Mommy Villainess

Unexpected Enemies and Allies

Unexpected Enemies and Allies

0LUNA coughed up a huge chunk of blood.    

She knew she couldn't stop the magic circle from activating, but she wanted to at least slow it down. Their allies weren't here yet, so she needed to buy them some time. But she wouldn't last long.    

[The magic circle is too powerful even for me!]    

Right now, she was suspended in the air above the plaza in the Royal Capital.    

From there, she could see the glowing blue light around the capital. Unfortunately, it was invisible to the eye of normal people. Even average Mana users would find it hard to see the activated magic circle.    

Only a witch and someone similar to her race would see it clearly.    

[It's good that the plaza is empty, so no citizen would get accidentally hurt.]    

Everyone in the Royal Capital seemed to be sleeping because it was only the wee hours of the night. Well, the red-light district was still probably alive at that hour. But thankfully, it was far and hidden from the Royal Capital.    

"I was wondering what was taking the ancient magic circle too long to be completely activated."    

She turned around after hearing the familiar voice.    

"Rosalia," Luna said through gritted teeth, her pink eyes now glowing menacingly. But her eyes weren't glowing just because she was using her power. The pink orbs were glowing because she was angry at the person standing (while suspended in the air, too) in front of her. "The Royal Archmage."    

The arrogant Royal Archmage who was always smirking in her memory was now frowning. It was obvious that the Royal Archmage wasn't pleased with her meddling.    

[Well, the feeling is mutual.]    

"Luna, the pink-eyed witch," Rosalia said coldly. "I should have killed you when you were still at the White Tower."    

She smirked at the Royal Archmage's arrogance. "You couldn't have, since you just bought your position as the Royal Archmage. If we'd only think about skills, then I could take away the White Tower from you."    

This time, Rosalia laughed like the madwoman that she was. "Do you hear yourself, Luna?" she asked sarcastically. "You dare insult me while you're coughing up blood while trying to stop an ancient magic circle? If you're as great as you think you are, then deactivating the magic circle should have been easy– urgh!"    

The Royal Archmage's long and boring monologue was interrupted when several spears made of Luna's Mana pierced through Rosalia's torso.    

And now, it was the Royal Archmage's turn to cough up blood.    

Although Luna succeed with her sneak attack, Rosalia was able to dispel her attack by covering her entire, bleeding body with a protection spell– causing the spears made of her Mana to disappear as quickly they disappeared.    

[Tsk. If I wasn't using almost my entire Mana in deactivating the ancient magic circle, I could have killed Rosalia with one hit.]    

Unfortunately, stopping the ancient magic circle was her priority and not killing Rosalia.    

"How the great pink-eyed witch has fallen," Rosalia, who just drank a vial of what seemed to be a healing potion, said sarcastically while glaring at her. "For you to resort to a cheap trick–"    

"Attacking an enemy who wouldn't shut up isn't a cheap trick– it's just common sense," she said, cutting the Royal Archmage off rudely.    

Then she sent more sharp weapons made of the Mana that she could spare to Rosalia's way.    

To be honest, she was just trying to shake the Royal Archmage off of her. She couldn't fight properly at the moment. But she wouldn't just stand there and let herself get killed easily.    


[Rosalia isn't attacking me directly. She's just avoiding my attacks and doing the bare minimum protective spell as barrier. And she drank a healing potion earlier when she could just heal herself with her power. It's as if…]    

"You're conserving your Mana," she commented with a smirk. "Rosalia, you're feeding the ancient magic circle with your Mana, aren't you?"    

The Royal Archmage just gave her a death glare.    

[Ah, we're in the same position.]    

Just when she thought her situation wasn't so bad, the Royal Archmage pulled another trick from her sleeves.    

"Rachelle, Michelle, come out," Rosalia said firmly. "We have the perfect prey to feed to the ancient magic circle."    

[Dang it!]    

In just the blink of an eye, Rachelle and Michelle Atkinson (the twin pokerfaced mages) appeared on either side of the Royal Archmage, suspended in the air just like them. The twins, who were raised by Rosalia in a harsh environment, didn't have to be instructed.    

Rachelle and Michelle Atkinson attacked her right away.    

It seemed like the twins were close-range fighters because the two teleported fast while wielding great swords laced with Mana.    

