I accidentally married a "CEO"

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0To all the readers that have come this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all had made my dream come true. Thank you!      

Three years ago, I was once just like all of you, a reader here at webnovel.com. I never in my wildest dream would one day be writing a story on this platform for everyone in the world to read.      

When I first started writing this story, I never dreamt that someone would actually read it. 310 chapters later, with 17 million views is an accomplishment that I would take to the grave.     

I also wanted to let you all know that I'm slowly editing the book. I know that there's a lot of grammatical errors. I will try my best to get it corrected.     

So, once I completely edit all the chapters, I will remove the editing in progress. Therefore, you are more than welcome to come back and read it again.     


Meanwhile, why don't you check out other books that I have written? See below:     



A contract that should have been as simple as the paper it's written turned upside down when Tanaga met Ashley and wanted her not only as a mother of his Heir but also his woman in bed.     


CEO Tanaga Jones, Billionaire, single, and not interested in having a woman in his life. [Until he met Ashley Gusman]     

Tanaga needed an heir for his empire, but he didn't want a wife.  He decided to contract a woman to bear him a child.  [Comes Ashley Gusman]     


Ashley Gusman, a young Filipina whose one goal in life was to give her family a better life.     

She would do anything to achieve her goal, even if she became a surrogate mother for a Billionaire Heir.     

If you want to chat with me and have some questions.  Join me at discord.  Link below:     



Ninoy International Airport:     

Three hours before arriving in Japan,     

This was Ashley's first international flight. It will take four hours to fly to Japan. As she walked toward the terminal, her eyes were glued to her phone. She was so focused she didn't notice she was about to bump into someone…     

Bam! Ashley ran right into a tall, handsome man. Speechless, she dropped her phone. The man caught it just before it hit the ground. Ashley was stunned as she stared at his handsome cold face.     

She quickly moved back to put some distance between her and the stranger. "I'm so sorry, sir. Thank you," she said. She couldn't help but notice his eyes. They were such a beautiful, deep blue it felt like she was looking at the sea. They were like magnets, bewitching her to move closer to him.     

She didn't realize how close she had moved towards the man. They were only a breath away from their lips touching. She was in a daze. The man chuckled quietly at her enchanted state. He found himself amused. Instead of stepping away, he moved closer, breathing in her alluring scent.     

"What kind of perfume are you wearing?" The man asked Ashley curiously.     

His calm voice snapped her back to her senses like a pail of cold water. "Excuse me? Perfume? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not wearing any. It must just be my shampoo," Ashley managed to reply.     

She was about to say something else when she heard her name being called.     

"Passenger Ashley Gusman, please come to gate 12. This is your last call, passenger Ashley Gusman." The customer service at the flight desk made the announcement.     

"Oh…I'm sorry. That's me. I have to go." She sprinted to the terminal where the plane was waiting without looking back. She didn't realize that she had forgotten her cellphone in a rush to get to gate 12.     

"Hmmm…so her name is Ashley Gusman," he mumbles to himself. Before continuing towards where his private jet awaits him.     

While Tanaga Jones walked toward the private jet that was waiting for him, he realized Ashley's phone was still in his hands. He was reluctant. Should I go after her, or wait for her to come looking for it? After contemplating his options, he decided he would let her come to him.     

Until we meet again….he thought.     

  CEO Tanaga Jones had no idea, but he would meet Ashley Gusman again…the very next day. She would come into his life like a Tsunami and will sweep his heart out like there's no tomorrow..     




Alexa Grant grew up in a poverty-stricken life.      

For as long as she could remember, she was always at the end of the rope, fighting for her survival.      

All she wanted was to have a better life than what she had and a family to call her own.      

But, what would happen when one day her wish comes true?     

She not only has her own family to call, but her father turns out to be the President Of The United States Of America.     

