I accidentally married a "CEO"

Want To Meet The In-law

Want To Meet The In-law

0Hospital VIP waiting room:     

Grandpa Go was eagerly waiting for Grandma Tan's reply in regards to his question about Joanna Wen.     

"Joanna Wen? Well, she is a relative from America, as you know. When Albert was involved with the accident, and we found out we needed help with Tan Corporation, we had to bring her in to step in while Albert's recuperating." Grandma Tan was feeling uneasy lying, but she has no choice at the moment.     

"Oh! I see, and the relationships are?" Grandpa Tan still hoping to get a much clearer answer to his suspicions.     

"Well... Unfortunately, I was cautioned not to divulge any information as of yet until we have a chance to speak with Joanna Herself. I hope you understand." Grandma Tan was trying her best to answer politically.     

"All right! I'll accept that for now, but I will get my answer sooner or later.     

It seems that this relative of yours and my grandson Jeff has some relationship. Moreover, there's that pending union between our family that as of now had not commenced." Grandpa Go excitedly informed Grandma Tan of his suspicion.     

"I know! I know! Also, I do feel bad about it, but you know the situation with my granddaughter Claudia. She's currently in America for recuperation, and the best Plastic Surgeon is there as well. She should come back as beautiful as before the accident."     

"Oh! I'm not talking about that now! As I had mentioned, It seems that your Joanna has a relationship with my Jeff, and if that is the case, the union between our family still has a possibility. What do you think about that?     

"Hmmm? That's a possibility that we can consider, but we would need to speak with both of them first." Grandma Tan felt relief that Grandpa Go is not against Joanna and Jeff being together.     

"How about this, before my 60th birthday, how about we have family dinner together first at my home. Mrs. Tan and Ceo Tan should be able to attend then. This way, we can discuss the children's future.     

'Hehe! Not bad! Not bad at all! If my hunch is correct, those two are already married. Pretty soon, a cute great-grandchild should be popping out. Hehe!' Grandpa Go excitedly thinking about the future.     


Ann's Condominium:     

"Why are you moving back there? Moreover, why am I being left here and not accompanying you? It's not fair, you said for better or worst. Did you forget about that?" Lea's pouting her lips with glistening tears falling down her beautiful face.     

Ann embraces her best friend and tries to coax her into stop crying. " Think! The whole condominium is at your disposal. You can bring a man to stay over, and lastly, I'm letting you have the use of the master bedroom, which has a huge jacuzzi." Ann was laughing while she's thinking of her friend and Ronald together.     

"So! That's it? You're playing house with that hunk and announcing it to the whole world? " Lea irritated and didn't like the idea.     

" What about your career? Are you even still considering it, or you already changed your mind.?" She asked Ann with a dull expression.     

"How many time do I need to tell you, I'm not retiring yet! It has not even begun; why would I want to retire! In due time! Understood?" Now it's Ann to be irritated with Lea's childish behavior.     

Lea senses that her best friend is getting irritated, so she tightened her embrace and whispered to Ann's ear. "I only have one request, for your first child, boy or girl, the name has to take after me, and I'm the only Godmother. I'm not sharing with anyone else. Understood!"     

"Yes! Yes! Yes! To all your demand. Are you happy now?" Ann released Lea from her embrace and kicked her from behind. " Go start transferring your things to the master bedroom.     

"Friend! Be happy, ok! That's all I can say." Lea told Ann.     

Ann received a call from her Grandmother, Tan. An invitation to dinner along with a boyfriend. ' A boyfriend? How about a husband instead.' She thought about telling Grandma Tan. Instead, she had to make an excuse that his not in the Country and cannot come.     

At the same time, Jeff also received a call from his grandfather. However, for some odd reason, they both used the same excuse.     

The dinner that both Grandma Tan and Grandpa Go conspire did not go well. The couple declined, and now they need to think of another plan.     

After receiving calls from their grandparents, the couple texted each other;     

Jeff: [ Sweetheart! Want to meet the in-law?]     

Ann: [ Honey! I already did remember?]     

Jeff: [How about this time we do it correctly, interested?]     

Ann: [ Hmmm, not a bad idea ]     

Jeff: [ So?  You want too or not?]     

Ann [ ^-^]     

Jeff [ :crossed_fingers: ]     

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