I accidentally married a "CEO"

Serve The Dinner

Serve The Dinner

0All the maids looked at each other before looking at the butler. They need to get approval from their supervisor, afraid that they could get in trouble if they don't.     

The Butler hurried up and ordered the maids to serve the food. They can't afford to piss the boss.      

"Hurry, start serving, or we might all get fired." He whispered to the maids. He's not kidding either, and Jeff would fire the employee without batting an eye.     

That's all the maids needed to hear, 'fired' this is the man who holds the highest position in the whole building. In a flick of his finger, each and everyone one of them could be out of the door in a heartbeat.     

When Ann saw what's going on, she pinched Jeff's leg. She didn't like that he's scaring all the employees up to the point of running around like a chicken without a head.     

"Ouch! What did I do?" Jeff whispered to his wife, who's giving him a dirty look without being visible to the people around them.     

 "You know what you did, and don't play coy with me; I'm not buying it." She scolded him for being arrogant and bossy.     

Jeff realizes what he did and changed tactics to get some brownie points from his wife.     

"Lea, Ronald, what are you both waiting for? Why don't you two sit down so we can all enjoy all this delicious food." He sounds so inviting and not arrogant at all; he then completed it with a smile plastered on his face.     

That's all was Lea's waiting for, an invitation to sit down and eat with them. She hurried up and sat down without waiting for Ronald to pull a chair for her.      

"Oh! My heaven, I thought you two would eat it all."      

Lea didn't stop there; she continued without realizing that she just went overboard.     

 "Thank you! Your Highness for sharing this bounty to a lowly servant." Lea then started filling her place with one of everything. Unknown to her that she earned a glare from Jeff with raised brows. She was only bantering, but Jeff didn't know that.     

Ann kicked her friend under the table to get her attention. Lea looked in Ann and Jeff's direction and realized what she just said.      

"Oh! My bad, It was just a joke. I didn't mean anything by it, and please forgive me, Your Highness!" She repeated it, and Jeff's face turned red. A cloud of smoke was coming out of his nostril and ears. However, when he heard next...     

"Lea!!!" Ann and Ronald said it in unison, glaring at Lea at the same time.     

"What! What did I do? " Lea was as clueless as it can get. She never thought that each time she called Jeff your Highness, his eyebrow knitted and had given her a dirty look.     

"Forget it, sweetheart, I know she didn't mean anything by it, and I don't care." Jeff made sure Ann knew he wasn't bothered at all. This is the truth, and he's already used to Lea's attitude and the way she speaks around him.     

On the other hand, Ronald did not appreciate how Lea spoke to Jeff in a joking manner and was disrespectful. Jeff and Ann are their superior, even though they are friends outside of work. However, he's not going to correct Lea in front of the help. Let them see that their relationship was more than employer and employee.     

Just as they were about to start to dig in, Eva and Ethan arrived as well. Eva, with a sad look on her face, unable to hide it from her cousin. She slowly made her way to the table and was about to sit down absentmindedly.     

However, as soon as she saw Ann, all the pent-up emotion she's been holding just burst. Tears started flowing on her face without making a sound, and she just stood there.     

Ann hurriedly got up and embraced her cousin.      

"What's wrong? What happened to make you this upset? Did Ethan do something to you?" Ann turned to give Ethan a look with a shooting dagger.     

Eva started crying in Ann's embrace. "No, it is not Ethan. He didn't do anything to me. It's my father, and he's gone." Eva told Ann in between crying.     

Ann had no idea what Eva meant by Edward is gone; however, she should rejoice, not crying like he died or something.     

Recognition dawn on Ann, "wait, when you said Uncle Edward was gone, you mean... Oh! I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't know." She doesn't know how to comfort Eva at the moment.     

"Come, sit down first and tell me how it happened." Ann couldn't believe what she just heard; she needed to know the full detail to understand what's going on. She turned and looked and gave her husband a questioning look.     

"Condolence, Eva," Lea said quietly. Ronald did the same thing before quietly sat and waited for everyone to be seated.     

"Sweetheart, why don't we eat first, and I will tell you everything later, alright!" Jeff intervenes. Everyone is quiet and unable to say a word of comfort.     

Once they heard what Jeff said, they all followed and said the same thing. Eva finally stopped crying and wiped all the tears off her face, then gave everyone a half-smile to ease the tension around the table.     

"Phew! I needed that. Thank you, Ann. I swear I don't know what I would do right now if I haven't met you." She gave Ann a thighed embrace before releasing her and went towards Ethan.      

Ethan pulls out the chair and lets Eva sit down before sitting next to her.     

"Alright! Let's forget about it, for now. Let's eat, I'm starving, and I know our twins are hungry too." Jeff announced for everyone to hear, including the Chef, Butler, and The Maids.     

The Chef, Butler, and Maids all congratulated the couple. Eva, who didn't know about the twins, got up and congratulated her cousin and Jeff. All the sadness was forgotten.     

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