Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 711 - Strange Changes

Chapter 711 - Strange Changes

0"There are only about a hundred adult dragons on Dragon Island?"     

In the huge cave, Kalunu looked at Carl and asked again. In front of him, Carl had a fawning look on his face. He said carefully, "Yes, my great master."     

"Although Dragon Island has been silent for a long time, there are not many adult dragons on Dragon Island."     


Kalunu turned around and looked at Carl in front of him. He seemed to be a little puzzled. "As far as I know, it has been at least tens of thousands of years since the Dragon Island has been silent."     

"No matter how long the growth period of the Giant Dragons is, it should be enough for you to reproduce, right?"     

It had been at least tens of thousands of years since the Dragon Island had fallen into silence and fallen into this void space.     

After tens of thousands of years, no matter how weak the reproduction ability of the Giant Dragon Tribe was, they should have at least produced enough dragons, right?     

Before this, Kalunu did not have any doubts about the number of dragons on Dragon Island. He only thought that the nearly one thousand dragons on the Dragon Island were all adult dragons.     

However, from Carl's words, it turned out that there were only about a hundred or so adult dragons on Dragon Island. The rest were juvenile dragons. They only accounted for one-tenth of the adult dragons.     

No matter how one looked at it, there was something wrong with this number. Speaking of which, regarding the specific situation on the Dragon Island, the memory of the one named Vlad that Kalunu captured had more or less described it.     

However, because of the concealment of the divine power, some of the memories had already been destroyed by the divine power before Kalunu acquired them, so it was not detailed.     

Otherwise, Kalunu wouldn't have come here personally to gather information, much less go through so much trouble.     

Vlad must have known what Carl knew as well, and because he was the Dragon God's emissary, he would know even more details. However, there was no point in saying this now.     

Various thoughts flashed through Kalunu's mind, and he continued to ask.     

After learning from the experience of searching for the memories of the Dragon God, he didn't continue to do so this time. He didn't plan to search Carl's memories directly. Otherwise, the efficiency would be much higher.     

Unfortunately, from the previous situation, Carl's true spirit must also have the divine power of the Dragon God. If he forcefully obtained Carl's memories, he might not be able to obtain much.     

Moreover, this was the Dragon Island, which could be considered the base camp of the Giant Dragon Tribe.     

If he broke the divine power of the Dragon God here, God knows what would happen. Who knows, he might wake up the sleeping Dragon God and let him directly revive.     

If that happened, it would not be in accordance with Kaluu's preparations. It was because of the above considerations that he did not directly attack. Instead, he chose the traditional way and directly asked Carl in front of him.     

Fortunately, because of the pure and abnormal dragon aura on Kalunu's body, Carl seemed to have misunderstood.     

It was the same. Anyone could feel the abnormally thick dragon aura on Kaluu's body. However, the power of the Dragon God hidden in the depths of his body could only be felt by pure dragons.     

This was also the reason why Carl would kneel so quickly. Otherwise, with a dragon's pride, if it were any other enemy, even if they were strong enough, it would definitely not kneel so quickly. Instead, it would stubbornly resist for a while before kneeling again.     

Yes, the intelligent dragons couldn't resist until the end stubbornly. Dignity was precious, and the price of life was higher. This was their principle.     

The White Dragon Tribe had the least moral integrity among the Dragon Tribe, and Carl was even more so.     

"I wonder if sir has anything else to ask?"     

Standing in front of Kalunu, Karl's face was filled with a fawning expression as he said this.     

Before this, he maintained his tall dragon body, but later on, he felt that there was no sincerity in kneeling like this, so he simply turned into a Drakonid body and knelt there.     

This was indeed much more realistic and gave people a more comfortable feeling. After all, the body of a dragon gave people a strong sense of oppression.     

Kalunu raised his head and glanced at Carl. "Nothing else for now."     

For now? Then there was still something else. Carl's heart tightened, and he was already wailing in his heart. He knew in his heart that if what he had done was found out by other dragons, he would probably be finished.     

