7 Path of the Lilies

Internal Feud

Internal Feud


Qi Huan immediately blocked the attack and pushed his cousin back. His eyes were cold as he realized immediately that his cousin wished for his death. The killing intent that Qi Mang emanated was painfully clear for him.     

"You shouldn't have taken it, you b*stard!" Qi Mang yelled. He was frustrated when he learned that Qi Huan had taken the inheritance. It was known that the one who received the inheritance could only be one in every session this island appeared. That would mean that he had to wait for another three years.     

Three years.     

It was a long time for a youngster like him. If he truly waited that long, there was no telling what would happen because he had passed the prime age for him to develop his talent. He would never be able to become a true expert that way.     

"It was right in front of me," Qi Huan said calmly. "Why should I pass the chance when it was in front of me?"     

"You!" Qi Mang gritted his teeth. "You're just someone who will die and leave this place! You shouldn't have taken our only hope to get out of here!"     

Without waiting for Qi Huan's answer, Qi Mang sprang from his position and charged towards Qi Huan's direction once again. His sword was aimed straight to Qi Huan's neck, attempting to kill this young man right in this instant.     

Qi Huan slightly raised his sword and blocked the attack. He knew how much of an eyesore he was in the eyes of the others. Just his existence itself was already enough to make them feel hatred for him. After all, except from his father, he had the highest position in Chi Kingdom and naturally had the access to the most resources.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

The men behind Qi Mang were confused by the sudden turn of events. They were tasked to protect the princes and naturally, that included Qi Huan. Seeing the two of them fighting against one another, no one knew what they should do.     


Getting pushed to the back, Qi Mang's eyes glowed dangerously. Just a few days ago, Qi Huan was still slightly below him because of his lesser rank. Now, he couldn't even hope to try contending against him.     

Gritting his teeth, Qi Mang yelled and ran to Qi Huan again. "I can't accept this!"     

Clang! Clang!     

Compared to Qi Mang who dealt a vicious blow, Qi Huan was relatively milder and calmer. He knew the consequences of making a serious blow to Qi Mang as the people around his father always hoped to bring him down. If he was charged of killing his own cousin, they would undoubtedly tag him as a heartless person and drive the citizen into pressuring him.     

He couldn't let that happen.     

"He's hesitating to kill?" Qin Zheng frowned. If this continued, Qi Huan might run out of stamina first. Even though he had the power as rank 3, he hadn't familiarized himself with the newfound strength he had. A long battle was not recommended.     

"He has his reason."     

Qin Zheng leaned on the wall. His eyes were watching the people behind Qi Mang. He would not interfere, but if they decided to attack him too, he would not be polite.     


Once again, Qi Mang was pushed to the back. He looked at his men. "ATTACK HIM!"     

"But, Your Highness…"     

"I said, attack!"     

The men were looking at their prince helplessly as they drew their sword. But before they could move from their position, the earth suddenly moved as something appeared and pierced their body.     


Blood spilled out from the hole on their body as their eyes were filled with disbelief. Qi Mang watched in horror as his men, whom he had brought here with difficulties, fell one by one. Not a single one of them was alive.     

"What did you…?"     

"I didn't do anything," Qi Huan responded briefly. He tried to not look at his master because he knew very well that it must be Zhan Jing. The only one who could control the earth to such a level would only be his master. As for his father, that man has different capabilities.     

Qi Mang's eyes turned red. "You liar! I'll kill you!"     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

As the sound of blade clashing filled the place, both Zhan Jing and Qin Zheng didn't have any intention to help out. They were watching as the fight unfolded before their eyes in a calm manner.     

Swish! Clang!     

Qi Huan forcefully pushed Qi Mang's blade as he placed his sword in front of the man. His eyes glowed dangerously. "Do not try me, Cousin Qi Mang."     

Qi Mang sneered. "Just do it, without the inheritance, I don't have any use again. If you dare to kill me, do you think you'll be able to get away from it? Everyone will be chasing after you."     

Just when Qi Huan was about to reply, something passed by him, reaching his cousin's chest in a split second. A large hole appeared on the location where his heart was supposed to be as blood started to drip down.     

Qi Mang's eyes were filled with disbelief as he fell on the ground with a loud thud. Even until the end, he didn't know what had happened to him.     

Turning his head to the back, Qi Huan looked at Qin Zheng. "Thank you, I owe you one."     

"He's just too noisy. I'm not doing it for you too," Qin Zheng said nonchalantly.     

"Would it be a trouble for you if you kill someone from this bloodline?"     

"It's just an insignificant youth, so it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, his talent is just B or so, considering his age. Even those people would never want to care for someone at this talent," Qin Zheng shrugged.     

From the way Qin Zheng said it, Qi Huan had the feeling that those who were at B talent or blue color were nothing but trash in front of this man. In this place, they were treated well because their talent was considered as high. But for those true experts, those at B talent were simply too low to enter their eyes.     

"You have a high standard."     

"It's not like you can't raise your talent, but their way is a bit unorthodox," Qin Zheng mulled. "Do you want to return back to report to your father? The Eon Energy concentration is already a bit too low."     

"I'll go after Y-Ai Jiao finished her training," Qi Huan responded. He had almost slipped out Ye Jiao's real name. Come to think about it, did Qin Zheng know Ye Jiao's real name or he didn't?     

"You mean Ye Jiao, right?" Qin Zheng pointed to the back. "She has finished absorbing the Eon Energy for the egg."     

"How do you know her real name…?"     

Qin Zheng shrugged without the intention to answer. When he came here, he inquired a bit about Ye Jiao in secret because it should be impossible for an ordinary person to suddenly gain that high of talent. After hearing her background and real name, he came to understand what had actually happened.     

At this moment, Ye Jiao walked over with a tired expression. As all the Eon Energy she absorbed was transferred to the egg, she didn't really take any for herself. It made her feel tired.     

"Senior Brother Qi, Qin Zheng, I have finished."     

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