7 Path of the Lilies

New Disciple Examination Day

New Disciple Examination Day

0"You look tired, Ye Jiao," Qi Huan commented when Ye Jiao came near them.     

Ye Jiao smiled wryly. "I lack sleep a bit. Wake me up when it's already Core Disciple's turn."     

"It's going to take a long time considering that there are thousands of new disciples. Just rest," Lu Wan grinned.     

Qi Huan took out a book and started reading. Even though it was the examination day, he was not worried in the slightest.     

In the arena, the examination begins and the new disciple has to pick one senior to fight. Most of the fight didn't even last one minute, so it was pretty quick as more disciples came up for their turn. Their sequence was determined by their rank, which allowed the lowest rank to start first.     

Time passed swiftly.     


"Are you bored, Senior Sister Lin?" Qin Zheng asked. He sat down beside Lin Cai because of their status as Elite Disciple.     

Lin Cai nodded. "I was hoping that there's going to be someone who challenged me, but it seems I'm hoping too much."     

"Well, the gap is quite big."     

"I'm still rank 3 middle stage," Lin Cai rolled her eyes. There was no restriction when they picked the senior. As long as that senior has the same rank or higher rank than them, they could practically challenge anyone. The only exception would be given to Elite Disciple in case there was no senior at the higher rank.     

Qin Zheng chuckled. "Most of them pick their pairing because they have already fought with them before."     

"Right, since this is just 'examination.'" Lin Cai yawned. She propped her head with her arm and closed her eyes. "I'm just going to sleep a bit. This is getting boring."     

From the corner of his eyes, Qin Zheng sneaked a glance to the vice leader. As he had expected, Shen Dian was giving a warning glare at Lin Cai. As the Elite Disciple, their action was always watched by the other students. That was the reason they have to become the model for the other students in the academy.     

Lin Cai's action would only make them gossiped about her because it was inappropriate.     

"Senior Sister Lin, Vice Leader Shen is…"     

"Leave him be," Lin Cai cut off Qin Zheng's words. "I'll just get scolded in the end, so it doesn't really matter."     

Qin Zheng decided to stop talking and just watched the performance of his juniors. Although many of them were lacking, they were not that bad. With some polishing, they would be able to become a powerful expert in the future.     

More time passed.     

Soon, it was the time for the Inner Disciples. Many of them chose to pick the safest, which was their own pair. Since they have known each other, the senior wouldn't be so harsh as to defeat them without giving them any chance to retort.     

"Next, Inner Disciple Mu Xin."     

Ye Jiao opened her eyes when she heard the familiar name. Her eyes scanned her surroundings and noticed that the sun was already going halfway to the west. It was already evening.     

"Did you have a good rest?"     

"Yes. Was it quick?"     

"Yeah, a lot of seniors just blatantly kick their junior out of the arena," Qi Huan responded. "Most of the fight didn't even last one minute, so it was pretty quick. Only lately that the fight started to grow more interesting."     

Ye Jiao nodded and turned her head to the arena on the right. Mu Xin walked to the arena. Ever since the incident in the first week, Mu Xin had gotten a new senior to guide her in the academy.     

"Pick a senior," the referee told her.     

Mu Xin nodded. "I pick Senior Brother Wang Jun."     

Hearing that name, Ye Jiao turned her head to the direction of the Inner Disciple's section. A familiar young man walked into the arena. He looked far more mature compared to when Ye Jiao last saw him. However, his firm built and posture was still the same as before. It was the characteristic of a soldier.     

Lu Wan turned his head to Ye Jiao. He was already awake since the middle of the Inner Disciple's section. "Do you know that young man?"     



"He's also someone from the Four Kingdoms. He used to help me to meet with Xin Jie," Ye Jiao gave the short explanation.     

Qi Huan averted his eyes from his book. "He's also from the Four Kingdoms?"     


The two of them looked towards Wang Jun with curiosity. They have never met that young man before. When Ye Jiao went to Lu Wan's residence back then, Wang Jun had already left, so there was no chance to meet with him.     

Wang Jun stood before Mu Xin. He bowed slightly. "Inner Disciple Wang Jun is here."     

Mu Xin nodded. "Let's start."     

There was no useless chatter between the two of them. The referee waved his hand, signalling for them to start the battle.     


The moment the signal to start was given, Mu Xin charged straight towards Wang Jun with her light sword. Wang Jun's saber appeared on his right hand, and he blocked her attack calmly. There were no pointless movements.     

Mu Xin moved once more as she swung her light sword rapidly in the direction of Wang Jun. Her slender figure continued to move and get closer to Wang Jun.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Sounds of blade filled the arena. Even with the gap in strength, Mu Xin attacked relentlessly while Wang Jun calmly waited for his chance. He blocked all of her attacks perfectly, not using the slightest bit more strength than what's necessary.     

"He's good," Qi Huan commented.     

Lu Wan arched his eyebrows. "Really? I think he's quite ordinary."     

"That's because you have poor eyes."     


"Wang Jun's movements didn't seem like an ordinary person at all," Qi Huan replied. "He has firm control of his Eon Energy and defended himself perfectly. It was as if he could predict Mu Xin's movements and slowly lure her to get closer to him."     

Ye Jiao tilted her head. "He used to be a soldier."     

"I don't think that's all there is to him," Qi Huan remarked. "He reminds me of myself."     


While Lu Wan was confused, Ye Jiao understood what Qi Huan meant. Wang Jun's splendid control and flawless foundation could only come from systematic teaching from a large family. There was a high possibility that Wang Jun came from a noble family before he became a soldier.     

However, there was no record of a noble family surnamed Wang in the Four Kingdoms.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Mu Xin felt a bit strange. The more she moved deeper, the more she felt her movements were strained. Suddenly, she sensed a chance in Wang Jun's movements and stepped back to retreat.     


Her sword blocked the attack, but Mu Xin felt her legs stagger. Her eyes flashed in surprise. Mu Xin quickly raised her sword once more.     


Wang Jun attacked from above with power. He twisted his body and swung his saber from the other side.     


It stopped right beside Mu Xin's neck while her sword was trying to parry him. However, it didn't succeed as he had much more power compared to her.     

"The fight has ended, Wang Jun won."     

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