After all, no matter how he looked at it, what he had done just now could be considered a spy, and a big one at that!     

Even if an ordinary Drakonid were to be a guide, at most, they would only betray the other Drakonids.     

But he had directly exposed the entire Dragon Island's deployment and the location of the Dragon God. He could be considered the worst traitor. If there was a hierarchy in the world of spies, he would be the best, leading by far.     

However, Carl was not happy to receive such an honor. He even felt that he might be finished. He was very clear about the power of the Dragon God. It was definitely not something he could fight against.     

When the intruder in front of him was exposed, he would probably be pulled out sooner or later. At that time, he might even be skinned and pulled out.     

Thinking of this, Carl could not help but feel a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he would definitely still surrender!     

There was no other way. It was impossible to fight. He couldn't fight in this lifetime. The Dragon God's aura on the other party was so clear that how could an ordinary dragon like him resist.     

"I have to think of a way to make up for it..."     

He was a little anxious, and thoughts ran through his mind like crazy. He had never thought so fast in his life.     

"The number of dragons on the Dragon Island seemed to be fewer than expected."     

Kalunu suddenly said, as if he was curious, "Why is it like this?"     

"Because of the enemy."     

Carl subconsciously opened his mouth and explained to Kalunu, "Outside the Dragon Island, there are very powerful enemies. They have been fighting with us all these years, and many adult dragons have died."     


Kalunu had a strange expression as if he was puzzled, "What kind of enemies can fight with you Dragons?"     

He had witnessed the strength of these dragons. They were at least at the Fourth Rank as long as they were adults. Moreover, their skin was rough, and their flesh was thick. Some of them could even awaken the bloodline ability of their ancestors. Their strength was far stronger than those of the same rank.     

More importantly, these dragons had no moral integrity. Whenever they encountered anything, it was most likely a group of them fighting against one another.     

With this strength and moral integrity, what kind of enemy could give them so much pressure? Kalunu was curious, and many thoughts were circulating in his mind.     

From ancient times until now, the Giant Dragon Tribe had quite a number of enemies. There were basically at least one of them in every era. This was like a benchmark. In every era of the gods, there had been so-called life forms comparable to the Giant Dragon Tribe.     

For example, the Mountain Giants and the Tree Spirits were all comparable to the Giant Dragon Tribe. They were not inferior at all.     

However, the time has passed until now. These once-formidable races that were once said to be comparable to the Giant Dragon Tribe had all fallen. The Giant Dragon Tribe was still alive and well, quietly growing and waiting for the next race that could rival them to appear.     

In its long history, it was unknown which race was fighting with the Giant Dragons. Was it the family of a certain god, a mythical race once recorded in mythology, or something else?     

Kalunu was curious and waited for the answer. However, the final answer still surprised him.     


Kalunu was a little surprised. Listening to the answer beside his ear, he almost thought he had heard wrong. "Wasn't the abyss divided by the gods long ago?"     

Demons originated from the Abyss World. And the Abyss World had been divided by the gods during the battle when the gods fell back, temporarily separating it from the World of Gods.     

Logically speaking, even if the World of Gods had already recovered, the Abyss World shouldn't have invaded again so soon.     

"It's the crack in the Abyss."     

Carl lowered his head and unconsciously replied, telling him what he knew.     

"Around Dragon Island, there are crevices of the Abyss, located next to it.     

"Every once in a while, a large number of Demons will rush out from those crevices.     

"Because of the existence of these Demons, we have to keep fighting, and the number keeps decreasing."     

He explained the origin of the Abyssal Rift in detail.      

In the beginning, this place was a node where the gods sealed the Abyssal World. But after a long time, the node here was broken.     

Although the gods' seal still existed at that time, and the suppression of the World of Gods, the creatures that originated from the Abyssal World could not invade in large numbers. Still, they could also accommodate the existence of a small number of creatures.     

Through this passage, Demons would enter the World of Gods from another world every once in a while and come to the side of Dragon Island.     

To the dragons on Dragon Island, this situation was very disgusting. Every once in a while, the Demons would charge into Dragon Island to fight.     

