I accidentally married a "CEO"

It's A False Alarm

It's A False Alarm

0Ann couldn't run wearing four-inch stiletto shoes; she could only walk towards Sophia, who was now lying on the ground.     

"Mrs. Tan!-Mrs. Tan wake up! Are you ok?" Ann's concern showed in her beautiful face.     

Lea was stunned, lost for words or action for what she was seeing.     

Sophia came out of it. "I'm ok! Don't worry I'm fine, give me a minute to get adjusted," She assured Ann with a pained smile on her lips.     

Barely audible, she whispered," Mom, don't worry; Dad's going to be alright, get yourself together, please it is not helping anything." Only Sophia could hear what she said.     

A nurse came with a bottle of water, handed it to Sophia, who had adjusted herself.     

"Thank you!" Sophia replied with a smile, to ease the people around from worrying.     

"Mom, since we cannot do anything right now, why don't we wait in the VIP room first, too many prying eyes here. You have an image to protect, "Ann told Sophia looking stressed herself.     

"Mrs. Tan, please wait in the VIP room first, we will inform you right away once the situation is known." The Director of the hospital who had just arrived in the scene told Sophia.     

He followed up, saying, "They are doing the best, nothing should happen to Mr. Tan, please! Just wait in the VIP room first." escorting them out of the ICU section.     

Sophia looked around and saw many Hospital staff looking at her. To avoid it, she followed the Directors suggestion and went to the VIP room to wait for news of Albert's condition.     

They only had less than a couple of hours before they needed to be at the venue. Anxiety was clearly showing in the Mother and daughter's faces. The scene in the ICU was uncontrollable.     

While they were waiting for the result, Ann called Jeff wanting to inform him of the situation.     

However, in reality, she just needed to hear her husband's voice to comfort herself. Jeff was like a dose of medicine for her emotions, and she needed him right now.     

"Hello!" Jeff answered, knowing it's his wife on the other line.     

Ronald, who was standing in front of him waited; "...?' Once he heard the way Jeff answered, he knew instantly; he was talking to the Missus. He smiled and stepped out to give them some privacy.     

"What's up? Everything all right? Why does your voice sound strained?" He asked with concern in his voice.     

"Jeff... It's Albert, and He is... he's... " Ann couldn't complete her words and started sniffling.     

"Honey! Don't cry! What is it? Tell me? What's going on?" Jeff was now panicking; he bombarded Ann with multiple questions back to back without giving her a chance to reply. "What happened to Albert?"     

"He is in Code Blue right now; it's very chaotic here right now;" Ann told him. "We don't know anything yet; we're still waiting to hear from the hospital staff."     

"Do you want me to delay the meeting for now? Is that why you are calling?"     

'Why didn't she think of that? Jeff read her mind.' She tried to make her voice more cheerful before replying. "Yes! If you can, we need to wait for the results. Until then, we should delay the board meeting. What do you think?"     

"Leave it to me! I'll take care of it. I will arrange everything. Moreover, Albert will be fine, ok! He has not met his daughter yet; he will not go anywhere, understand?" The words alone were an assurance, and Ann now felt better.     

Not a minute passed after hanging up. The Director came to the door to give them the news.     

" Mrs. Tan, Ms. ?...," looking at Ann not recognizing her. "As I was saying, you may be at ease now, Mr. Tan is out of danger. It was just a false alarm. He's awake now and in stable condition. Whenever you are ready, you and the Ms. here may go see him." The Director said with concern in his eyes.     

Sophia's face lit up once she heard the news. She turned to Ann, contemplating if she should embrace her.  Ann took it upon herself and embraces Sophia without hesitation and said comforting words.     

The Director bid his goodbye with the excuse that he still need to keep an eye on Albert and left. He left the mother and daughter in an embrace.     


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Hospital, A nurse was calling Claudia to inform her that the plan had failed...     

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