7 Path of the Lilies

Prince Gu Ning

Prince Gu Ning

0"Then it seems, we need to wait until they finish before helping out," Qin Zheng made his decision.     

"Wait for them to finish?" Lin Cai tilted her head. "Why? I can just fight with that large snake."     

"And die early," Qi Huan shook his head. "It's a powerful beast that's already entering rank 5. You're just rank 3, so you'll die if you try to fight against that beast on your own."     

"All of you are here."     

"But we might not be enough," Qin Zheng said plainly. Among the seven of them, only Qi Huan was in rank 4. Wang Jun at peak stage, and he was at the late stage. The others were either middle or early stages. It would be impossible with their current lineup to defeat that beast on their own.     

Those people from Wang Luo Academy were already rank 4, so they have a better chance.     

"Tsk, it's not fun," Lin Cai pursed her lips.     

"We're aiming to loot the reward without hard work," Lu Wan grinned. "It's more fun like this because we just need to exploit them."     

"That's only if you stay quiet."     



There was a blade's attack directed at them. They could see a young man looking at them with contempt. The aura around his body effectively told them that he must be Eon Energy Master Rank 4 late stage. He was not the kind of opponent they could face lightly.     

"It seems that cowards from Hua Shan Academy are here."     

"Well, if they wish to help us out, it'll be great," one of them chuckled. She raised her hand as water enveloped her arm. With a swish of her arm, water surged from her towards them all.     


"What the hell $%^&*(?" Lu Wan cursed as he managed to get away. The water smells badly. Even though it didn't touch his body, it was covering the ground where they stood before. His mind immediately worked at his speed as he nearly cursed again. "That damned woman is a Medicine Master! This is Snake Powder Liquid that's useful to lure the snake out!"     

"Oh?" that woman was surprised when she heard Lu Wan's words. "it seems that you're very knowledgeable, little boy."     

Swish! Clang!     

Qi Huan was already right in front of another member of Wang Luo Academy. His sword was pressed against the man's neck. Even though he was a stage lower than this person, he still moved much faster.     

"Y-you!" the man's face paled. His neck was bleeding because of Qi Huan's blade.     

"Watch out!" Qin Zheng yelled. Neither one of them got the water from that woman, but it splashed not far from them. The snake was released from the encirclement as it rushed in their direction. Qi Huan and that man were in the way.     

"$%^&*!" The man cursed and jumped back at the same time Qi Huan released him.     


His body was slammed and pressed down by the snake's large body. His teammates were trying to get close, but their weapon could not penetrate the snake's body no matter what they did.     

"What should we do?"     


The Eon Energy Master Rank 4 late stage looked at his teammates with a somber expression. He didn't expect that the snake would be able to get away so easily from their encirclement. The young man under the snake was one of their ranged fighters, so his speed was slow.     

"I'll restrain its movements again," the leader replied. He extended his hand as the wind moved at a rapid speed. It was directed at the large snake as heavy pressure slammed down on that particular snake.     

Qin Zheng's eyes narrowed when he saw that. "So it's you, Xiao Yan."     

The leader didn't say anything. He turned to look at the woman, who had already moved her water element to the snake once more. Her expression was grim. "I don't have much Eon Energy left, captain."     

Xiao Yan nodded. "All of you attack!"     


Blades started to rain on top of the snakes. They were trying all they could to attack the snake because they knew that the outer layer was thick and hard.     

"Help us out, Qin Zheng!" Xiao Yan suddenly yelled. "I know that it's you over there."     

"Right, why should I help you?"     

"If you don't, the snake is going to kill you first," Xiao Yan said calmly. He spoke the matter of death as if it was nothing but a small play. His eyes were looking at Qin Zheng calmly. Apparently, he was sure that Qin Zheng would help him out.     

"Fine, everyone, attack," Qin Zheng gave his order.     

They immediately moved towards the snake as their weapon attacked the snake body. Ye Jiao frowned when she saw that their attack didn't amount to anything other than making the snake angrier. There was not even a wound on the snake's body, no matter what they did.     

"Jiao'er, help me go up," Lin Cai suddenly called.     

Ye Jiao turned around and placed her dagger on top of her head horizontally. Lin Cai jumped on top of her before she kicked as hard as possible to reach the back of the snake. Ye Jiao could feel the pressure coming from Lin Cai's kick, but she stood firm. Using the propelling power, Lin Cai arrived by the snake's back.     

She used the snake's scales to make a light step and jumped to the top of the snake's head. Even though the snake's body was slimy, it was still made of scales, so there was still a gap that they could step on, albeit only a few millimeters.     

"Heh, your opponent is here!" Lin Cai laughed and used her light sword to stab the snake's eye.     


The snake wriggled and tossed around.     


"Lu Wan!" Qin Zheng gave his order. His hand held his sword, but he didn't do anything other than standing in his place.     

"Tsk," Lu Wan clicked his tongue and took out his chain and blade. Swinging it, he made the chain circled around Lin Cai's body and pulled her towards Wang Jun's direction, where the man caught her perfectly.     

"That was close," Lin Cai wiped the sweat on her forehead, but she was grinning. "Thanks!"     

"No problem," Wang Jun nodded.     

"We need to work on our teamwork," Qi Huan remarked as he jumped back. His attack on the snake's stomach didn't result in anything. Mu Xin was also beside him, trying to attack the snake but didn't manage to get any result.     

"Yeah," Qin Zheng definitely agreed on that. He was contemplating whether to use Thousands Myriad Swords or not because it might be detrimental for him if his opponent learned about his skill before the competition.     


There was a sound from behind them as they saw a large flag with the word 'Gu' written coming close. There were many people in that group, with one person sitting on top of a chair.     

"Who's that?" Ye Jiao asked.     

"Prince Gu Ning," Qin Zheng replied solemnly. "It seems that things have escalated higher than expected."     


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