7 Path of the Lilies

Sneaked Inside

Sneaked Inside

0"It might not be entirely his idea," the advisor looked at Lu Wan. He had heard many rumors regarding this young man and one of the most famous ones would be at how idiotic this young man was. It was so obvious that he was not the type that thinks too much.     

Lu Wan tried to control his expression. It was indeed not his idea to make that Oath of Promise, but he definitely couldn't let anyone know about it. He couldn't let them find out about the other two's presences.     

"Lu Su," Chen Tian turned his head to the young man.     

Lu Su bowed down deeper. "Replying His Highness, we're not entirely clear on what he has been doing because we allow him to spend most of his days practicing."     

It was common for parents to let their children on their own because of how common it was for martial practitioners to be born. They wouldn't interfere and only watched from the sidelines. Of course, the case like Lu Changqing was pretty rare because that man didn't even try to interfere at all.     

"I see."     

The Advisor took out a pill from his pocket. "In any case, it should be the promise that's limited with time. Once the time limit is up, we can use that, Your Majesty."     

"Are you going to kill him with that poison?" Chen Tian frowned. He was familiar with the poison in the advisor's hand. That poison would surely cause pain on whoever ingested it and at higher doses, kill them slowly.     

"This won't kill him," the advisor looked at Lu Wan. "This boy has a decent poison resistance and this dose will only make him feel pain. He might have some trouble practicing later, but it'll be easily solved with the antidote."     

"I see."     

"Hold him."     

Lu Wan tried to back away. He didn't expect that someone would be able to detect that he had a considerable degree of poison resistance just with probing. Since he knew that, it would be hard for him to escape from the pain that the poison would give him because this man would give him a higher dose.     

Just when he started to back away, a guard held him in his place. Lu Wan nearly cursed out loud, but he felt something was pushed into his mouth down to his throat. Almost immediately, he could feel searing pain coming from his stomach.     


"Good work," the advisor just took a second to look at the guard. He was surprised to see that the guard has clear blue eyes. From what he knew, that color was rare in Chen Kingdom.     

'Probably, a mixed.'     

Not thinking too much anymore, the advisor returned back to his place.     

Chen Tian watched the spectacle without any change of expression. He had seen this countless times to the point that he was already bored of it. The only one who managed to escape from this was only one person in his lifetime and he didn't wish to create another one.     

"Take him to the prison."     

"Yes," the guard behind Lu Wan replied strongly. He proceeded to drag Lu Wan, who was trying his best to hold on roughly.     

It was only outside the area did the guard stop treating Lu Wan so roughly.     

"You must be an idiot to allow them to capture you."     

Even though Lu Wan could hear the mocking whisper, he didn't reply. He really wished he could give this guard, who was actually Qi Huan in disguise, a good punch. However, his mind was completely focused on the poison inside his body as he was unable to think of anything else.     

Qi Huan also no longer tried to bother Lu Wan. He handed the young man to the soldiers who guarded the entrance to the prison as he slowly made his way to the inner palace once more.     

When the commotion happened, Qi Huan conveniently killed a guard and took over his place. This man was one of the palace guards, so he would be able to enter the palace freely with this new identity. Of course, he had to make sure that no one would be able to recognize him.     

'I'm really glad that this armor makes me look bigger.'     

As he was still pretty short, Qi Huan was worried at first that he wouldn't be able to sneak in. Thankfully, he found one that was near his build and also at this convenient position. With it, he would be able to roam freely.     

He glanced at the palace as he recalled how the advisor managed to stand under the pressure.     

There was only one answer as to why that person managed to do that.     

He was also Eon Energy Master Rank 4.     

Qi Huan had guessed that they must also have hidden experts that they didn't leak out to the outside world and kept hidden. It was out of his expectation that the person was actually standing under the light, but kept on concealing his presence and acting as an unsuspecting subject.     

'That advisor looks no different than normal Eon Energy Master Rank 3. In addition, he didn't seem to be remarkable in any way.'     

He had seen that advisor when he came here in the past, but that man didn't look that remarkable. As Eon Energy Master Rank 3 was common in the palace, no one paid any attention to that advisor, including Qi Huan. It was only today did he realize that he had made a grave mistake.     

'It seems like I need to pay more attention to the technique to hide one's rank.'     

As he walked around the palace, he could see several servants were rushing along the way. They were preparing for the meal that was hindered because of the sudden commotion. The ingredients were lacking, so they needed to find a way to buy more in a short time.     

"That guards are truly annoying. We just want to buy ingredients but they have to completely check us up!"     

"Yeah! That was really embarrassing! I don't want to get out again."     

"Uh, if only we can choose."     

Qi Huan noticed that there were more guards at the entrance area. They must have been stationed there to pay attention to the servants that came in and out. His eyes noticed a peculiar small servant that made her way to the kitchen.     

From her behaviour, there was nothing uncommon. Even though her age would make one feel pity, they wouldn't think too much. There were a lot of girls being sold to the palace at a young age by their own family.     

'I see, she has also managed to sneak in here. I need to hurry then.'     

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