In order to protect Dragon Island and prevent the place where the blood of the Dragon God was irrigated from being defiled by the Demons, the Dragons could only fight with all their might and engage in bloody battles with the Demons from the Abyssal World.     

This was also why there were still so few dragons on Dragon Island after such a long time.     

Because too many had died in the past battles.     

Those adult dragons had long fallen in the previous battles.     

On this Dragon Island, all adult dragons had to regularly go to the abyssal battlefield to engage in bloody battles with those Demons.     

In the end, the result was what Kalunu had seen. Many adult dragons had fallen, leaving only a large number of dragon whelps.     

"It seems that Dragon Island is also a dangerous place."     

Kalunu was deep in thought, and his eyes suddenly lit up. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Dragon Island was a good place. Not only was it suitable for the growth of dragon descendants, but there were also regular attacks from Demons.     

This was clearly a good training ground. Kalunu's eyes were very bright, making Carl a little afraid.     

For the Giant Dragon Tribe, which did not have a large population and had a difficult time reproducing, this place could be considered extremely dangerous.     

The population of the Giant Dragon Tribe was only so large. If one died, there would be one less. It was very difficult to replenish.     

But the Kobolds were different. The kobolds were resistant to death! As long as the effect could be achieved, no matter how many Kobolds died, it would be a piece of cake. It would not take long for them to recover.     

Carl's body moved. He subconsciously felt a little uneasy. He did not know why, but he felt that there was some danger in Kalunu's eyes. It made him a little afraid.     

"Is there a place where Demons gather around here?"     

In front of him, Kaluu suddenly raised his head, and his golden eyes looked at Carl just like that. This gaze scared Carl, so he could only nod subconsciously. "Yes."     

After a moment, the two set off again, and they arrived at a brand new place.     

In front of them was barren land. Unlike the other lands on Dragon Island, the land in front of them was full of chaos. Although there was life, it was not very beautiful.     

The life around them, whether animals or plants, all had a more or less violent feeling. At first glance, it made people feel very uneasy.     

"This is the place."     

A huge White Dragon descended from the sky. The draconic aura from its body spread in all directions, disturbing the life in this area and causing the wild beasts to flee in all directions.     

However, if one looked carefully, one could see a skinny figure on the body of the huge dragon.      

Kalunu's body was skinny. He wore a black robe, and his golden eyes were deep. There was no emotion in them. He looked like a god, and anyone who looked at him would feel that he was extraordinary.     

He stood with his hands behind his back and his face was calm. He stood on the White Dragon's back and looked forward.     

In his field of vision, the scenery around him suddenly changed. On the ground in front of him, all kinds of changes began to occur. A kind of hazy black gas emerged from all directions and appeared in front of Kalunu's eyes.     

This black gas was turbid and carried an inexplicable strange characteristic. It seemed to be able to mesmerize people and produce some kind of indescribable change.     

There was no need to delve too much into it. Just by looking at the black gas, Kalunu could understand that if this black gas was contaminated for a long time, it would most likely undergo a mutation. At that time, no one could say what it would become.     

"The Dragon Island has also been eroded to this state?"     

He couldn't help but ask as he looked at Carl beneath him.     

"Not in the beginning."     

Carl said in a muffled voice. It seemed that because of the change in his body size, even his voice had become much more majestic and powerful. He looked very imposing.     

"The Dragon Island was formed from the body of the Elder God. Initially, it was completely formed from the power of the Elder God."     

Carl's voice kept coming.     

"But later on, cracks kept appearing in the abyssal world, and the situation changed.     


"The Dragon Island kept entangling with the Abyssal Rifts, and over time, some changes occurred.     

"The area before us was created after a fallen dragon fell."     

He slowly said, "A fallen dragon fell, and then the land was polluted, turning into what it is now."     

After listening to Carl's explanation, Kalunu gradually understood the changes in this region. Simply put, the Abyss World's influence caused many regions on Dragon Island to mutate.     

The region in front of him was like this, with some traces of the Abyss World.     

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