7 Path of the Lilies

No One Shall Pass!

No One Shall Pass!


Wang Jun frowned at the wound on his shoulder, but he ignored it. His right hand moved as if the wound was nothing and killed the white robed man on his right. Looking at the increased number of white robed men, he felt that they must have come here all.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

"Surround him!"     

"He's just one person!"     

Another white robed man came while dragging a fainted disciple behind him. He threw the disciple towards Wang Jun while preparing a knife to attack.     

Wang Jun frowned. He directly punched that unconscious disciple straight to the white robed man behind him.     


The two of them crashed and fell to the ground, just like rags.     

"Y-you even hurt your comrades?"     

"Comrade?" Wang Jun's tone was filled with mockery. "I'm from Hua Shan Academy, and he's from Wang Luo Academy."     

The white robed men could feel chill creeping on their back as they heard Wang Jun mocked them. They looked at one another then rushed over to Wang Jun with their weapons ready.     

"Kill him!"     

Clang! Clang!     

Wang Jun blocked them with ease and swung his arm. Despite having higher rank, the group of white robed men was pushed to the back. Their eyes were filled with horror as they had just realized that they were not getting any advantage in the fight.     

"He must be aiming for enhancement specialization!"     

"Damn! Pressure him!"     

Among the specializations that existed for rank 4, the only one that could possibly be trained even before reaching rank 4 would be body enhancement. This specialization required them to train their body to the fullest and used their muscle to make sure that they used it well. People often called body enhancement specialization to be body training because it was literally what they did.     

This body enhancement would allow them to temper their body to the fullest, allowing them to become far stronger than their peers physically. Even though this would be a path that was less useful for higher ranked one, the advantage of body enhancement was evident during rank 3 to 5.     

They could basically fight against those ranked higher than them on par!     


Wang Jun pushed the white robed men back. His gaze was cold as he circulated his Eon Energy inside his body, pushing his muscle to become stronger than before. It was not an easy fight because he had to push himself to make him stronger than these groups of Eon Energy Master Rank 4.     

One of the white robed men gritted his teeth. "Keep moving! He won't be able to keep this up much longer!"     

They quickly rushed over to Wang Jun, sending rains of attacks at him. Each of the blades was reaching to him along with a tremendous amount of Eon Energy.     

Clang! Clang! Clang! Slash!     

In the end, Wang Jun failed to block one of the attacks as it hit his left hand. He twisted his body and kicked the nearby white robed man, sending him straight to the wall.     



"You cocky brat!"     


Before Wang Jun could block it, the attack reached his stomach. He stepped back and frowned slightly. His eyes were glaring at the white robed men dangerously. He couldn't let them go through.     

"Die!" the white robed men launched another attack.     

Clang! Clang! Slash!     

"Wang Jun! Are you alright?" Lu Wan was moving his arm as his blade reached one of the white robbed men, piercing his neck from the back. He waved his hand, and the chain forced his blade to return back.     

"I'm ok," Wang Jun said coldly, ignoring the pain in his stomach. He swung his arm as he moved back to evade the attack.     

Clang! Swish!     

Lu Wan rushed to move to Wang Jun. His eyes turned large as he looked at the wound on the young man's stomach. That was what he called fine? That large wound needed to be treated fast!     


"Watch out!"     

Wang Jun was about to push Lu Wan to the side, but he noticed that Lu Wan had waved his hand. The chain immediately blocked the attack from behind him as if it has a life on its own.     


Lu Wan twisted his legs and moved his arm to control the chain once more. The chain created a loud sound midair before the blade fell right on top of the white robbed man. At that moment, Lu Wan just used his Eon Energy to pull it down from a certain height. With the acceleration it had, it has enough power to pierce through the man's skull.     


Another white robed man reached his side, and Wang Jun immediately stepped forwards. His sword made a thrusting motion to the white robed man's heart.     


"Wounded man should just stay on the back."     

"It's my task to protect this tunnel," Wang Jun replied. There were only three white robed men left, but he had felt exceedingly tired because of his insane consumption. Not to mention, his stomach was hurting like crazy.     

"Heh," Lu Wan pulled his arm again and caught his blade on his left hand. His eyes were looking at the white robed men in front of him coldly. Even though he hated close battle combat, he knew that their lives were at the stake here. They have to wait until Ye Jiao finishes the runes before they can proceed any further.     

The white robed men who left were looking at these two warily. From the way they moved, they had realized that it was not easy to deal with them. Their comrades fell one by one in their hands.     

"Do you think that…."     


Before the white robed men could finish speaking, Lu Wan had thrown a bottle filled with poison from his storage bracelet. It was a paralyzing poison that he had prepared.     

"Y-you!" the white robed men were unable to move. They looked at the two of them in horror.     


Moving his arm, Lu Wan controlled his chain and blade. It moved at high speed towards the group of white robed men.     


Without any ability to defend themselves because of the poison's effect, the white robed men died instantly. That one attack ended their lives.     

"Great job," Wang Jun leaned on the wall. His left hand clutched his stomach to stop the bleeding momentarily.     

"We need to treat…"     

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Wan sensed sudden killing intent coming from the tunnel behind them.     

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