I accidentally married a "CEO"

Chapter 10 XXX

Chapter 10 XXX


(((Warning))) Read at your own discretion. Mature content!!!


All was agreed upon and set that they would file for an annulment the next day. However, Jeff was making plans to make sure that they would not be able to annul their marriage.

He planned on marking his territory.

"I will go take a shower first, alright!" Ann told Jeff, who was still deep in thought about his plan.

"Go ahead! I will do the dishes while you're taking a shower." Jeff absentmindedly said.

With the thought of the acceptance letter from Harvard, Ann took her shower, singing happily. But, unknown to her at the same time, Jeff was hatching a plan that would change her life forever.

Ann finished her shower and opened the shower curtain. She was in for a shock because Jeff was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, smiling and whistling while doing it.

She hurriedly covered herself with the towel and shyly sauntered from behind Jeff. Suddenly he turned around and grabbed her, and immediately sealed their lips with a kiss.

"I have been longing to kiss you ever since that night." Jeff mumbles. He then kissed her hungrily, as if he didn't care that she didn't know how to return his kiss.

It was apparent to Jeff that Ann had no experience in kissing, and it turned him on so much more.

Ann was startled at first and tried to push him, " Jeff, stop it; what are you doing?"

However, instead of stopping, Jeff slipped his tongue inside her mouth, and she released a gentle groan.

The kiss was too intense for an inexperienced Ann; she started getting hot. Jeff was so engrossed in the kiss that he had a hard-on as soon as he touched Ann. He was already burning with desire and could no longer think straight.

They slowly made their way to the bed, still intertwined with each other, while they continued to kiss passionately. He could feel her starting to get used to his kiss and feel more relaxed.

Jeff laid her down gently, took the towel that wrapped her body, and tossed it aside. He then started taking his shirt off, followed by his pants. Ann took a peek and could not stop admiring his abs, Six no maybe an eight pack; he was so masculine, like Adonis, the male God.

Jeff's heart was filled with so much desire, and he was burning with so much passion. He was doing the same thing, admiring Ann's young and beautiful body, skin so smooth that it was driving him wild. He started kissing her from head to toe and stopped in her midsection, making Ann want to cry out with pleasure.

He went back up and gently brushed his lips down her neck while his hand was down on her mound, rubbing her clit softly. He made sure that Ann was ready and wet before he positioned himself to enter her. He entered slowly at first, barely going inside her, making sure that she was wet and ready to accept his big hard shaft.

Soon enough, his whole thing was inside her after several attempts. Ann cried in pain, and that stopped him from continuing. He stayed there fully erect inside of her, waiting for the pain to subside; he didn't know if he should keep on going or stop.

When Jeff was about to pull it out, Ann held on to his shoulders tightly, almost scratching his back. It was a signal for Jeff to continue to thrust once again. He could sense that the pain was now gone and replaced by pleasure. Ann let out a light moan... "Hmmm, Ahhh, Ohhhh..."

When Jeff heard Ann moan, he started to thrust his full length faster and pumping it harder. But, unfortunately, Ann was too tight, and he quickly felt the build on his groin and couldn't help himself and groan along with her. "Ohhh, Ahhhh....!"

Jeff wanted the moment to last forever, but he could feel himself nearing his climax. He wanted Ann to reach her orgasm first before he could make his release.

Once Ann reached her peak, Jeff had to pull out since they were not wearing any protection and didn't want to take the chance of getting her pregnant. He then let it all out, right outside on top of her mound.

It was a wild, wild, wild night in the west. After it was over, Ann was sore and tired, while Jeff was ecstatic and satisfied.

The next morning, Ann was sore all over her body when she woke up. She rolled to her side happily, expecting to see her husband, but to her surprise, there was no Jeff next to her. 'Was it just a dream? But... I'm so sore down there, so it did happen. We did it.' Ann thought she was embarrassed at how lusty she was the night before.

'Now we need to talk; we can't just annul the marriage now; we'll need to file for divorce instead.' Ann thought, sadly.

Unfortunately, there was no Jeff around her apartment at all, 'Maybe he just stepped out and will be right back,' She thought to try to convince herself in the process.

What Ann didn't know was that Jeff had left for good. After waiting for a while, she started to worry.

She got up and looked around the apartment if Jeff had left any note at all. When she did not find any, she went to the bathroom to clean herself up, and that's where she saw a sticky note in the mirror.

[Take care of yourself, be a good wife, and don't even think about it!] That's all it said.

"WTF! He took my virginity first to ensure that we consummated our marriage, then ran off." Ann screamed into her empty apartment. She was enraged and ready to go after Jeff if only she knew where to look for him.

"This is great, just great! Stupid me for believing he had fallen for me. When in reality, it was just one of those 'wham bam, thank you, mam, well fuck you! And thank you! what a jerk!" Ann was inconsolable.

"What was that 'don't think about it?' What does he even mean by that?" Ann was fuming, she was so shocked and stunned that she stayed staring at the note for such a long time, then started crying when she realized she had fallen for him and his lies.

Once she calmed down, she got dressed and started cleaning. She thought about the saying 'Don't cry over spilled milk, what's done is done and get on with our lives And that's exactly what she planned on doing.

Ann was cleaning her bed when suddenly, she found an envelope under the pillow that Jeff had used the night before.

When she opened the envelope, she discovered that there was a wad of cash in it. 'Is this payment for last night?' Ann thought to herself and felt insulted.

After counting how much money was inside the envelope, she started laughing with tears in her eyes. 'Well, at least I did not just give away my virginity for free, I even got paid handsomely,' Ann told herself, trying to make herself feel better.

Ann thought of everything that had transpired and decided to let everything go. As the saying goes, 'the past is not the present, and the future is whatever you want it to be.'

Jeff the scumbag was now in her past and shall remain there. For her present and future, she will start concentrating on her college education to have a better future. She's a smart young lady, with a high IQ and she refused to let this setback drag her down. She will take it and just put it in her lesson learned file.

In the subsequent days, she started preparations for college. She went to visit the school to attend the mandated one week of orientation and got everything taken care of. After getting her assigned dorm and picking all the classes she needed for the semester, she headed back to her apartment to pack everything, talk to her landlord about ending her lease, and lastly to see her friend Lea and update her on the recent events in her life.

Lea was excited and sad at the same time. She wanted to be in the same school as Ann, but she did not get a full scholarship and ended up getting into the next best school instead.

Unfortunately, the school is in a different city, which was an hour away from Ann, and that made her sad. On the other hand, she was excited to hear what had happened in Ann's life in the past weeks...

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