7 Path of the Lilies

Staged Play (2)

Staged Play (2)

0"What?" Lu Wan noticed that their gazes seemed strange.     

Ye Jiao shook her head. "It's nothing. So, you want to get captured while the two of us sneaked into the Palace to set you free and make a run to the gate to escape?"     


"Do you think it'll be possible under the watch of Eon Energy Master Rank 4? He'll surely have a way to keep watch of you so when you try to run, he'll find out right away and chase after you."     

Lu Wan pursed his lips. He could guess that seeing how no one was able to get out of the palace without pledging their loyalty. He was just trying his luck with this plan since it seemed to be the most plausible one. After all, they wouldn't be able to escape if they had to fight against two Eon Energy Master head on.     

Plus, their fighting skill would reveal their true identity, which these two tried to avoid at all cost.     

"And, he'll surely torture you," Qi Huan added.     

"I'll be fine. He won't do too much to me because I'm only valuable with my fighting skill and rank. If they destroy me, they won't be able to receive any benefit from my dead body," Lu Wan shrugged.     

"The way you say it makes it sound like something light."     

"Well, if you want to give up your life, we'll just support you," Qi Huan brushed off the dust off his clothes. He looked at Lu Wan once more. "How about if you just surrender while we leave?"     

"… Do you want to kill me?"     

"Your plan is not impossible, but it's very risky. One wrong move and one of us wouldn't be able to get out," Ye Jiao sighed. "But I guess, it'll never change, right?"     


"Your recklessness, Senior Brother Yu."     

Lu Wan clicked his tongue. He looked at the two of them, hoping that they would agree to his plan or at least, propose some other feasible plan. Right now, he couldn't think of anything else that could possibly help him in this situation.     

Qi Huan sighed. "We can go by that plan, but before that it'll be better for you to give Oath of Promise."     

"Oath of Promise?"     

"What's that?"     

"It's the type of oath that has the limit of time. For example, you make the promise that you'll come back alive, so that oath will be active until the time limit is up. You'll have to struggle to finish the oath or you'll suffer divine punishment. Of course, in this case, it'll be hard to fulfill it," Qi Huan explained.     

"This promise is usually used by a mercenary. They usually give a promise that they'll protect you until you reach your destination. This way, they won't be able to betray their employer unless they want to get punished. This is one of the most common methods in Chi Kingdom, but I guess those in Chen Kingdom didn't know much."     

Ye Jiao nodded. Even though she often pretended that her parents were mercenary or adventurers, she was never clear of their work. It seemed that their system was much more complex than what she thought before.     

Lu Wan blinked his eyes. "It sounds convenient."     

"Yes, it is. But since mercenaries are rare in the Four Kingdoms, this oath is not too popular," Qi Huan looked at Lu Wan. "You also need to be careful. I'm sure that there'll be someone powerful in the Chen Kingdom aside from the three leading figures."     


"There's someone else?"     

"Yeah. Even in Chi Kingdom, there's actually someone else who's already Eon Energy Master Rank 4 aside from the famous ones," Qi Huan looked at the two of them. They truly seemed like a pair of idiots right now. He didn't really want to leak out the truth because each kingdom usually guarded this kind of information. "Do you really think that we're going to be that stupid and leak out our real power to the outside world?"     

"Well no," Ye Jiao scratched her head. Having an unknown force hidden in the shadow meant that they would have an additional force. When it was needed, this force would surely be able to help them out to sort out the perilous situation they were facing.     

Lu Wan frowned. It was not impossible, but he didn't have any inkling of how it would be. After all, his relationship with the Imperial Family was like fire and ice.     

"It'll be better to stay careful, so you should just use this oath."     

"What kind of oath can I make?" Lu Wan turned his head to Qi Huan.     

Hearing that, Qi Huan smirked with a devilish smile. "Since you ask, how about if you make a promise to become my slave for the next three days?"     


"Well, becoming a servant will do too."     


Ye Jiao shook her head as she watched the two of them fighting. Her mind was thinking of a way to infiltrate the Imperial Palace. Even though it would have lesser guards and all, it wouldn't be easy for her to enter the place.     

She needed to find a way.     

"Senior Brother Yu, there's not much time left."     

"Ah, why?"     

"The guards are starting to enter the alley. Before long, every place will be filled with guards and it will be impossible for us to slip out," Ye Jiao explained.     

"Make your decision, Yu Shui."     

The two of them were confident in their ability to sneak away, but it didn't mean that they wanted to do that in the middle of the sea of experts at rank 3. They still treasured their lives and wished to live longer.     

"Fine," Lu Wan flicked a glance to Qi Huan. "I'll just make a promise to help you for the next three days."     

Qi Huan's face turned solemn, yet his tone was filled with disappointment. "That will do."     

"Why do you sound so disappointed?"     

"I was thinking of making you do something… never mind."     


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