7 Path of the Lilies

Their Decisions

Their Decisions

0"That's good," Zhan Jing turned his head to look at the other two. "The same applies to you two. Lu Wan, don't be too focused on developing poison. You're spending too much time on them."     

"Tsk, I'm researching, Master."     

"You still need to get out of the room and try to search for more things."     

Lu Wan clicked his tongue and averted his eyes. Even though that was what his master told him, he doubted that he would be able to do that. For him, the thing that he liked would be researching poison.     

He was already tired of making relationships with other people because of how fake they were. Staying holed up in his room would be the best for him.     

"Lu Wan," Zhan Jing's voice grew stern.     

"I'll see to it later."     

"You're really a brat."     

Pursing his lips, Lu Wan refused to look at his master. He knew that it was important to build relationships with other people, but he also knew that it would be impossible to do so with the people around him. The moment they saw his green hair, they would surely recognize him and tried to bootlick him.     

It was disgusting.     

The moment he showed that he didn't have that much worth, they would leave and abandoned him. Pointing their fingers at him for the mistake he never did, they just followed after the mass. In his eyes, spending time to befriend these people would be nothing more than a tiring job without reward.     

For him, it would be easier to just kill them with poison.     

However, he knew that it would be impossible to kill everyone around him. Not everyone would actively try to harm him, which he understood very well. There were also those who would care for him for who he truly was, like his senior brother and junior sister. However, right now, he couldn't trust anyone but them.     

In Four Kingdoms, no one wouldn't know him for he had made a name for himself during the competition. They might only know him as a young genius from Chen Kingdom, but it was already a lot for him. Some idiots would surely try to curry favor from him, especially when they noticed his green hair.     

"You'll surely find more people who won't see you for your status in the future," Zhan Jing repeated.     

Lu Wan passed a glance. "I would rather wait until I'm out of Four Kingdoms. At that time, no one will know me."     

"Indeed." Zhan Jing stared straight to Lu Wan's eyes. Green hair might be rare, but in that world, he knew several people with green hair. It was the trait of a family that was quite influential in one of the kingdoms, but he was not entirely sure that Lu Wan had any relation with them.     

In any case, it didn't really matter right now.     

Zhan Jing took out a book and handed it to Lu Wan. "I don't have much knowledge regarding poison, but you should be able to do self study with this. There are a lot of poison's formulas inside the book that you can study."     

"Really? You're the best, Master!"     

Lu Wan's eyes lit up when he saw the book in his Master's hand. In any case, it meant that he didn't need to fumble around some herbs that he didn't know because the basic information didn't include them.     

He extended his hand, but Zhan Jing raised his hand out of Lu Wan's reach. Even though Lu Wan was already 14 years old, his height was still like that of a brat, which meant that he was unable to reach the book.     


"Promise me that you're going to learn how to communicate with more people and learn to associate yourself with others," Zhan Jing gave his order.     

Lu Wan's face scrunched. "But Master…."     

"Promise me."     

"Master, you're cheating." Lu Wan sulked. His eyes were still locked on the book that his master was holding, but the promise that his master wanted him to say was not something he could agree to right away. He didn't really want to expand his friends' circle in this kingdom.     

Zhan Jing sighed. "I won't force you in Four Kingdoms, but once you're out of Four Kingdoms, you should start to learn, understand?"     


"I can't hear you."     


Zhan Jing held a satisfied smile as he handed the book to Lu Wan. The moment Lu Wan got hold of the book, he hugged it closely as if it was his dear friend. In front of him, Qi Huan and Ye Jiao couldn't help but laugh.     

Lu Wan's action was so funny!     

"Don't laugh!" Lu Wan suddenly noticed the snicker on his two friends' face.     

Ye Jiao grinned. "We're just laughing. It has nothing to do with you."     

"Not if the target of your laugh is me!"     

Qi Huan also smiled. He looked at their Master. "But Master, we're not doing anything wrong, right?"     

Zhan Jing didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the two disciples' innocent expressions. He chose not to say anything as he looked at the other two. "The competition for the Academy at the north will start this Autumn. If you wish to participate this year, you have to go there before the designated time."     

It was still spring right now albeit nearing the end. There was still around three months left before autumn, which was more than enough time for them to get used to their new strength.     

Lu Wan raised his head. "Wait, you two are going to participate in the selection this year?"     



"Then what about me?" Lu Wan wanted to cry. He was lagging behind the two of them. Even though there was still around three months' left, he doubted that he would be able to reach rank 3 in that short time span.     

The qualification to enter the selection was to reach Eon Energy Master Rank 3 ah.     

He was still rank 2.     

Right now, he really wanted to cry.     

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