7 Path of the Lilies

Master Tang

Master Tang

0"Me either."     

"That just shows that you two have good taste," Qin Zheng said plainly.     

Ye Jiao nearly burst out laughing because of Qin Zheng's words. Does it mean that those who liked Su Mingyue all have bad taste? A pity for those thousands or more men that have a crush on Su Mingyue. They got hit even without doing anything.     

Lu Wan nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely correct."     

"Why do you hate her so much? I don't think she has done anything to you, Lu Wan," Ye Jiao asked as she wiped the tears on the corner of her eyes. She was already silently laughing, thanks to Qin Zheng's blunt remark.     

"She's trying to take your stone. A woman with no manner like that is annoying," Lu Wan shrugged.     

Qi Huan nodded. He sent a voice transmission to Ye Jiao. "In addition, I don't really like those with the Su surname."     

Hearing Qi Huan's words, Ye Jiao turned her head to look at her senior brother. She didn't like the Su Family because they tried to kill her in the past, for countless times. For some reason or another, they seemed to be highly sensitive to the word 'ye' that they didn't bother covering their killing intent whenever they saw her.     

She didn't know why Qi Huan didn't like them, but he might have his own reason too. Or perhaps, it was all because of the fight in the Chen Kingdom since Su Family basically helped the Chen Kingdom from behind.     

"By the way, when can you use the room for the examination?" Ye Jiao tried to change the conversation.     

Qin Zheng shrugged. "There's only one examination room for Yellow Rank in this Forging Master Association. I bet we're going to need to wait for that woman to finish her examination."     

"Wait, how long does one's examination usually take?"     

"It can be a few minutes to a few hours," Qin Zheng shrugged. "To reach the yellow rank, you need to have great control of the fire and be able to differentiate the metals during smelting. In addition, you need to be able to do the refinement by hammering a thousand times in a short period of time."     

"Hammering?" Lu Wan tilted his head to the side. He felt as if the words sounded unfamiliar. He couldn't understand how come one hammered a stone for a thousand's time made it pure.     

"Yes, it's called forging. When the ore is at a certain heat, you hammer them to get the purest part left," Qin Zheng explained. "In order to reach the yellow rank, I need to be able to do that for a thousand times without stopping."     

"Then for green rank…"     

"10,000 times."     

Lu Wan: "…" kill me now.     

Qi Huan nearly laughed when he saw Lu Wan's darkened face. "He's just joking. There's no requirement to hammer the ore for 10,000 times in a row. It's normally also impossible to do so without the ore losing the heat and unable to be refined anymore."     

"Weapons also have their grades," Qin Zheng passed a look to Ye Jiao. "It's categorized into Ordinary/Normal Grade Weapon, Earth Grade Weapon, Heaven Grade Weapon, and lastly Spirit Grade Weapon. Naturally, the Spirit Grade is the highest grade for a weapon. Each grade will be categorized in color from red to purple. Your weapon that you receive from your masters is all green or light blue Earth Grade."     

He had seen their weapons, so he also knew about them. Even though they were only Earth Grade, they were quite high in their made because most of the weapons sold outside were only at Ordinary Grade at most.     

Qin Zheng smiled. "The weapons that I have been selling so far are red Earth Grade."     

Ye Jiao was stunned. She recalled that the weapon that Qin Zheng made was all sold for thousand low grade Eon Energy Stones in the market. And they were all still at the lower rank of Earth Grade?     

How much would her dagger cost if she wanted to buy it in the market, then?     

She couldn't imagine it.     

"It means that you need to purify it by hammering one thousand times if you wish to create a Earth Grade weapon?" Qi Huan asked.     

"Yes. In order to create a higher level weapon, I need to learn how to infuse intent inside them," Qin Zheng smiled. "It's done by creating that weapon with one intention. So far, I'm still unable to create any higher than red Earth Grade Weapons, so I still need a long way to go."     

"I'm sure you can do it, Senior Brother Qin. You still have a long road ahead of you," Ye Jiao cheered from the side.     

Qin Zheng nodded. "Thank you."     

Yellow Rank might still be categorized as a low ranking Forging Master, but it was the door that would lead them to become true Forging Master. After all, the basic for Forging Master lied in smelting and forging.     


At that moment, the door was opened. Su Mingyue walked out with her teacher beside her. Her face was still as cold as before, but there was a light of happiness that was written all over her body. Sweat poured out on her forehead, but she felt happy.     

"Starting from now, you're a light Yellow Rank Forging Master, so you have to do your work properly, Mingyue. You're my pride," the man said with a wide smile on his face.     

"Yes, Master."     


The people there were looking at Su Mingyue with some amazement in their eyes. They all recognized that man was one of the advisors in the association. He had a really high ranking, so one couldn't belittle him.     

"I can't believe that Advisor Pei praises her so blatantly."     

"Yeah, but isn't it like saying that she's his proudest disciple?"     

"Tsk, to be able to reach Yellow Rank at such a young age, just shows her talent. There's no way Advisor Pei wouldn't be proud."     

Lu Wan's face darkened when he heard them praising that woman. Compared to Qin Zheng, what did that woman amount to? She's less capable and far older compared to Qin Zheng. There would be no comparison between them at all.     

Even Ye Jiao felt that the advisor's words were a bit too much. It was as if he was flaunting his disciple's rank to everyone who heard it here. This kind of move might have deterred some rising genius because they lacked in terms of talent.     

"Is that Advisor Pei someone important?"     

"He's a first tier light blue rank Forging Master," Qin Zheng replied. "In this kingdom, it's already considered pretty high."     

"First tier?" Ye Jiao was stunned.     

"For light blue, the ranking is no longer light and dark. It's starting with tier because….."     


Just as Advisor Pei was praising Su Mingyue to the sky, the door was opened. A tall and handsome middle-aged man was walking into the hall. His beard was long and covered most of his face, making him look scary. However, his light blue eyes were sweeping the hall quickly. He was wearing a dark robe, which told them that his position mustn't be lower than Advisor Su. If not for that, they might mistake him for a regular man on the street.     

"M-Master Tang!" Advisor Pei was stunned. He quickly bowed down in greeting, for the man before him was of higher rank.     

Not only him, almost everyone inside the hall was bowing slightly, showing their respect as part of the Forging Master Association. Only the guests were excused because they were not part of the association.     

Ye Jiao turned to look at Qin Zheng, who was standing with his two hands on his side. "Senior Brother Qin?"     

"You! Bow down, insolent Young Man!" a man yelled at Qin Zheng.     

"Yeah, in front of Master Tang, everyone had to greet him properly."     

Qin Zheng's lips pursed lightly. He looked at Master Tang with a nonchalant expression. "How are the experiment's progress, Master?"     


The people in the hall were annoyed at Qin Zheng's words. Everyone in the Forging Master Association respected Master Tang greatly. Any form of disrespect was a great offense in their eyes.     

Unbeknownst to them all, Su Mingyue was eyeing Qin Zheng. Her iris held a murderous intent that she concealed within the next second. In that short time frame, no one managed to find out, except for Qin Zheng for he had a keen sense of killing intent.     

Master Tang looked at Qin Zheng. "You finally greet me again after such a long time, Brat?"     

The people all shuddered. If Master Tang was angry, they would be done for. Internally, they cursed Qin Zheng for his idiocy.     

"You can stop bowing. It's an eyesore."     


Upon raising their head, they were once again shocked by the sight in front of them.     


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