Ripperton suddenly used his wind to fly away from him.    

He thought the Blue Dragon would fight him to death, even though the Beast Gods weren't allowed to kill one another.    

[What's wrong with that bastard?]    

He found it weird, but he didn't chase after Elis Ripperton because there was something more urgent at the moment.    


Winter opened his eyes and smiled weakly at him. "I'm okay, Dad."    

His son was obviously not okay, but the little rascal was acting tough so he wouldn't worry about him.    

[I should have chased and beat Elis Ripperton to a pulp.]    

Kiho clenched his jaws, trying to calm himself down for the sake of his son. "I'll hear about what happened later," he said while sharing the coolness of his body with Winter in order to lower his body temperature. After all, his son was burning up. "Tell me if it doesn't get better. I'll create an icebox for you."    

Winter weakly shook his head. "I'm getting better, Dad..."    

He did his best to appear calm even though he was fuming inside.    


But seeing the finger marks and the bruise around Winter's neck almost made him lose his cool.    

[Elis Ripperton…!]    


Much to his surprise, the ground shook after something fell from the sky just a few meters away from them.    


The dust that covered the surroundings hadn't settled yet, but thanks to his sharp eyes, he could already see what was in front of them.    

Kiho couldn't help but smile. "Honey."    

Yes, it was Tilly– holding and dragging Elis Ripperton by the neck.    

[That's my very lovely wife.]    


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