I accidentally married a "CEO"



0Las Vegas Nevada Penitentiary:     

Mr. Wright was in a meeting with his team of elite lawyers. The discussion was about his impending trial for murder.     

"We are waiting to hear from the private investigator; we should soon find out the truth." The head of the team informs Mr. Wright.     

"It the news was correct, and that boy played the fool out of me, I will make sure to pay him back ten-fold once I get out of here." Mr. Wright face was all red from anger, and he was yelling from the top of his lungs. He bangs his hand at the table so hard that it shook.     

The team of the lawyer was afraid, and they know what this man was capable of doing. He could have a person disappear in the face of the earth with one flick of his finger.     

"Please, come down Mr. Wright, we will get you out of here in no time, we need a piece of evidence that his not dead. We will have it for sure by the time we go to trial." The lead of the team said it with confidence.     

"You better make sure of that, or it's your head. You all understand what I mean." Mr. Wright was already thinking of how he would make Jeff pay for what he did to him.     

'You have the guts to go against me, let see what you can do when I come after you as I did with your father.' He's smirked while thinking.     


Meantime in Asia, Grandfather Go was having a meeting with Jeff and Ethan. For the fast couple of days, he had a bad dream, and it scared him. The dream was always about His son, Jeff and Ethan's father. Before he died, he was able to tell grandfather Go about Olivia and her lover Mr. Wright. Jeff and Ethan's father was randomly shot right in front of their home. There was no shred of evidence to point who did the shooting and it was ruled random shooting, not murder.     

Grandfather Go did not inform the Investigator and the Police about what his son had told him on his deathbed. They have a name to protect, and if he would have reported it to them and the news got out, they would be a laughing stock from being the cuckold.     

Grandfather Go confronted Olivia, and she did not deny it. After hearing Olivia's word, grandpa Go had a heart attack and was in a coma.     

While Jeff was busy at the hospital taking care of grandpa Go, Olivia took the opportunity to run away with Mr. Wright and moved to America with Ethan.     

That was many years ago and should have been in the past, but grandpa Go suddenly started having nightmares, and he's worried about everyone's safety.     


Ethan arrived first and since they were still waiting for Jeff, he went to the children's room instead to pay them a visit.     

Don-Don and Bentong were busy studying. Grandpa Go had hired a private tutor for the boys to prepare them for school. The boys saw Ethan when he walked in and was prepared to get up when the Tutor stopped them. "Who said, you two could get up, sit down and finish your work!" He sternly told the boys.     

Don-Don was obedient and sat down without complaining. However, Bentong was another matter. He wasn't happy to be told at all. He looks at Ethan with a sad looking face, "brother Ethan, can we stop, for now, my eyes were crossed already from all the work his making us do?" He pleaded.     

"Hahaha!" He laughs from the way Bentong was acting sad and sorry. He turned his attention to the Tutor and asked nicely. "Sir, if you don't mind giving them a few minutes break, I would appreciate it and let my grandpa knows how hard you've been teaching them."     

The Tutor heard the praise, and with a half smile on his face, he let the two boys take a break. " Thirty minutes and not more, you hear?" He told the two boys then got up and left the room to give them privacy.     

"Ye-hey! Your the best brother Ethan, one word from you and he left." Bentong praises Ethan while happily jump on Ethan's playfully.     

Don-Don didn't stop what he's doing; he acknowledges Ethan then went back to his homework.     

Ethan stayed long enough until someone had called him. "Young master Ethan, young master Ethan! CEO had arrived, and they're asking for you to join them." One of the young maid while standing outside the closed door.     

"Sorry! Guys, I need to go. I'll be back when I'm done; we could go visit your sister Eva alright!" He informs them excitedly.     

When Don-Don heard Eva's name, Ethan got his attention. "Alright!" Don-Don replied with eyes gleaming with excitement.     

Jeff and Grandfather Go were having a cocktail when he arrived. "What's with the cocktail at this hour?" Ethan asked curiously.     

Grandfather looks at Ethan straight on his face. "Come and sit down, what I'm about to tell you two is very important and requires for me to drink some cocktails this early."     

Ethan followed his grandfather order and sat down next to his older brother. "So! What is it so important that you called us to have a meeting?"     

Grandfather took a breather and sighs before preparing to tell Jeff and Ethan the secret that he been keeping inside for many years. The time has come for Jeff and Ethan to know who's the real culprit in their father's murder many years ago.     

"Whatever I'm about to tell you both is the truth and nothing but the truth. This is about your deceased father and his killer."     

"KILLER!" Jeff and Ethan spoke at the same time.     

"Grandfather, what do you mean father's killer? I thought it was an accident, and he was shot randomly?" Jeff stood up and curious while asking.     

"Yes! Grandfather, I thought the same thing. Mother had told me before that it was an accident." Ethan interject.     

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