Luna barely had the time to create a protective barrier around her.    

If she was a second late, she would have been sliced by the twins. Thankfully, the great swords hit her barrier instead of her body.    

[Combat mages?!]    

Combat mages were rare. After all, a mage excelled at creating magic. In short, they didn't need to fight physically. They could just wield magic and send Mana or energy waves at their enemies.    

But mages who wielded weapons were rare.    

[Rare and dangerous.]    

She coughed up another chunk of blood when the twins kept attacking her barrier. The barrier that she made was made from her Mana and a piece of her soul. She had to use her soul this time because she was lacking in Mana.    

A barrier with a piece of her soul was stronger than normal barriers. But it also meant the barrier was directly connected to her soul. Thus, the more beating the barrier got, the more damage it would cause to her physical body.    

Rachelle and Michelle Atkinson, the twin combat mages, didn't stop swinging their great swords at her barrier.    

Like she said earlier, the twins' swords were laced with Mana and magic.    

Rachelle Atkinson's sword was laced with water magic. Every time Rachelle's blade hit her barrier, she felt like she was being drowned.    

On the other hand, Michelle Atkinson's sword was laced with lightning magic. And Michelle would hit her barrier after Rachelle. Thus, when Michelle's sword hit her barrier after she was "soaked" from Rachelle's water magic, she would get electrocuted.    

[Damn it…]    

Luna couldn't maintain the barrier while sending most of her Mana to stop the ancient magic spell from activating. Soon, she fell to the ground with a loud thump. She barely cushioned her fall, so she might have broken a bone or two.    

She cursed in her head again while literally groaning from pain.    

Thankfully, the plaza was still empty.    

[My Mana… stopped flowing…]    

She got up slowly while looking around. The pink Mana lingering around the plaza that mixed with the bluish glow of the ancient magic circle slowly disappeared. She was devastated to see her hard work go to vain.    

But she didn't have the time to mourn because Rosalia, along with Rachelle and Michelle Atkinson, landed gracefully in front of her. The hostility coming from the three was enough to tell her it was time for her to die.    

It was a shame she couldn't gather back her Mana that scattered earlier.    

[I can't die here.]    

Despite every inch of her body hurting like hell, she still stood up. The pain was killing her, and she didn't have the Mana to heal herself, but she pretended to be fine.    

[Well, if I'm going to die, I'll at least bring these mages down with me.]    

"I like the look on your face, Luna," Rosalia said while smirking. "You're prepared to die, aren't you?"    

"I won't go down alone," Luna declared, gathering her remaining Mana in her heart. "If the ancient magic circle would stop for a moment when I die, it would be perfect."    

The Royal Archmage's eyes widened in shock when she realized what she was doing.    

For the witches of the Colorless Coven, there was only one way to die voluntarily: to gather their Mana in their hearts and make it explode. The explosion would probably be strong enough to blow up the whole Royal Capital.    

"You're crazy!" Rosalia yelled angrily. "Rachelle, Michelle, let's get away from that crazy witch!"    

Luna laughed as if she had really gone crazy.    

Rosalia and the twin mages were about to run away when, all of a sudden, the ground shook hard. It was followed by loud footsteps.    

[What's happening?]    

It was as if a group of large animals was running in their direction at full speed.    

She was confused and distracted, so her plan to blow herself up was also interrupted.    

"You can't kill yourself, Miss Luna."    

She looked up because that was the direction where the voice came from.    

The Royal Archmage and the combat wages were unexpected enemies that she didn't know she'd be facing today. Was it the reason why the ally who came to her rescue was also unexpected?    

"Noel Sherwood," Luna said in disbelief. "You finally showed up."    

"I apologize for my tardiness, Miss Luna," Noel Sherwood, the captain of the Blue Dragon Knights, said while floating above her. Then he bowed exaggeratedly, his eyes glowing with mischief. "As an apology, I brought over some friends who could help us win this fight."    

By "friends," Noel Sherwood meant the huge people below him– people that looked beastmen in their half-transformation.    

She gasped when she realized who the "beastmen" were.    

"Tigers," Luna said, beaming. "You found the Golden Tiger's descendants, Lord Sherwoood."    


PS: You may send gifts if you can. Thank you~    


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