Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 757 - Acquired Saint Child Plan

Chapter 757 - Acquired Saint Child Plan

0"You mean he has a strong control over his bloodline?"     

In a forest, Jameson was quietly cleaning a horse's body. When he heard Elena's voice behind him, he couldn't help but turn around with some interest.     


Elena nodded respectfully and said, "He is more outstanding than you expected, Elder. He performed very well throughout the hunting process.     

"I am sure the power in the Graveyard of the Gods did not affect him too much.     

"His will is the best I have ever seen. It is enough to fulfill the task that you have given him."     

"Is that so?"     

Jameson smiled and fell into deep thought. The reason why he valued Chen Heng so much was mainly because of his control over his bloodline.     

In this world, bloodline determined everything, but control over one's bloodline was even more important.     

Those who had weak willpower and could not control their bloodline, even if they obtained a powerful bloodline, would eventually lose themselves in the bloodline's power and eventually become a monster controlled by the bloodline.     

It would be worthless even if such a person were powerful. The person had no future to speak of.     

On the contrary, if one's willpower was strong enough to withstand the effects of the bloodline on one's consciousness, then even if one's bloodline was weak at the start, it might not be impossible for one's bloodline to evolve later on.     

This world had been researching and experimenting on bloodlines for many years. Many attempts had been made a long time ago.     

Ordinary powers might not be able to complete the experiment on bloodline transplants. Still, as one of the most powerful powers in this world, the King's Council naturally could do so. Not only did they have the ability, but they could also even go a step further.     

Theoretically, even if a person's talent level was low, as long as they were willing to invest resources, the King's Council had the confidence to nurture him to the same level as a royal bloodline.     

It was just that the cost of such an experiment was very high, and the failure rate was also very high.     

If the willpower of the bloodline transplant recipient were not enough to control the effects of the bloodline transplant, it would cause a bloodline backlash, directly leading to the failure of the experiment.     

This was the most important point that troubled the success of the experiment.     

Before this, Jameson had given Chen Heng a few royal corpses. They were worked after the failure of the bloodline experiment. Compared to those who failed, the strong willpower that Chen Heng displayed at this moment was the most eye-catching.     

From the beginning, Jameson was keenly aware of the special design of Chen Heng, so he wanted to keep him on his team. And in the subsequent attempts, Chen Heng's performance also proved this point.     

He was a person with unlimited potential and strong will. Not to mention that he also had the bloodline of the Sun God.     

A bloodline transplant could not happen without anything. To carry out transplants on a certain bloodline, the bloodlines had to be as compatible as possible to ensure the best chance of success.     

A descendant of the Violet Royal Family would have the highest success rate if transplanted with the bloodline of the same Violet Royal Family.     

If one had the bloodline of another royal family but wanted to have the bloodline of another royal family, then other things aside, the failure rate would be very high.     

Comparatively speaking, Chen Heng had the bloodline of the Sun Royal Family. This was a pretty good starting point. Even if the concentration wasn't high, it didn't matter. This was another point that Jameson valued Chen Heng.     

He firmly believed that as long as he was willing to invest resources, Chen Heng would be able to transform and become his trump card successfully.     

More importantly...     

Standing in place, Jameson washed the horse in front of him. On the other side, he was thinking about changes within the King's Council.     

In the past, the King's Council had always carried forward the spirit of its founders. They had always been lurking in the various kingdoms and never showing themselves.     

Even if someone had unintentionally come into contact with the King's Council, they wouldn't care too much if they noticed any traces of them. They would only treat them as a small organization of a kingdom.     

Many such organizations were in various places, and many were even the backbones of the King's Council.     

If one didn't truly join them and become one of the upper echelons of the King's Council, one wouldn't know just how huge the power of the King's Council was.     

However, such a huge and secretive organization had given up on its previous cautious style in recent years. Instead, it acted out of the norm.     

Whether it was attacking Princess Aimer of the Gilna Empire or contacting Prince Alan of the Violet Empire to attack Prince Aili, these were things that the various King's Council would never do in the past. There was a deeper reason why they would do it at this moment.     


While he was thinking, Jameson called out Elena's name. "Do you still remember that legend?"     

"That legend?"     

Elena was stunned and subconsciously raised her head.     

"It's the legend about the destruction of the world."     

Jameson's voice sounded in front of her. Without waiting for Elena to reply, he continued, "When the sun's orbit returns to the line of light, it will be the time gods were unsealed.     

