I accidentally married a "CEO"

Triple Dinner Date...

Triple Dinner Date...

0Ann was sad when she heard Ethan's and Jeff's reasons why they must go home. However, it's the truth, Jeff's a very busy person, and they had played hooky long enough already. As much as she wanted to stay and play some more, they needed to go home so the two men could take care of business.     

"How about this, since you guys needed to go back home. Why not go home first, and us girls would stay a couple more days to do some sightseeing, then we would follow home alright!" So said Ann; her face was void of any emotion as she spoke while looking straight at everyone.     

"Hell no!!!" Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald shouted in unison.     

Jeff's plot had backfired on him. He forgot how smart his wife was; she's able to outwit them in a heartbeat. He glared at his wife, trying to scare her, but it still didn't work on Ann. She stood her ground while smiling mischievously.     

He had no choice; he raised his hand, surrendering, "You win! I could never outwit you," he then cups his wife's face before giving her a sweet, loving kiss right in front of everyone.     

  "You could always see through my scheme no matter what I do." He whispered only for her to hear before nibbling slightly under her earlobe. Ann shivers from the kiss.     

Jeff then turned his attention to everyone. "Alright! Ann and I would stay another day to give the ladies some time to do some shopping and whatever else they plan on doing. Meanwhile, you two could do whatever you want." He was speaking to Ethan and Ronald.     

After making the announcement, he put his arms on his wife's shoulder before ushering her towards the kitchen. Once they reach their destination, Jeff rubs his stomach to show Ann why they're in the kitchen in the first place.     

"I'm hungry; any food left?" Jeff asked playfully like a little child begging for food.     

Ann looked Jeff in the eyes, "you haven't told me yet if your plan was successful. However, from the look on your face, I can already conclude that it's a success." Said Ann while looking through the refrigerator for some leftover food to feed her hungry husband.     

"Yes, Mam! I'm such a good actor that I could fool him into thinking he had killed me. Hahaha!" Jeff recounted the ordeal and how he outwitted Mr. Wright.     

Ann smacked him in his Arms playfully.      

"Ouch!" Jeff complained      

"What did I do now? Why do you like hitting me all the time? That husband abused you?" His face twisted, and sadness clouded his features. From the look of it, he looked like he was about to cry.     

However, Ann knows better. Like he said a moment ago, he's such a good actor and could fool Mr. Wright. Well, he could fool Mr. Wright, but not her. Therefore, Ann gave him a dirty look first before responding to his acting.     

"First of all, Mr. Go… I only tapped you slightly and did not hit you that hard. So, it's not husband abuse. Secondly, do you need to ask why I did that? What would have happened if he had aimed in your head instead of your heart, I would be a widow before we even walked down the aisle." Ann's expression hardened, fear crossed her face.     

The color drained out on Jeff's face after hearing what Ann had said; he frowned while in deep thought. "She's right, luckily that idiot was not as smart as my wife. Phew! That was a close call."     


The ladies finally had the anticipated makeover while the men went to play a couple of rounds of golf while waiting for the women.     

After the makeover, the ladies wanted to go shopping. It's where the men come in; they need them to pay for their purchase.     

Lea was about to contact Ronald when Ann stopped her. "You don't need to call him,"- Ann took out her wallet and showed Lea and Eva the credit card that Jeff had given her before they had their makeover.- "This card has no limit; we can shop until we drop." Ann proudly announced.     

The three ladies looked at each other after Ann's announcement, then started laughing with each other.     




"Let's shop until we drop them," she told Eva, then winked.     


After they finished shopping, the ladies were satisfied and headed back to the penthouse.     

"Why don't we all dress up and have a fancy dinner tonight? This way, we get to wear the cocktail dress that we purchased today," Ann suggested to Eva and Lea.     

"We should contact the men and tell them to wear a fancy suit for dinner. Then, we could meet them at the restaurant below to make it exciting," Ann continued with her suggestion.     

Eva and Lea agreed without thinking; they quickly contacted their man and told them the plan.     

They were to meet up in one of the famous restaurants located inside the Mega World Hotel and Casino. Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald agreed without hesitation.     

"Let's end this round; we don't have much time left to get ready. "-Jeff announces to the two.- "Alright then, last round."     

Jeff decided to make their dinner special. He told Ronald to tell the Restaurant Manager to close the VIP section where they would be dining. The manager was more than happy to accommodate their CEO, even if he closed the whole restaurant.     

Fortunately, he didn't have to go that far. The Big Boss only asked to close a portion of the VIP section.     

Three handsome men were the focus of the attention of every lady dining in the Restaurant.     

Ronald was wearing Giorgio Armani Classic Tuxedo, while Ethan wore Giorgio Armani Men's Satin Lapel Chevron Tuxedo. Jeff, on the other hand, wore Giorgio Armani Men's Velvet lapel slim Tuxedo.     

The three handsome men were a sight to see. The only thing missing were the three ladies to complete the picture-perfect view for their triple dinner date.     

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