7 Path of the Lilies

Massacre (2)

Massacre (2)

0"What do you think?" Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "Tell me what I should do. I will surely do a good job."     

Qi Huan could sense that there was no longer any trace of hesitation in Lu Wan's tone. Previously, Lu Wan was unwilling to turn his sister into a widow even before marriage. But now, he didn't care anymore. That little brat named Lu Zhi wasn't worth it in his eyes.     

He took out a paper. "This is our route for attacking the residence. The two of us already spread the poison on the guards' clothes not long ago. In mere hours, they're all going to sleep if they have inhaled enough."     

Lu Wan was stunned. "You already planned to make a move tonight?"     

"Yep," Ye Jiao grinned. "Once we have finished, we plan on visiting the Lu Family Residence to get you out and then storm out of the city. However, we'll need to change the plan a bit."     

"Let's just hope that they won't lock down the city before we finished doing our work," Qi Huan said somberly. If that happened, they would never be able to get Lu Wan out of this city. There might be some other way, but it wouldn't be easy.     

"Alright, here's your part if you participate. You have to head…."     

The two of them briefed Lu Wan about their plan and the route they had to take. After getting everything ready, all they waited for was for the sky to darken completely. With the night as their friend, they slipped into the residence.     

Soon, it was night time.     

Ye Jiao made her way to the place once she noticed that many of the guards were sleepy. Their awareness has dropped to extremely low as they barely did their job. The poison powder that she and Qi Huan spread in the evening seemed to work well. She quickly moved deeper into the residence.     



A guard was still wide awake, so Ye Jiao directly killed him. She frowned slightly, wondering why the poison didn't affect him. Probably, some people had some resistance.     

She needed to be more careful     

Traveling into the residence, she started to encounter more guards. Some of them were still alert, but most of them were unable to see well. They only saw blur and before they knew it, they had fallen to the ground.     



Before they could utter even a word, Ye Jiao killed each of them swiftly and precisely. Her dagger danced under the moonlight as she continued to travel in the residence, searching for the minister. Smell of blood started to soak the residence.     

On that quiet night, Ye Jiao continued to do her work.     


The sound of metal clashing made Ye Jiao paused in her steps. Her eyes darted around before it locked to one direction where the sound came from. From the direction, it should be the location where the inner part of the mansion was located. Ye Jiao's mind quickly recalled the experts that the mission stated.     

In the next second, she dashed there.     

Clang! Clang!     

As the sounds turned louder, Ye Jiao sped up her pace. Upon arriving in the scene, she could see Lu Wan fighting against the minister. She was astonished to see her senior brother managed to arrive faster, but her body didn't give her time to relax. She quickly rushed forward to begin her attack.     

"Dodge!" Ye Jiao yelled.     

At this time, Lu Wan rolled to the side as the blade bypassed him. The minister frowned and changed the trajectory of his sword towards Ye Jiao.     


The two blades clashed against one another. Ye Jiao jumped to the back with her dagger in her hand. Her tiny arm was trembling slightly because of the force, but she stabilized it in the next second. Without hesitation, Ye Jiao dashed forward and started another barrage of attacks along with Lu Wan on the other side.     

"Master?" A guard appeared from the side and yelled in panic. He was about to call for help but Lu Wan immediately killed him by controlling his chain and blade.     


The head of the guard fell on the ground before he could speak any other sentence. The guard's eyes were glaring as if it was resentful by the sudden ending he received.     

After he had finished taking care of the guard, Lu Wan jerked his hand and the chain immediately directed the blade towards the minister once more. With Ye Jiao keeping him busy, Lu Wan took the chance to find an opening to land a wound on the minister's body.     


"You! Who are you?" the minister roared in anger.     

"We're just an assassin," Lu Wan replied in an indifferent tone. It was at this moment Qi Huan appeared from the other side of the room. The young man directly headed to the minister.     

Clang! Clang! Slash!     

The minister was unable to block the attack from three people as Qi Huan's blade reached his back. In the next second, it was followed by the other two blades which took his life in just a few seconds.     

"It's easier than what I thought," Lu Wan commented.     

Qi Huan passed him a look as he swung his sword to cut off the minister's head. "How in the world did you arrive that fast?"     

"This room is located near the back entrance," Lu Wan pointed to the back. "Let's go back."     

"Wait, we need to write the word."     

"Oh, right."     

Qi Huan took out a brush and dipped it into the minister's blood. He wrote the word 'Bao Fu' on the ground near the minister, making sure that there was enough distance between his writing and the man's blood.     

"Let's go and finish off the other people in this residence."     


Swish! Swish! Swish!     

That night, the entire residence turned into a bloodbath as every single living form in that place was killed.     

Yet, no one realized it as everything happened quietly without any noise whatsoever.     

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