"At that time, the world powers will be reshuffled once again. The old order will be destroyed and divided by the high and mighty gods.     

"The once silent gods will return and rule over everything in this world again."     

Jameson's hoarse voice echoed in the same place. Hearing this, Elena fell silent, as if she was thinking about something.     

Many people in the King's Council were clear about this legend. However, many people disdained it, thinking this prophecy was just the intimidation of a wandering poet without any basis.     

The gods had been silent for so many years. How could they return once and for all?     

Elena didn't say much about it and didn't care about the prophecy. But now Jameson was saying again, could it be...     

She had a bad feeling in her heart, and now, weighing the prophecy, she said to Jameson, "Elder, is this prophecy..."     

"Yes, it's true."     

Jameson nodded in front of her and confirmed Elena's words. "Because the other council members dug out this prophecy in the Graveyard of the Gods and me."     

"That is the tomb of a Saint Child. There is a very powerful force in it. It is even the remains of a god."     

Jameson stood where he was and fell into deep thought. It was as if he recalled the scene in the past, recalling that kind of shock.     

"That was a terrifying scene. In the mausoleum of the Saint Child, flesh and blood of the gods were enshrined on the altar. Until now, no one knows how many tens of thousands of years have passed, but they still exhibit vitals as if they are still alive.     

"And in that mausoleum, we found this prophecy."     

"So that's how it is."     

Elena's mood immediately became nervous. She immediately understood the value of this prophecy.      

If it were just what the wandering poet said, it would be worthless. Even if it was said by a prophet who could predict, it could still be wrong. After all, how could mortals predict the gods?     

But what if a Saint Child said it? The so-called Saint Child referred to the first generation offspring of the god and mortal, which meant the biological children of the gods.     

Such an existence was the ancestor of the various royal families. If the current royal families were to trace it back, it was possible to find the original Saint Child.     

As the biological son of a god, the Saint Child was born powerful and possessed terrifying strength.     

Although he was not as powerful as the first generation of the gods, the first generation of the Saint Child also possessed terrifying strength and was the strongest person below the gods.     

How could the prophecy made by such an existence be false? It must have a certain degree of credibility. Elena's mood immediately became heavy.     

This was natural. No matter who it was, if they knew that the world they were in was about to face the end, they would probably be anxious.     

According to this prophecy, it might not be the end of the world but just the shuffling of the existing order. This, however, will have the same impact. When the waves hit, the dust could not be avoided. The shuffling of the existing order might be a disaster for most people, and it was no different from the world's end.     

"After a long period of discussion and trial, the council finally decided to believe the content of this prophecy, which changed the style of the past."     

Standing in the same place, Jameson was still talking about the past. "For this, a new plan was made.     

"That is the Saint Child Plan."     

"The Saint Child Plan?"     

Elena was stunned and surprised.     

"The so-called Saint Child Plan uses the existing resources to prepare for creating an Acquired Saint Child."     

Jameson said, "The so-called Saint Child is the biological son of the first generation of the Heaven Gods, who has most of the bloodline.     

"In other words, as long as the bloodline of the Heaven Gods in the human body is strong enough, it may be able to reach the level of the Saint Child. It is not necessary to have the equivalent power of a Saint Child, but at least somewhat close to the level.     

"If that's the case, he can at least break through to the Monarch level and reach the level of Cathedral.     

"This is the Acquired Saint Child Plan."     

The Monarch level was the current limit of many royal families. Above that was the Cathedral level, equivalent to the Eighth Rank of the World of Gods.     

According to the King's Council plan, if the Acquired Saint Child plan was successful, these Acquired Saint Child might not be able to reach the level of the first generation Saint Child, but they would at least break through the limit of the Monarch level. There would still be hope for them to advance to the Cathedral level or even higher.     

If that were the case, the King's Council would have a trump card, giving them more confidence in the new era. At the same time, this was also the foundation of another grand plan.     

"So this is why the council captured the royal family during this time?"     

Elena seemed to have some reaction.     

"That's right."     

Jameson nodded. "With our bloodline transplant technology, even ordinary bloodlines have the chance to ascend to royal bloodlines.     

"But if we want people to transform into Acquired Saint Child, then ordinary experimental subjects are no longer enough.     

"Only the lineal bloodlines of the royal families of the various empires have this possibility."     

This involved a problem with the experiment subject's ceiling. There was a limit to the number of transplants of ordinary bloodlines, and the failure rate of transplants above that limit was too high.     

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