7 Path of the Lilies

Fight Against Eon Energy Master Rank 4 late stage

Fight Against Eon Energy Master Rank 4 late stage

0"Hit and run?"     

"Do you mean hitting them and then running away?" Lu Wan's expression was strange as he asked. If they just planned to wound the people and then run away, wouldn't their lives be in danger?     

Ye Jiao nodded. "Yes."     

Lin Cai frowned. "It's too dangerous. It'll be better if we just get out of this place and make a report."     

"By that time, it might be too late," Qin Zheng shook his head. "They know that the academy will be notified soon, so they have to finish the absorption of water elements soon. Since we have to travel in silence, it might take another week before reinforcement can arrive."     

"That's to say, our option is just to move forward?" Mu Xin asked.     

Lu Wan's face paled. Why did he pick this mission in the first place? If only he knew that they would be facing a dangerous opponent like this, he would have never picked this mission in the first place.     

"Why don't…"     


The seven of them went quiet as they crouched down, hiding their figure behind the large rock. Their eyes watched as several people appeared from the tunnel where Qi Huan scouted before.     

"Search around this place. They should be close."     

"How many rats?"     

"16 at most."     

"Got it."     

They walked past the rock, but all of them didn't dare to speak yet. They knew that these people would search all over the area to find the students from academies that visited the place for investigation. Those people would not stop until they could reach their goal, and it meant the way out might be blocked too.     

It took them a few minutes before they started talking again, using their Eon Energy once more. Their sense was still at high alert, for they didn't wish to get caught in this place.     

"Jiao'er, elaborate your plan further," Qin Zheng suddenly gave his order.     

Ye Jiao nodded. "It's going to be very dangerous because there's no guarantee that it's going to be successful."     

"It doesn't really matter."     

"We're martial artists," Qi Huan said somberly. "No matter how arduous the option would be, if there's a chance to be successful, we're going to pull through."     

"If everyone didn't agree after you finished telling us the plan, we'd retreat back carefully," Qin Zheng said somberly. "However, if we decide to retreat, there's a chance that it might be too late."     

It was not known the exact time until the Emperor Stone matured. Once it has absorbed enough Eon Energy, those people would surely leave. Their mission would be all for nothing.     

"Let's hear the plan first," Mu Xin urged.     

"Alright, it's like this…"     


The white robed man with the highest rank stayed near the entrance after eliminating the two students. As he had promised, he killed them first before tossing them to the rock, cleanly eliminating all traces that they lived.     

"You should have taken their storage bracelet first," the second white robed man shook his head. "They might have something valuable."     

"They're just brats, and we don't have much time," the first white robed man replied. He kept the plate inside his robe, ready to use them again if it was necessary. "If they have anything of the water element, it'll be useful."     

The second white robed man shook his head. "I'll patrol too. There might be more of them."     


The white robed man with the highest rank stayed near the place and just walked to the nearest large cave beside them. He was using the plate sparingly because he knew that it would affect the Emperor Stone absorption capability. If he was not careful, he might incur a great disaster afterward because of the insane absorption rate of the stone.     

Just as he was about to sit down, he sensed sudden killing intent directed at him. In that momentarily pause, he saw a blade coming at him.     


Using his Eon Energy to block the attack, the white robed man looked in the other direction. He saw three young men walking at him with intense killing intent. Even though he was already Eon Energy Master Rank 4 late stage, he felt chill on his back.     

'These children are not ordinary.'     

"I'll be the main attacker," Qin Zheng said coldly. "You two assist me and Qi Huan, make sure he can't get close to Lu Wan."     

"Got it."     


Lu Wan pulled back his chain and blade as Qin Zheng rushed forwards. There were no greetings needed as they knew that they were enemies. The man still felt chill on his back, yet he pulled out his weapon and used it to block against Qin Zheng's attack.     


The two swords clashed in the middle. The man's eyes widened. From the Eon Energy around Qin Zheng's body, he could see that the young man was only Eon Energy Master Rank 3. However, the strength he showed just now could definitely rival those at Eon Energy Master Rank 4 early stage.     

How was it possible?     

Swish! Clang!     

Qi Huan appeared from behind Qin Zheng and swung his sword. At the same time, he directed his killing intent at the man.     

Faced with double killing intent, the white robed could feel tremendous pressure. His legs nearly could not be able to stand upright because this was truly his first time facing such large pressure.     


A blade reached his back as a wound appeared. He did wear armor, but it didn't cover all of his body. A part between his neck and back was still visible. It was supposed to be covered in the robe, but Lu Wan hit it directly.     

"It's easier than what I thought."     

The white robed man's irk increased. "AAAAAAAAAAAA!"     

"Move back!"     

Tep! Tep!     

Both Qin Zheng and Qi Huan stepped to the back as the white robed man fully released his power as Eon Energy Master Rank 4. Waves of Eon Energy hit the wall, shaking the place to create an earthquake.     

Brak! Bruck! Bam!     

Several stones fell out of their place. Some tunnels were unable to withstand the pressure as it directly crumbled under pressure.     

Qin Zheng frowned. "Attack him."     

Clang! Clang!     

The white robed man's gaze was filled with maliciousness. He looked at the two youngsters in front of him. Their appearance didn't have much difference compared with children. "Brats shouldn't have come here!"     

Swish! Swish!     

A layer of water was formed around the man. He controlled it to protect his entire body and at the same time, coated his sword in a thin layer of water. His gaze was cold.     

"Be careful!"     

The man raised his hand and swung his sword at high speed. Qi Huan quickly raised his sword and infused it with his Eon Energy.     

Clang! Crack!     


Even though they were using Eon Energy to cover themselves, Qi Huan clearly sensed that the pressure this man emanated was not a joke. It was so big that he nearly vomited. Even the ground around him cracked like it was nothing.     

Spitting out blood, Qi Huan's gaze was cold. He already knew that the difference between rank 3 late stage and rank 4 late stage would be big, but he didn't expect that it would be this much.     

Without the interference of his killing intent, even one attack might be enough to finish him off.     

Clang! Swish!     

Qin Zheng attacked from the side, and the white robed man jumped to the back. From his back, Lu Wan twisted his chain and blade once more. The sharp side was heading in the white robed man's direction.     


"The same tactic won't work twice, brats," the white robed man said coldly. He pushed back the blade and rushed to Lu Wan. Before Qin Zheng and Qi Huan could catch up, he had reached Lu Wan with his sword swung at impossible speed.     


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