7 Path of the Lilies

Massacre (1)

Massacre (1)

0Lu Wan walked out of his residence and directly headed to the alleyway near the minister's residence. He didn't know where the other two went after they went their separate ways, so he decided to try searching on the place where he last saw them.     


A blade stopped in front of his neck. Lu Wan frowned. "It seems that you have picked up a weird habit, Jiao'er."     

If he was not wrong, Ye Jiao didn't usually raise her dagger first when they were still busy with missions back then. She would usually make sure whether the one who came was enemy or friend first. He was also the same, though.     

Ye Jiao grinned. "I have to make sure that the one who comes is not the enemy. Anyway, it's not bad to stay vigilant."     

Lu Wan rubbed his forehead as he thought to himself who was the idiot that taught Ye Jiao those matters. This little girl also has become so quick that he was unable to respond in time. If she didn't recognize him, he would be dead in her hands. Thinking about it, Lu Wan shudders internally.     

Getting killed by his own junior sister, how embarrassing would that be?     

'Tsk, I have to work harder.'     

"Are you sure that you'll be able to stop in time when you realize that the one in front of you is not an enemy?" Lu Wan asked again.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Of course."     


"You seem to have such a low faith on me, Senior Brother Yu."     

Lu Wan shrugged at that answer. He really wanted to say that he had the confidence, but he knew that it would be hard to recognize the one who came in just a split second like that. This was why he was afraid that if he was not quick enough, he would die.     

Looking at the doubt on Lu Wan's face, Ye Jiao got the urge to smack her senior brother again. She never aimed to kill him when she directed her attack towards him and only for the threatening purpose. From the very start, she had planned to stop just a bit away from him. Because of this reason, she was confident that she would be able to do just fine.     

Before the two of them could start talking again, Qi Huan arrived.     

"How's the matter in your family?" Qi Huan asked as he walked over. His expression was peaceful, but there was a sharp glint hidden in his eyes.     

Lu Wan shrugged. "You know, just a bit of a problem here and there. I cut off my relationship with them just now, so I'm no longer part of the Lu Family."     

"Are you going to take your mother's surname?"     

"Nah, I'll just use this surname," Lu Wan waved his hand. He didn't want to bother changing his surname because it would only make things more complicated. "But since I choose to separate myself from the Lu Family, I guess they're going to let the Imperial Family chase after me."     

Ye Jiao arched her eyebrows. "Do you mean they'll want you to utter the oath of loyalty?"     


"And the reason they hadn't so far is because you have an agreement with your family?"     

Lu Wan nodded his head. "You can say it like that. I make a certain promise with them, and they'll protect me as long as I keep my promise. But seeing how many people seem to aim for my life even there, I decide to just walk away and cut off my relationship with them."     

"Are you an idiot?"     


Qi Huan raised his hand and nearly smacked Lu Wan's head. The boy managed to escape, but Qi Huan tackled him in the next second, sending him to the ground. As Lu Wan struggled to get up, Qi Huan held his hand firmly, his blue eyes were looking towards Lu Wan angrily.     

"You-! What's your problem?"     

"Haven't you thought that you're going to be alright as long as you're in Lu Family? The guards were pulled back when you returned back to the Lu Family because the Imperial Family trusted them. Now that you separate yourself from your family, don't you think that the Imperial Family would start making a move now?"     


"Also, how do you think they'll respond once they heard from the Lu Family that you have cut off your relationship with them? Doing it now will only prevent you from getting away from the capital city! You won't have any chance to get out from here, I D I O T!" Qi Huan made sure that he spelled the last word slowly to engrave them in the brain of this boy in front of him.     

If it was him, he would never make the decision so recklessly and made sure that he had prepared a way out for himself. Doing it like this would be the same as courting death. At the same time, Lu Wan had just invited trouble for the two of them too. Did he think that they would be able to do their mission and get out safely easily like this?     

Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. "We'll just think for a way to get him out of the city. There must be another way."     

"You seem to be very patient with him."     

"This is not the first time," Ye Jiao explained in one sentence. During her mission, there were countless times she wished to smack Lu Wan because of his idiocy. However, no matter what situation they were in, there would be a way out. She often thought to herself that her senior brother must be very lucky.     

She felt that it was a bit unfair, though. How come the idiot was very lucky?     

Did it mean one had to be an idiot to become lucky?     

At that thought, both Ye Jiao and Qi Huan sighed.     

Qi Huan slowly stood up, releasing his grip from Lu Wan. Even though his eyes still showed his displeasure, the anger had more or less subsided. "So, are you going to participate?"     

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