Crown Prince Alexander is a flirtatious playboy from the Kingdom of Stonasia. He fell in love at first sight when he met Alexa Grant. Unknown to him that she's the missing daughter of the President of the United State Of America. He will do everything in his power to marry her. Thus, the royal whirlwind romance began…     



A car and a Secret service detail were issued and already waiting at the Airport for Alexa and the Private Investigator upon arrival to take them to the White House. Alexa has no idea of the identity of her biological father. The private investigator did not divulge that information as per the President's order.     

Lucas and Logan Kuan's twin brothers were hand-picked by the President himself to be Alexa's Bodyguards. The twins are the top-notch of the Secret service, and President Grant only wants the best for his only daughter.     

Alexa was still half asleep and very tired from the long flight from the Philippines. She's anxious and afraid at the same time. So many thoughts were running through her mind now, and it's giving her a headache big time. She was still massaging her temple and unfocused towards her environment when two identical good-looking men came forward and greeted them as they stepped out of the gate.     

"Welcome to the United States Of America!" The duo greeted them simultaneously. - "This way, please!" Lucas told Alexa and the private investigator while ushering them to the private corridor towards the waiting car that would take them to the White House.     

Alexa's eyes were bulging from what she's looking at, and two identical good-looking specimens are right in front of her, now ushering them towards a black car. She's wondering who they are but did not voice her curiosity, afraid of finding out if what she's thinking were correct.     

'Black car, two men in black suits and sunglasses, they look like Men in Black. Hmmm? Could they be a real-life Mafia? A CIA or an FBI? Which one are they?' So she's thinking as she is following one and one following behind her.     

"Hahaha! I could get used to this, one at the front and one from behind... Hmmm! It would be heaven day in and day out." She mumbles as she walks.     

The private investigator, Lucas, and Logan all heard what she just said, and all stopped for a brief moment and looked at her, all shocked at her words.     

"What?" Alexa asked, bewildered.- "Why are you all looking at me like that? What did I do?"     

When no one replied but instead kept staring at her, Alexa retracted what she did and said. Then it hit her...- Oh! Shit, what did I just say! Ohhh! My Gosh! It's embarrassing." She hid her face in her palm while she continued walking, trying to run away from the trio.     

"Hahaha!" The private investigator laughs out loud while Lucas and Logan run after Alexa to protect her without commenting.     

"Miss Grant! Miss Grant! Please, wait for us!" The private investigator shouted as he was running after them while still laughing out loud…     

Alexa was awestruck by the landscape as they drove toward the White House. Once the White House became visible, she couldn't help but exclaim in excitement.     

"Oh-oh-oh! Is that the White House where the President and his family live? Like the Malacanang Palace in the Philippines?" Alexa curiously asked the private investigator.     

"To answer your question, yes! That's the White House where the President and his family live." 'Where you're going to be living pretty soon.' The private investigator thought as he replied to Alexa's inquiry.     

The car stopped at the gate, and Lucas, who's driving the car, opened the window to swipe what seemed to be an ID card badge. A couple of seconds passed, and the gate opened.     

Alexa is now curious as to why they were going into the White House? She was about to ask a question when the private investigator beat her to it. "Please, save any question you might have until you meet your father first. I don't have the authority to answer any question you might have now. Alright?"     

Alexa wasn't sure what to say; she only nodded to express her agreement and continued sightseeing...     

After what seems to be an eternity, they finally reached their destination. The car stopped right in front of a big tall back door...Logan hurriedly got out of the car and opened Alexa's door. "Please, Miss! We reached our destination, and you may come out." He said politely with a straight face void of any emotion while his hand reached out towards Alexa to help her out of the car.     

"Thank you!" Alexa said, smiling as she accepted the helping hand of Logan.     

After she gets out of the car, she stretches her tired body before she turns her attention to the trio, who's waiting until she's ready to enter the building...     

Alexa straightened and dusted off a speck of non-existent dirt on her clothes before saying...     

"Ready or not, here I come!"...     

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