7 Path of the Lilies



0"The question would be would you dare to bet with me?"     

"Why not? State your terms!"     

Beside Wei Cheng, Wei Yin frowned and stepped forward. Her cool expression didn't change except for the hint of displeasure in her small frown. "Brother, I think it'll be unwise of you to accept a bet without knowing the content."     

"Wei Yin, you better step back and don't meddle in my business," Wei Cheng warned his younger sister.     

"If you make another blunder like before, Father won't forgive you. Consider your option first, Brother," Wei Yin didn't step back as she reminded once again. Her eyes were showing a dangerous glint as she stared back at her brother.     

Despite being the younger sister, Wei Yin has caught up to Wei Cheng's progress. Not only that, her overall power was much better than Wei Cheng, to the point that she was capable of beating him.     

"Hey, if you want to have sibling fights, just do it at home," Lu Wan interrupted. He looked at Wei Yin with annoyance as he didn't want her to disrupt his plan. He never heard that Wei Yin was someone who would meddle in other people's business, but he knew that this girl was far smarter and knew how to behave. As the one with the highest power in the current younger generation in the Wei Family, she has the highest influence.     

"Stand back, Wei Yin. This is my personal problem."     

Wei Yin looked at her brother for a moment before stepped back. In any case, they were only half-sibling because they have different mother. "If that's what you wish, Brother."     

"I'm just making a bet for our training," Lu Wan grinned. "We're going to hunt monsters, right? Why not betting on who will hunt the most monsters?"     

"Training hunt, huh?" Wei Cheng rubbed his palm together. He had been planning on training with the imperial family, so he knew that this would be beneficial to him. Since Lu Wan delivered himself for this, why shouldn't he take it?     

"Are you afraid?"     

"Not at all, I'm just worried that you're the one who wouldn't dare to bet," Wei Cheng smiled. Now, he felt delighted that he had made the arrangement.     

Lu Wan arched his eyebrows. "We're going to bet with gold coins. I hope you're not lacking in money, Young Master Wei Cheng."     

He purposely stressed the word 'young master' to make sure that Wei Cheng was aware of his position in Wei Family. Unlike Lu Wan who rarely used the money he had, Wei Cheng often bought medicine or anything else to aid in his training.     

Wei Cheng furrowed his brows. He only has several golds left and making a bet above his allowance would be impossible. Not that he considered himself would lose, but it would be better to be prepared.     

"5 gold coins," Wei Cheng stated the amount he currently had.     

On his side, Wei Yin's eyes faltered. She knew that her brother didn't have that much gold coin left. At most, Wei Cheng should only have around 2-3 gold coins. This brother of hers seemed like he didn't want to lose his face.     

Lu Wan blinked his eyes. His allowance per month was only 10 gold coins. Since Wei Family invested heavily in the military, he was sure that Wei Cheng's monthly allowance should be lower. To propose that much gold coin… did he not afraid he would make him poor?     

"Do you have that much money?" Lu Wan asked dubiously.     

Wei Cheng's face darkened. "Of course, I have!"     

After the practice hunt, he would get his monthly allowance of 7 gold coins. This way, he would have enough money for the bet. If he lost, he would have to reduce his spending, though.     

"Fine, 5 gold coins is it. I'll be waiting then," Lu Wan yawned and returned back to his seat in leisurely. He himself has more than 100 gold coins thanks to his never ending closed door training.     

Ye Jiao looked at Lu Wan and tilted her head. "Young Master, why don't you ask for more money?"     

"There's a high chance that I'm going to lose," Lu Wan replied. "He should be teaming up with the imperial family and their second prince is Eon Energy Master rank 2.��     

"Is he still in the range?"     

"Yeah. He's just a year older than me, so he should be 14 years old."     

14 years old Eon Energy Master rank 2. It seemed that Ye Jiao could understand where the confidence of the imperial family came from. This age alone was enough to put that young man in the list of geniuses.     

Even Wei Cheng seemed lackluster as that man was already 15 years old.     

"They always use the help of herbs to advance faster in their rank," Mu Xin shared her knowledge. "As you know, Eon Energy is the basic energy in this world and herbs always contain several degree of Eon Energy inside. By mixing them and taking a bath using them, your body can naturally absorb Eon Energy to grow stronger."     

Both Lu Wan and Ye Jiao looked at Mu Xin in astonishment.     

"I never know that herbs can be used this way."     

"If only I know about it before, I'll just buy herbs," Lu Wan clicked his tongue. He had too much money for his own good and the poisonous herbs he wanted couldn't be found in the normal market. He had to go through illegal means if he wanted to procure some of the rarer ones.     

Mu Xin shook her head. "Even if you have herbs, you need to know the recipe or you might accidentally poison yourself."     

Ye Jiao sneaked a glance at her senior brother as she knew that this man would rather be poisoned rather than making less effective medicine bath.     

"Do you know any?"     

"Unfortunately, my family didn't know any. Wei Family and Imperial Family should have a recipe on their own."     

Lu Wan clicked his tongue. "I'm not surprised."     

"Lu Wan."     

"What is it?"     

"I want to talk to you about Ye Jiao's participation in the training and hunt next year."     

Lu Wan frowned. "I believe it's not your business whether she participates in the hunt or not, right?"     

"I'm worried for her safety, so I want you to add me into your group," Mu Xin replied.     

"Not a chance."     

"Why not?"     

For a moment, Ye Jiao could feel a cold aura emanating from Mu Xin's body. She could sense that the two of them might blow this up if they didn't reach an agreement soon.     

"I don't want to team up with you. I plan on teaming up with people from different kingdom during the hunt," Lu Wan explained bluntly. "You might be quite good, but I don't have any intention to team up with anyone from Chen Kingdom."     

Mu Xin frowned. Teaming up with people from other kingdoms was the true purpose of the hunt. Since their capabilities differ, they would try to find people who could work better with them. At times, they also could try to team up with people from different kingdoms to find the style that suited them the most.     

After all, they were still in their growing up period.     

"If I can't team up with you during the hunt, how about during practice? You're not planning on going in alone, right?"     

Truthfully, Lu Wan would prefer to be alone as he didn't have any problem to deal with rank 1 beast. However, he didn't really want to catch the teacher's attention while Ye Jiao wouldn't be able to fight because they would be monitored during their time in the forest.     

"Fine, but I'm the leader."     


"Now, don't bother me," Lu Wan took out his notebook and started to write numerous scribbles while Ye Jiao smiled.     

"It'll be nice to team up with you, Xin Jie."     


"Don't talk during lessons."     


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