7 Path of the Lilies

Cunning Qin Zheng

Cunning Qin Zheng

0"What do you think of this arrangement?"     

Xiao Yan looked at Qin Zheng with narrowed eyes. Even though Qin Zheng was smiling lightly and kindly, he felt like he was walking straight into a trap. Normally speaking, between core and body, a core would worth much more because of their Eon Energy inside.     

However, the rank 5 snake's body would surely worth a lot too.     

"Xiao Yan?" Prince Gu Ning asked as he didn't receive the answer from the young man. He had already returned back from taking the Hundred Petals Flowers. It was now safe in his Spatial Ring.     

Xiao Yan cupped his hand. "If that's so, we'll take the core."     

"Thank you for your cooperation," Qin Zheng smiled.     

The other disciples from Wang Luo Academy moved to the large snake's corpse and cut it open. Without the Eon Energy protecting it, they could cut off the stomach and retrieve the core. The woman picked it and handed it to Xiao Yan. Her face was slightly ugly.     

"Do we have to give up on the snake?"     

"Just do as I say," Xiao Yan looked at the others. "Return back to the city and regroup with the others."     


Qin Zheng waved his hand and kept the snake's body inside his Spatial Ring. He looked at Gu Ning and smiled. "Does Your Highness intend to visit the Death Valley?"     

Gu Ning passed a glance to Qin Zheng. "It seems that you're pretty sharp, Qin Zheng. However, what this prince wants to do is none of your business."     

"I just want to recommend heading to Hua Shan Academy since Elder Qian plans on opening the Teleportation Array soon." Qin Zheng spread his hand. "I don't have any other intention, Your Highness. Please excuse us."     

As Qin Zheng turned around, Gu Ning frowned a bit. There were several ways to enter the Death Valley from the mountain's region. The door in Hua Shan Academy was one of them and also the most common ones. He had planned on using the free door while training, but Qin Zheng's words made him hesitate a bit.     

It was safer to use the one in the academy because the one in the wild might not work properly.     

Gu Ning turned around. "We're changing direction to Hua Shan Academy."     

"Yes, Your Highness."     

Xiao Yan watched as they left. He turned around to look at the others. "We're going first. You should go back."     


"Well, that's so weak for a team captain," the woman yawned. "Now I'm anticipating the competition in the capital city. I'm sure that Qin Zheng is the one who will represent the Hua Shan Academy."     

"Indeed," Xiao Yan remarked as his eyes glinted with ruthlessness. "At that time, I'll make him pay for what he did."     

"That'll be pretty fun." the woman smiled. "Also, I'm interested in that green haired boy. Not everyone can identify my medicine just like that."     

"It's up to you."     

"Hehehe, you're the best, Xiao Yan."     

All three of them went their separate ways after that brief encounter. Wang Luo Academy disciples mostly headed back to the west, aside from Xiao Yan and that woman. On the other hand, Qin Zheng brought others to the north path.     

"Why are you letting that flower go? It's such a treasure!" Lu Wan wailed after they have gotten far enough. He still felt annoyed by Qin Zheng's decision to give up just like that to that prince. If it was him, he would surely fight to the end just to get that flower because of its worth.     


Lin Cai hit the back of Lu Wan's head. "Stupid, you're the disciple of Hua Shan Academy, so your action will also represent our academy. Do you want to make enemies with the Royal Family?"     


"The Xian Gu Kingdom is different from the Chen Kingdom," Qi Huan interrupted. "You can freely antagonise those surnamed Chen back in the Four Kingdoms, but you can't do the same in this place. Some heavy political plays involve numerous factions in this kingdom. If you don't know anything, you should just stay quiet."     

Lu Wan frowned. He looked at Qi Huan with a question all over his face. "What do you mean?"     

"It's exactly as he says," Qin Zheng replied. "We can't touch the people from the Imperial Family lightly or antagonize them without reason. Since there's not a single one of us that really needed that Hundred Petals Flower, it's wiser to just give it up."     

They just found the flower out of coincidences. At first, they planned to rob it from the Wang Luo Academy, but their plan was foiled even before they could enact it. Since Prince Gu Ning wanted it, they could just get away with getting the least valuable material, which was the snake's body.     

In truth, it was very useful since the hard skin would be good to be made into armor. Until Qin Zheng could create a better one, they could make use of it. In addition, there was the meat that can be eaten, poison gladder for Lu Wan, and some bones.     

"Anyone among you can sew?"     

Lin Cai and Ye Jiao raised their hand. "I know the basics."     

"Me too."     

"I'll give the snake's skin to you after I have cleaned it. Make some armor for us from that until I can provide the proper armor," Qin Zheng instructed. "I'm not sure I can complete it before the competition, so it'll make do."     

"Competition?" Mu Xin arched her eyebrows.     

"There's a team competition in the Capital City once every five years," Qin Zheng explained. "And the next competition is next year, so there'll be a selection at the end of this year. If you wish to participate, you need to be at least rank 4."     

"I see."     

"We still have a year, so I'm sure that we can advance to rank 4 by that time," Lin Cai slapped her fist together with a grin on her face. "I can't wait to go there and fight all my way to the top!"     

"Breakthrough to rank 4 first."     

"I don't need you to tell me that!"     

Qin Zheng turned around to look at the others. "Let's head to the city."     

"Is it really fine to give up just like that?" Wang Jun asked.     

"The snake is not a genuine rank 5," Qin Zheng's lips curled up. "If that snake had been a genuine rank 5, Xiao Yan wouldn't be able to confine it with only a few rank 4 mediocre disciples. It's more likely that the snake's skin has been tampered with because of the environment while its core is still at rank 4."     

"That's possible?" Ye Jiao was astonished.     

"Yes, if you look at the snake's core that woman took out, you'll see that the color is still blue. If it ranks 5, the color will be slightly green," Lin Cai grinned. "There's no need to worry. Qin Zheng will never deal with anything that'll cause him to lose."     

Ye Jiao nodded. "I see. That makes sense."     

"I heard that Qin Zheng already makes several teachers want to resign because…."     


"If you wish to sleep in the forest again tonight, I don't mind leaving you behind," Qin Zheng said with a hint of threat.     

"Geez, you're such a hot headed little brat."     

"You're just one year older."     

"I'm still older!"     

Lu Wan sighed as they began to speed up. He looked at the others, who seemed to give up trying to find a reason. They didn't have much interest in that flower too, so no one seemed to care for Qin Zheng's decision.     

"I still don't understand why Senior Brother Qin asks that prince to go to Hua Shan Academy," Lu Wan spoke out.     

"It's just to show that Hua Shan Academy still has a good relationship with the Imperial Family and trusted by them." Lin Cai grinned. "In a way, it's to show that we're still above Wang Luo Academy to the others who hear the news. After all, there's also that transportation gate in Wang Luo Academy."     

Ye Jiao was stunned at Lin Cai's explanation. She thought it was only to make a better impression on the imperial family, but it seemed she was wrong.     

Whenever Qin Zheng made a move, he would surely ensure that he got the best result. This time, he benefited from the battle without doing much and lowered people's impression of Wang Luo Academy. Her senior brother is too cunning!     

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